Status: Done :)

Deceitful Star

6/6 Part One

The night before the wedding was a wild party. All us girls made a pact of ‘what happens tonight, stays there’ or something like that. One thing was for sure, lots of drinking. When it was finally late, or early, enough we thought we should go home I called cabs for everyone. Being the youngest I took it upon myself to be the one to drink the least, plus my sister always had a way higher alcohol tolerance that I did and it isn’t that high.

We got back to the house and Cassy was leaning on me. I walked with her up the driveway and the struggled to get the key in the door.

“I looooove you Sydnee,” she giggled “but Claire knows how to throw a pardy…” she staggered and laughed again. Her words were slurred and overly happy. She staggered and I caught her.

“You better take a cold shower or something Cass, you need to be conscious tomorrow.”

“Oh I won’t be so bad. But, yeah, I think I’ll eat something… or something.” I finally got the door open and ushered her in, down the hall, and then into her room. She sat on the bed, stopped smiling and looked at me. “Sydnee?”

“Yeah?” I yawn and wait for her to finish.

“Can I sleep with you tonight?”

“What? Why?”

“I’m scared.” She gives me a nervous laugh and sways a little. “Tomorrow, I mean… its Soooooo BIG and Importante. I mean whadami gonnado?” her words slush together and she barely makes sense.

“No getting cold feet Cassy, you love Josh.”

“Yeah…I do.” She thinks and taps her chin. I wish I had a video camera. “But…like… I don’t know if I’m ready, you know?” she starts tearing up and I mentally curse alcohol.

“You just need to sleep Cassy, you’re going to be fine. You and Josh are great together.”

“Mmmm…” she puts her head on y shoulder. “I did a good job taking care of you right? Like I can take care of him, right?”

“Cassy you know I’m not good at emotional stuff.” She looks at me with her huge dark eyes. I sigh. “Yes Cassy you were wonderful at taking care of me and you’ll definitely take good care of Josh.”

“How do you know?”

“I can tell.” She smiles at me and it reminds me of her college days when she’d ask me to drive her home in the summers. Then she would start acting all dramatic and poetic which I’m lucky I haven’t had a run in with yet.

“Me too.” She looks at me.

“Then why are you asking me?”

“How about you?” she answers my question with a question.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean you’ve found someone great and…” she laughs and opens her arms wide as if to show off something “It’s all because of meeeeeee!”


“In the desert of hate there shall grow a rose…”

“What the hell?” I look at her for further explanation but she had slumped on my shoulder asleep. It wasn’t long before she fell onto her bed. “You are so drunk.” I say more to myself than her. I tuck her in and leave water and aspirin by her night stand. She was going to need it.

The next morning Ruth woke me up to feed Cassy and me. Cassy was somehow up before I was and I found her at the kitchen table.

“Does it hurt?” I watched her sit there rubbing her head with her fingertips.

“Like hell, can you get me another aspirin? I only took one.” I grabbed the bottle and Ruth laughed at her.

“You remind me of what happened on my wedding day, don’t worry it’ll clear up soon with all the action/ Hair and makeup girls are on their way along with the bridesmaids.” Almost as soon as she’d finished saying it the doorbell began to ring. I was pulled away to be poked and prodded while Cassy was specially worked on. Everyone was fussing over her and her hair or dress or makeup. Around three hours later when everyone was beautified a knock on the door told us we had 30 minutes.

“Cassy, you’re beautiful.” I stared at the supermodel gorgeous girl in front of me.

“Thank you Sydnee.” She smiled at her reflection “Help me get dressed?”

“Of course, I’m your maid.” I couldn’t help tearing up a little bit. Ruth came to help us carefully take the dress out and put her in it. The photographer came and took some pictures of the action around the house. Then we went outside for the girls wedding photo and a picture of just me and Cassy. Her hair was pulled up out of her face in almost a half up while my own dark hair was just tons of strands of lose curls. The pictures turned out great and I actually took nice ones, Cassy was always the photogenic one in the family. “Ready?” I whisper to her as I help her pick up her dress and place her veil to walk to the clearing behind the trees where we’ll get lined up.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” She squeezes my hand and we walk together. John and Ruth find us in the crowd of green and black. Ruth is holding a tiny silver wrapped box with a white ribbon.

“Oh Cassandra!” she tears up a little at seeing my sister even though she’s been with us all morning. Ruth holds the box out to her but its John that speaks.

“As we have no daughters ourselves to pass this onto, we think it’s only right to five this to you.” His southern drawl is worse than Ruth’s but I can tell even he is a little emotional. Cassy slowly takes the box and looks at it.

“Open it dear.” Ruth smiles and touches her hand. Inside is, what else, but an old blue necklace. Ruth takes it and puts it on her. “Now you’re complete my dear.”

“Not quite!” I exclaim and pull off my own silver charm bracelet left to me by my mother. “You were missing something borrowed.” I put it on her wrist and she looks like she’s going t cry.


“No, no… sister’s duty. No crying before the ceremony either.” I try to hide my own tears and Cassy looks at Ruth and John.

“Thank you. I can only wish that my parents would have been like you.”

“Consider us your parents in…” John looks at his watch, “five minutes. Ruth you better go sit down and Sydnee, do something.”

“Oh crap!” I leave to get everyone in order and find the hardest thing is to get the flower girls to stay in line. I have everything and one lined up when I realize I’m missing someone. I turn and find James talking to Cassy. “Hey.”

“Hey, yourself.” He smiles at me and looks at her. “Well, seems like it would be time for you to become a part of this crazy family.” She nods and I can tell she’s nervous.

“Shut the fuck up you cocky bastard.” I whisper in his ear and he turns to look at me.

“Now, now Sydnee, there are fucking children around.” He whispers back

“I would hope not, Mr. Hypocrite.” He smirks and I turn him around. “Gosh she’s beautiful.”

“Eh… I’ve seen better.” I look at him staring at me.

“You better not mean me.” I say, but inside I’m smiling.

“What would make you think that?” he’s laughing but the music starts so everyone suddenly becomes serious but smiley. One by one couples go with the music. Soon it’s our turn. We walk down the aisle. The wedding day is sunny and clear, a good sign or something like that. The chairs are filled with people and Ruth’s decorating is stunning. We separate and go to our sides smiling like we’re supposed too. Josh is brilliant but also nervous as hell.

The ceremony goes perfectly. Everyone knows what to do and at the right time. Cassy and Josh’s vows brings everyone to tears like any wedding. When Josh kisses her and makes her his wife James and I look at each other before starting to whistle. We are also the culprits with the rice.

“Sydnee!!” I hear her yelling again and I run to her after the crowd has cleared a bit. The photographer is setting up.

“My big sister is married!” I squeal and hug her. “Congratulations Cassandra!”

“Hey little sister!” I turn and hug Josh. “I always wanted a little sister.”

“I always wanted an older brother.”

“Well you got the best one out there.” James smirks and hugs Josh. “Also seems you got a great lady to go with you.”

“The best.” Josh smiles and kisses Cassy again. I hear a click and look at the photographer.

“Natural pictures are the best.” He shrugs. “It was a good one if that helps.”

Around 3 hours later, James and I meet up in the already reception ready ‘barn’ to set up for our video montage which had finally been perfected. Soon people begin arriving and taking their chairs. John is the main emcee with a few nice inputs from Ruth and even James will be handed the mic at a certain point if all goes to plan. I watch as people find their chairs and soon have to help Claire move presents into the storage closet.

“Sydnee, shouldn’t we line up with the party outside?” I turn away from my conversation with Josh’s Aunt Betty.

“Oh, yeah… I’ll be there in a second.” I smile at him and look at Aunt Betty. “I’m sorry, can I catch you later?”

“Sure.” She smiles, and I let James lead me out of the barn to the back. Claire has gotten everyone in lines already.

“Thanks Claire.” I smile and finish the lines. Cassy and Josh show up with Josh carrying her. They’ve spent the last few hours taking pictures out on the ranch. “Hey!”

“Hey you!” we all hug again.

“Ready for the party of your lives?” James says from behind me.

“Fuck yeah!” Josh says and Cassy hits him lightly in the stomach. I turn to look at James and mimic Cassy.

“Ouch.” He teases. “That hurt.”

“You deserve it.” I laugh and fix his tie. I hear John from the inside of the barn announcing things about the wedding. The people inside are clapping and laughing. Then he announces the kids, the flower girls and the ring bearer. Soon the other bridesmaids and groomsmen leave until it’s only James, Cassy, Josh, and I. Then I hear my name and James’. He puts out his arm and I take it. We skip inside and smile, truly smile. Then the reception explodes as John introduces Mr. and Mrs. Josh Smith. I clap and James does as well behind me. We all arrange ourselves at the wedding party table. I sit by my sister and James by Josh. After a few other things and some food it’s time for our video montage.

“Well it’s time for a little surprise from the Maid of Honor, Cassandra’s sister Sydnee, and the best man, a close family friend of ours James Neal. And no, he will not be signing autographs.” John announces us and everyone laughs.

“Well, who can follow that one? Legendary John, always humorous.” Everyone chuckles at this. “Well this isn’t about you John, this is about my best friend, Josh. Today he became one of those lucky guys who found their perfect other half. He found his in Cassy, and helping me present our little project is Sydnee, Cassy’s sister and the beautiful maid of honor.” Everyone claps and I have to wait before I can speak.

“I don’t know about beautiful, but yes, I am Cassandra Cashner Smith’s sister.” I put special emphasis on Smith. “I also don’t think I could’ve picked a better guy for her to be with either and I’m proud to call him my brother. James and I, we’ve worked long hours on this video thing. In the process though, we learned more about our friend or sister than we did before. I don’t want to speak for him but for me, this was honestly a life changing thing. Cassy, all your life you’ve been teaching me and trying to get me to grow up right, and now I think I realized just how much that meant. So as a tribute to you, and your new beautiful groom, here is our video.” There is applause and the lights dim. Our background music starts.

“Joshua Smith was born February 8th , in the beautiful city of Dallas, to Ruth and John Smith. He was a little bundle of joy, or so I’ve heard, and definitely the best only child someone could hope for.” James begins as Josh’s baby picture shows up.

“Only around 1 year and 3 months later and 5,000 miles away, Cassandra Carter Cashner was born. She was a happy kid who always wanted to be in control.” Cassy’s baby picture makes everyone ‘Awww...’ and James laughs.

“I remember meeting Josh at a summer camp once. We were stuck in the same cabin for weeks and had to share the duty of cleaning that cabin, which sucked, but the bond that formed between us was worthwhile. I think his most frequently asked question to me was, ‘Dude, is she looking at me?’ to which I’d answer, ‘Nah, she’s looking at me dude.” He pauses while people laugh. “I was there when he met Cassandra and he asked me that same question. I’ve received countless phone calls from Josh after dumpings and rejections, so I wasn’t looking forward to another one, but then I look over my shoulder. Then I look at him and go ‘Uh HELL yeah she’s looking at you!’” James looks at Josh and winks at him. “You can thank me later dude.” The picture of two Boy Scout boys disappears and shows me with Cassy.

“As much as I’d like to forget it, I remember the boys who took my sister from me. Happily she never was serious with any of them. After a while she’d throw them out like yesterday’s garbage. Then I’m sitting on my bed doing my biology homework and I get a phone call. She tells me she’s met the most amazing guy and she really, really likes him. I just encourage her, as I’ve done before but when I get no calls or texts about her guilt, I start to realize: this one’s real.” The picture show goes on and our script gets longer and funnier. Finally it comes to the ending pictures, one of Josh and James recently and one of Cassy and I.

“Josh,” James turns to look at him “ you’ve been there for me countless times. I know you’re just a call or text away. Despite just mortally embarrassing you, I love you man. You taught me family should come first and that true love is worth the wait, and tears. Cassy, you are an amazing girl. You have the best guy in the world next to you and he’d throw himself off a cliff for you, in fact he did. Remember when you dared him to bungee jump? Yeah, not pretty.” Both the bride and groom are red from laughter or embarrassment from our video. “Also, this experience was amazing and I’d like to thank you both for letting me be a part of this. Thank you.” He turns to me and I feel my heartbeat accelerate.

“Cassy,” I feel the tears already when I look at her. She’s red and smiling with Josh holding her. “you’ve taught me all that I know. You taught me that people aren’t just going to leave all the time. I’m blessed to have you as an older sister, I really am. Josh you better take care of her and normally I’d threaten you, but I know you will. Cassy I think, because of what you’ve done for me, I’m ready to grow up now. In just these few weeks you’ve completely changed me, both of you,” I turn to James, “even you, you snot.” James fakes a hurt look and people laugh.

“Right back at you Syd.”

“So thanks, Cassy, Josh, and James. I feel, honored I guess, that I got to be a maid in your wedding.” By now I’m crying and so is my sister. Josh rubs her shoulder and James puts his arm around mine. The video ends and we give the microphones to John.

He announces the couple’s first dance and we sit down. Josh leads Cassy out to the floor and they smile at each other. Flashes flash and in this one moment everything as it should be. Cassy and I finally found a family that accepts us. James has taken Cassy’s chair and smiles next to me. Under the table he’s holding my hand and then he whispers in my ear, “Our turn next.” Then it is. John announces the wedding party only dance. Then we’re on the floor. The opening notes are beautiful and James holds me close. As the song plays he spins me and makes me laugh. Claire and her partner are not close to as good as us and even though it shouldn’t, that makes me smile. As always, all good things come to an end and the song ends with almost the same melody as it started.

Everyone claps and we return to our seats so that the bride and groom can dance with their parents. Soon enough it’s realized Cassy has no father and James jumps up. He twirls her and dances with her. Josh and Ruth are smiling, not only at each other but at Cassy. When that’s over its free reign.

“Syd…” James comes to get me.

“Nooo…” I protest.

“Come on!” he laughs and pulls on my hands. I relent and go with him. “ Did you notice people can’t stop looking at you?”

“No they’re all looking at Cassy.” I point out. “You know, the one in the white? I happen to be in green.”

“I know my tie happens to be in the same color.” He smirks. “Nah they’re looking at you.”

“ Why do you think that?” I look into his smiling gray eyes.

“Because your sister is now a married woman, there’s no chance of getting her. You are open.” He looks back at me. “ and you’re very pretty.”

“Just pretty? Michael, Josh’s colleague and many others called me beautiful.” I pretend to be upset but he makes a face and I laugh.

“They don’t know beauty then.”

“Oh and you do, you cocky bastard?”


“Ok what is it?”he spins me around and then I’m back with him.

“Well that depends, beauty can be anything. It can be scenery, art, but in this case with a girl named Sydnee, beauty is her in the morning.”

“What?” I ask confused.

“You’re pretty now, very pretty, but you were beautiful when I found you in my room in the morning. No makeup, just you. And I like you.” He looks at me. No cocky smile, just James. I feel my cheeks go red and I look away.

“How long have you practiced that speech?”

“Hmm, I think since this morning. Did it work?”

“Unfortunatly.” I give in.

“Fortunate for me.” I laugh as he shoots me that cocky smile I’ve grown to love. The song ends and Josh grabs me.

“Let me dance with my little sister you Sydnee Hog.” He pushes James playfully. He laughs and then lets me go.

“If I must.” I dance with Josh but when I can I look for James. I watch him sit down and watch us. Then I’m turned so I can’t see him. I finish all the needed polite dance conversation and when I spin again all I see is James walking out the barn door.