The Name Game

Frank's Mistake

Gerard stared at his friend in disbelief as he wailed on his brother. Not a split second later, he was conscious of what was going on and jumped on Franks back, pulling him to the ground.

"Get the hell off me Gerard!" He screeched, clawing at his arms.

"Stay away from Mikey!" He yelled back. While that was going on, Mikey sat holding his soon-to-be-bruised face, looking at Alicia in shock.

"Alicia.." He breathed out. A tear escaped her eye as she slowly backed away from him. "It's not like that. It was only that one time. Sh-she advanced on me first!" He stumbled over his words, not helping the situation at all. She just placed a hand over her mouth to muffle her sobs, and ran out the front door. He got up to run after her put was pushed back on the couch by Eliza. He looked at her with the most hatred he could muster up.

"You're a sick fuck." She sighed, shaking her head.

"She wasn't my sex toy.." He growled.

"Really? Just because she was with Frank doesn't mean she didn't go back to old habits. I know my sister better then anyone else."

"Ow! What the hell!" Gerard shrieked from the floor. Everyone turned to see Frank sinking his teeth in his arm. Frank quickly stood back up and swung blindly toward Mikey. He missed, hitting Eliza right in her chest, sending her falling backwards, and out of breath. Gerard looked as though he could kill him. "You hit my girlfriend?" Franks eyes were the size of softballs.

"No .. no i didn't mean to. She got in the way!" He began to back away slowly.

"First Mikey .. now Eliza?" He sounded crazed.

"Gerard, leave him alone. F-frank. I'm so sorry." Isabella said shakily. He turned to her in disgust.

"My friend? How the hell could you do that to me? You sick bitc--" Before he could finish his sentence, he felt Gerard's fist come in contact with the side of his face. A trail of spit and blood began to run down his chin. Frank lunged at him with no mercy, swinging both fists wildly.

"Stop it! Both of you!" Isabella screamed, trying to stop them. Suddenly, in all of Franks rage, he turned around and hit her hard in the stomach so she would get off of them. She fell back to the floor with a thud. Instantly the room got deathly quiet. Her eyes began to water as she stared at her stomach. Frank sat, wide eyed in horror at what he had just done.

"Oh my God. Isabella. I'-I'm sorry.." He began to crawl over to her. She pushed him away and began to cry silently. He ignored it, and put his arms around her waist. She tried pushing him off of again, but failed. He rubbed his hands over her stomach as she cried into his shoulder, giving up on pushing him off.

"Damn Frank. First you beat up my brother, now you are trying to kill your kid. Maybe I should say Mikey's kid." Gerard spat coldly. Frank took in a deep breath, trying not to get back up and knock the shit out of him. He turned his attention back to Isabella. He pressed his lips to her cheek, then whispered in her ear.

"Even if its not mine .. I'll take care of it no matter what." He pulled away, and said aloud to everyone else, "We have to get her to the hospital and make sure it's ok." Despite the situation, everyone agreed and headed out to their cars, making their way to the hospital. Isabella didn't utter a word the entire way there.
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Sorry this took forever. I thought I had posted it, but apparently not. Hopefully the next chapter will come out soon. hope you like it. Tell me what you think. Cheers.