Riddle Me This


The next morning Auden woke up early. She'd never been one to sleep in; her dreams forced her eyes open at the crack of dawn regularly. Quietly she inched out of bed, hoping not to disturb the sleeping blond.

Auden walked the length of the hallway to the room that had been reserved for her since she was ten. It was a smaller room than Draco's, almost less than half truthfully. The room was painted a faint lime green color and had three large windows that surrounded a window seat dead center on the farthest wall from the door. Her bed was propped on the eastern wall (the one directly left of the windowed wall.) Her bed was a queen with a simple black and white comforter. The comforter was white with the silhouette of flowers all over it. Her pillows were of the skyline of Paris, a simple reminder of the place she loved dearly. At the foot of her bed resided an extremely old leather trunk, worn from obvious love of the object. Lining the walls that flanked her window seat were floor to ceiling bookcases. Upon them were the countless texts she'd needed for past years, classic books from the wizarding realm, and books she'd picked up from the muggle world. An indulgence she'd never let anyone know of; she knew muggle…anything, was strictly forbidden. On her western wall was a single door that connected her room to both her large bathroom and her walk-in closet. Surrounding the door was all sorts of artwork that the girl had collected; she had up posters of her favorite bands, a poster of the Irish quidditch team (One Lucious had kindly bought for her at the World Cup.), blown up pictures from the classic Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and countless of pictures of her and her friends. Among the collage was her mother, the Malfoy's, her friends from Beauxbatons, Vincent, Gregory and many more. All of this sat on a dingy, worn wood floor.

To say she loved the room was putting it mildly; she positively adored it. Stepping in she made her way towards the door that led to her closet. The room was virtually empty seen as all of her clothes were residing in her closet back in France. However, the room did provide a small fireplace reserved for her travels by floo powder. Grabbing a handful of the powder she threw it at the base of the fire and stepped into the green flames. She spoke the address clearly and off she went.

Minutes later she gracefully stepped from the fireplace on the other end. "Auden, I was afraid you'd died!" Madeline cried throwing her arms around her. Auden chuckled at her friends outburst but shrugged her off quickly.

"Honestly Madeline, you're so over the top dramatic; I told you I was leaving." She'd begun walking around the room shoving her belongings into her trunk.

"I didn't know you'd be gone all night." The black haired girl huffed in her own defense.

Auden paused for a moment to look at her friend, she supposed she couldn't take it out on her. They loved each other got through countless hard times by each other's side; she was simply worried and Auden knew that her father was in fact back terrified Madeline more than she'd ever let on. "I know, I'm sorry. But I'm safe." She said earnestly.

"And you're leaving." Madeline added pointedly.

"Well I must spend some time with the Malfoys. They do pay for everything I do and own…"

"Yes, but you won't be at school this year. You can see them whenever you please now. I don't even know the next time I'll see you."

Auden cringed slightly, not only did she hate the whining, but she truly did hate to leave her best friend like this. "It'll be soon I promise, and until then we can write to one another." Finished shoving everything into the magically enlarged trunk, Auden stood up and strode over to where Madeline sat on her bed, the two quickly embraced into a hug.

Without another word to her friend, knowing one of them would start crying, Auden picked up her trunk and scurried into the green flames once again. She muttered 'Malfoy Manner' and was sent straight to the place she'd left only twenty minutes ago. She sighed in content of the familiarity of the room.

Pulling her trunk out of the fireplace she began unpacking its contents in the many shelfs, drawers and racks. She knew she could have one of the house elves do this for her but she cherished the distraction. Since she'd heard of her fathers orders for Draco she'd been nervous. She knew it meant much more than the simple defeat of Dumbledore; it was Voldemort's way of testing the boy. She knew she'd have to help him.

After sorting through her clothes, and spending an immense time ignoring the task at hand, she picked out her clothes for the summer's day and headed for her bathroom. Inside she was met with the black slate walled room. With a light flick of her finger the overhead chandelier instantly lit up. Setting her clothes down on the marble counter she turned her back to the mirrored wall and rounded a corner made entirely of large, dark river rock. Her shower, just as she designed it looked as if she'd stepped outside. the floor consisted of natural river pebbles and the shower head flowed out of the top rocks. Her outstretched hand turned the knobs, telling the shower exactly how hot she wanted the water to be.

Under the steady stream of heat she forced herself to think of the ways in which Draco was going to complete his task. Her mind raced faster than she thought possible hoping she'd think of something. Though he knew he'd be stubborn at first and refuse to listen to her. She thought of poisoned laced drinks and cursed objects. Both seemed fairly simple, though very boring.

Sighing, she gave up and left the shower. Drying herself thoroughly she left the towel to dry and wrapped her fluffy white robe around her body. Walking towards the sink she reached out for the toothbrush and toothpaste she knew resided somewhere close. Brushing her teeth she examined her face, looking for any sort of pimple that would bother her throughout the day.

With her teeth cleaned and her face spotless the girl pulled on the a pair of shorts, not short shorts, she found these (and those that wore them) quite tacky. After that she grabbed a simple flowing, cream colored tank top that had small spots covering it. With the help of at least fifteen bobbypins she managed to get her hair up in a way she liked it. It was messy but not enough to look bad. back at her armoire she pulled out her emerald ring her father had gotten for her, a pair of diamond earring studs the Malfoy's had given her, and a golden locket that had once belonged to her great grandmother. She pulled out a large pair of aviator sunglasses and slipped on moccasins before reaching down for her purse.

She was outside in the large open space lying on the grass. She found the place, in the sun, particularly good for thinking. Grabbing her iPod out of her bag, an item she'd gotten from Madeline's muggleborn boyfriend. Though she knew her family's feelings on the matter, she'd never had a problem with the boy; he acted as they all had and he was incredibly funny. Honestly, Draco wouldn't be able to tell he was a muggleborn. Placing an earbud in one ear she turned the music on and began reading Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, her favorite.

She'd already read through her book and had pulled out the next book in the series, Through the Looking Glass, when Draco arrived. He laid down next to her and stayed quite for a while, watching the morning sky. "You know, my mom's been looking everywhere for you."

Not looking up from her book, she responded. "Is that so?" He nodded and turned to look at her. "Well, you've found me." She said making him laugh.

"Yes and up here of all places." He commented sarcastically. She turned to look at him now glaring at him for a moment. "Are you thinking…? Or trying to avoid thinking?"

"A bit of both. I've been trying to figure out how you'll complete your task all morning. I fear that point blank killing Dumbledore would be extremely hard." The boy at her side nodded, he'd thought of this as well. "Then I was thinking maybe a cursed object or a poisoned drink. But then how do we give it too him without him being suspicious? A random object would need to be inspected, would it not?" He again nodded as she groaned frustratedly.

"Let's just focus on the vanishing cabinets, love." Draco suggested. "Those will be enough of a hassle, for one, and we do have all year to do it." She sighed and leaned into him, he was right. He smiled as he leaned in to kiss her. "Don't you feel odd having a tank top on? Anyone could see your mark."

"Nah, who would see it? Honestly, there's no one around. Besides I'm more comfy like this than if I were to be wearing…oh I don't know, a suit." She said giving the boy an accusing look.

He chuckled "Whatever you say." And the two remained quiet.