‹ Prequel: The New Assistant

His Savior

The List

The Doctor ran back into the TARDIS, and began to bustle about, thinking of what do to.

"Okay, think, think, think." he mumbled, running his fingers through his hair. "Think,thi--That's it!" he shouted, and ran over to the TARDIS' computer. "I'll complie a list of all my enemies that have time travel technology. Well, maybe they don't have time travel, but warp drive... I'll figure it out."

Soon enough, it was done, and he began.

"Okay, Daleks, never rule Daleks out. Sontarans, they might still be mad at her and/or me. Weeping Angels? Why them? They don't capture people! Lady Cassandra might want some revenge from the past.."

He continued to mumble to himself about it, then stopped in his tracks.

There was a warbling noise coming from the intercom. He took out his sonic screwdriver, and fixed the static-y warbling. The result was an automated sounding voice.

"The girl.....our ship......men." was all it said before it cut out.


Dear, Capture Diary,

Bob and I had a pretty good time today: We played Checkers, sang songs, and told jokes.

He's the nicest prison guard I've ever met, and he lets me have all these things, but no matter how much of a friend he is to me, I'm still alone, and missing Doc.

From, Mirna
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Okay, I know It's short, but that's how I gotta roll now, ya see?