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Young Love Is Such Dumb Love

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I rolled over in my bed and grabbed my phone off the night stand and answered the call still half asleep.
"Good morning sleepy head!" Jack's overly joyful voice came over the phone.
Jack, why are you calling me at..." I looked at the time and now I was mad. "Jack give me one damn good reason I shouldn't make you become a female for waking me up at 8 in the morning on a Sunday?!" I'm pretty sure I sounded deadly right now.
"Because, you and me are having a family day with Nacho! I'm taking you both out today!" He cheered into the phone. I smiled at the thought of spending the day with Jack, but then again I'm still mad I'm up at this time.
"You had to wake me up at 8 to tell me the plans for the day? You do realize that I'm going to kill you when I see you, right?" I said to him sitting up in bed.
"You have to catch me first. Now get your pretty little bum out of bed and get ready for the day." With that he hung up and I laid back down. Without even noticing I did, I fell right back asleep.

"NACHOOOOO!!!" I shot right up in bed and saw Jack standing over Nacho yelling his name. Then I remember what I had done last night. I became a murderer last night. "YOU KILLED NACHO! MURDERER! MURDERER!" Jack jumped up and down and pointed his finger at me while shouting. My door swung open and Patrick came running in.
"What's wrong? Is everyone ok?!" He looked at me to Jack's horror stricken face.
"Everything is okay, Pat. Don't worry." I told him.
"Everything is not okay! Call 911 this person right here is a baby killer!" Jack yelled hiding behind Pat.
"I am not a baby killer. I'm a fake baby killer. That thing woke me up when I was trying to sleep last night, so I threw it against the wall. I didn't know it would have killed Nacho. But man did I sleep like a baby last night." I smiled to myself about the amazing sleep I had.
"You slept like a baby, cause you just killed one!" Pat saw that this was a pointless argument and walked out of the room laughing to himself.
"Speaking of sleeping... YOU WOKE ME UP AT 8 AM! YOUR A DEAD MAN JACK BARAKAT!" I jumped out of bed and we both ran out of the room and down the stairs. Only I fell and crashed into Jack on my way down bringing him with me to the bottom. Once we got to the bottom I was sitting on Jack's legs and had him in a choke hold, then the front door opened and in walked Matt. He eyed us suspiciously but just ignored us and made his way to Patrick's study.
"SLEEP TAKE AWAY-ER!" I shouted back at Jack.
"Both of you shut up! Bells let go of Jack. Jack go... eat or something." Matt poked his head out of the study and yelled at us. We listened to him and I went off back to my room and got ready for the day with Jack and the dead Nacho.

Me and Jack drove all the way to Towson Town Center and let me tell you this, this Mall was huge! We got out of the car and put Nacho into the stroller and covered it so people wouldn't be able to see Nacho, and we headed into the mall.
"Jack, why did we come all this way to go to the mall?" I asked him as I followed him around the mall.
"Well, I originally didn't plan coming to this mall, but when I saw Nacho dead... Well we just need to be here okay. Now follow me." I was kind of confused as to how Nacho's death was the cause of us coming here, but I shut up and just followed him. We arrived at some electronic store and now I know why we came here. We are going to bring Nacho to life!
"JACK-O!" I saw some random asian guy with glasses and a lip piercing come walking towards us.
"STEVE-O!" Jack yelled back at him and they did their man hug thing.
"What can I do ya fro bro?" He asked him.
"My wife killed our kid." He stated plainly as if it's something normal that happens.
"Whoa, dude, I'm not good with hiding murders. Sorry man, but I can't help you out this time."
"I am not a murderer!" I yelled at him and Jack turned to me and gave me a weird look.
"Yes you are dear, now shush!" He turned back to the Steve guy and ignored me. "It's not a real baby, but the teacher who gave us the kid said to treat it as one. Well as you can see, she didn't." He pointed towards me and Steven looked at me and nodded at me. "Well, she threw it at the wall and broke the camera, recorder and sound machine thing that's in the kids head. Do you think you can fix it?"
"Let me see the kid." Steve said to Jack. I got the baby out of the stroller and handed it to him. He looked over the baby and smiled. "Dude, I can fix this in like 10 minutes. I have done this so many times before." Me and Jack smiled and I was so happy that we aren't going to fail. He took Nacho out of our care and went to go fix him. Me and Jack walked around the store just looking around until Steve came back with Nacho.

Nacho was ALIVE! All three of us were strolling around the mall just talking about anything and everything.
"Jack, everyone is staring at us." I wasn't one for liking attention from other people.
"Ignore them, it's probably because they think we are actual parents." I nodded my head and ignored the staring people. We walked by a book store and I remembered that I needed to go and pick up one thing. I told Jack to wait outside the store with Nacho and I ran in to get a book that Pat said would help me a lot in my future career.
"That will be $15.80 dear." The lady at the register said. I pulled out my wallet and gave the lady the money. "Here you go. Thank you and have a nice day."
"You have a nice day too, thank you." I told the lady and started to make my way out of the store. I noticed that Jack was talking to some blond girl who was obviously trying too hard. It kind of pissed me off annoyed me that she was basically throwing herself on him. Does she not see that he has a kid?! I walked out of the store and decided to have a little fun.

"Aww, Jack your child is so cute! I find it hot that you have a kid." My god was her voice annoying, and could her boobs be more out of her shirt? I can't believe I'm thinking this, but even Courtney isn't this bad.
"Hey baby, I'm back... Oh hi, you are?" I asked the whore. She looked me up and down and had a disgusted look on her face.
"I'm Trisha, who are you?" Her voice held jealousy to the max.
"I'm Isabelle, Jack's future wife and the mother of his child. Nice to meet you." I held my hand out for her to shake but she ignored the gesture. Jack then put his arm around my waist and pulled me close. Trisha didn't seem to like that much, because she stormed away.
"You have no idea how much I love you right now! The chick was like an Lisa and Courtney combined, just fifty times more annoying then them." Jack told me and we kept walking around some more.
"I'M HUNGRY!" I yelled out. Jack looked at me with that goofy grin and took my hand in his and lead me and Nacho to the food court. We ate, well I ate. Jack devoured his food in five minutes flat. That's pretty impressive seeing as he got a small pizza, large fries, chicken nuggets, and a chocolate shake. I'm surprised he's not throwing his guts up for eating all that so fast. We were both satisfied and decided to go to the movie store on the top floor at the end of the mall.

As we made our way there so many more people kept staring at us and it was making me uncomfortable and i think Jack noticed. He pulled me close to him and draped his arm over my shoulders.
"Don't worry about everyone who is looking. They are just jealous cause I'm with a beautiful girl." He whispered in my ear which sent chills go through my body and I felt my face going red. I smiled and looked up at him and saw him smiling right back at me. For some reason this all felt right and perfect. I didn't think that anything could ruin this day, but I was wrong. Two people could ruin this day. The two people I just hate the most.
"Oh. My. God! The freak and the outcast are together!" Me and Jack turned around to see none other than Courtney. Only she wasn't alone. She was hanging off that bastard Derrik. He looked me up and down, glaring at me.
"Fuck off Courtney, I don't need your bull shit today." Me and Jack turned around and started walking again.
"Don't talk to my girl like that Thompson!" Derrik shouted at me. Wow, he is so pathetic.
"You can fuck off too, you inconsiderate, psychotic, lowlife, bastard!" I shouted back at them without turning around. Jack looked shocked at my word choice but smiled at me anyway.
"What did you just call my boyfriend?!" Courtney ran up to me and yanked at my arm and forced me to turn around.
"You heard what I said, I didn't stutter at all. Now let go of me and piss off. I'll deal with you Monday or something." I yanked my arm out of her grip and tried walking away, but Derrik grabbed me next.
"No, I think you'll deal with us now, Angel."
"No, I don't think she will. Derrik, you heard what Alex said. I don't have a problem going through with it." He pushed Derrik away from me and I ran and hide behind Jack.
"Barakat, you shouldn't of done that. Now your a dead man." Derrik said and advanced towards Jack.
"You have been calling me a dead man since freshman year. Getting kind of old." Derrik then tried to punch Jack, but thankfully Jack moved and Derrik missed. Jack took the opportunity and punched Derrik right in the jaw. Everyone was surprised by this because Me, Courtney, Jack, and Zack had a shocked expression.... Wait, Zack? Why was he here?
"Now your really dead, Barakat." Derrik lunged himself at Jack but Zack got in the way. He punched Derrik right where Jack had and then again in the eye. Derrik fell to the ground holding his eye in pain. By now Courtney had run off and mall security had come.
"Remember what Matt said. Mess with Isabelle again, next time it will be me, Alex, and Matt." Zack said to him before security got Zack and dragged him away from Derrik.
"Okay kids, tell me what happened here." The mall cop asked.
"Well, the guy over there was harassing me and my two friends just saved me. The guy was manhandling me. We got it on tape if you don't believe us." I thought about Nacho who probably got this on tape... That won't look good for our grade. The mall cop took all of us for questioning and we answered them all truthfully. I found out that Zack came cause Jack had texted him to get to the mall, but he was already here. After the questioning we all left. Jack, Nacho, and me went to the car, said our 'Byes' to Zack and headed on our way home.

It was half way through the car ride that Jack decided to break the silence. We spoke softly so that we won't wake Nacho.
"Why does Derrik keep bothering you, and why did Matt warn him to stay away? Is there something that I should know about your past?" He looked at me from the passenger seat hoping for an answer. I debated in my head whether to tell him the truth or just make something up. I decided to tell him, but not right now, not with Nacho in the back.
"Wait until we get back to my house. I want to put Nacho in his crib so we don't have a repeat of last night." Jack nodded his head and looked back out the window again. The rest of the ride to my house was quiet, minus my cell phone getting raped with texts from I'm assuming Matt. Zack probably told him what had happened.

We finally got to my house and the sun was just going down. Pat and Jane were cuddling on the couch watching a movie when we walked in. We exchanged greetings and I told them that me and Jack were going upstairs for a bit. As I laid Nacho down in the guest bedroom Jack's mom had called him telling him to get home.
"Will you tell me the story on the way to my house?" Jacked asked me. I nodded and we made our way down the stairs and to the car.
"I'll tell you the story but do not interrupt me while I'm telling it. Okay?"
"Okay, but can I drive?"
"No, I like my life." We both got into the car, me driving and I started my story.
"Me and Derrik dated for two years when we both lived in New York. The last part of our relationship wasn't good at all. It was full of fights and a few beatings. My older brother didn't approve of Derrik at all and one night I found out why. Me and Derrik were at a Halloween party and he drugged me, took me to a room and did things to me. He also took pictures and recorded what he did to me. I woke up that morning not really remembering much but I put it all together. I went home and David, my brother, found out what had happened and he left that morning and I'm pretty sure he beat the crap out of Derrik. A month went on and Derrik was sending David pictures and videos of what he had done to me that night and each thing he sent always had a message attached to it. One day I went to Sarah's for the night and David was left home alone since our parents were on a business trip." We had arrived at Jack's house and I unlocked the doors and I exited the car in desperate need of air. Jack was soon in front of me waiting for me to finish the story. "Well, that night Derrik had sent David the whole video of what had happened the Halloween night and a message that said: ‘I took her innocence. She’s dirty and tainted now. Never again will she be pure and it’s all because you weren’t there to save her. What a good older brother you are.’ That night, on November 25th, David killed himself in the basement with the shot gun. I came home that next morning and found my older brother that I looked up too, dead. I called the police and they said it was suicide, but it was actually murder. Derrik pushed him so far that he killed himself. That's why Matt doesn't want him around me at all."

I finished telling Jack the story and it was silent. I looked up from the ground to Jack and he was about to speak but I stopped him. "Don't say sorry, please don't. I have heard that too much from people." Then I found myself against Jack's body and him hugging the life out of me. I hugged him back and I sadly started to cry. I have cried so much here than I have ever cried back at home in New York. We just stood outside his house embracing each other for a while.
"It's going to be okay Bells. I won't let him near you anymore. I'll protect you." Jack whispered into my ear.
"Thank you Jack, thank you so much." I said into his chest just loud enough for him to hear. He then let go of me and looked me in the eye.
"Bells, I lost someone too..."
"I know, Matt told me about Daniel after I told him what I just told you." We just stood there in silence for a while until his phone went off.
"I have to go Bells. I'll see you tomorrow morning." and with that he kissed my cheek and made his way into his house. I got into the car and went home. The rest of the night I just laid in bed thinking about David and all the good times I had with him. I took out his picture that I kept in a box under my bed labeled David, The best big brother ever. I placed it on my nightstand and fell asleep looking at him. I'm pretty sure I was crying too, but my face was numb, so I couldn't tell if I was crying or not.
♠ ♠ ♠

Another kinda sad update. I really didn't mean this to be a sad update it kind of just ended this way. Oh well, hope you enjoyed it. I didn't get my 5 comments, but I got 3 and 5 more subscribers, so I decided to update. Give me 3-5 more comments for the next update ♥

1. The chapter title means this: 'I'd like to let the whole truth roll out of this box'
2. I'm sick as all hell right now! Grr being sick!
3. I don't have a number three soo.... wait never mind yes I do: JAKE GYLLENHAAL IS HOT!

Hey this is really important! If anyone needs someone to talk to at all but your afraid to go to a friend or something, there is this site that you can submit your problem to anonymously and the person will help you. It's an amazing site and they have helped a lot of people. Check it out: Somebody Cares

I think David deserves to have a picture. So here he is:
This person is Walter Fontana. He is the lead singer in the Italian band called Lost. And I find him to be my 5th husband =)