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Young Love Is Such Dumb Love

Let's go, Don't wait, This night's almost over, Honest, Let's make this night last forever


FRIDAY!! It has been a whole week since I got that most amazing text from Jack. Since then, this whole week in school has been perfect! Derrik hasn't been in school at all and Courtney hasn't really been annoying me at all. Sure I still get the usual dirty looks and stuff but other than that she hasn't tried calling me out. So, this week has been pretty great. Right now I'm on my way to school with Danny. Everyone didn't come over in the morning, which I found a little strange since the whole group (minus Zack and Haleigh) are always here for breakfast. Anyway we finally got to school just as the bell rang. (I woke up late since no one came to sit on me.)

Danny and I ran into class just as the late bell rang. Mrs. Bird Face gave us the Don't- Be- Late- Again look. We took our seats and saw that everyone had a book on their desk.
"Uh.. Mrs, can I get a book?" I asked her.
"Well, if you and Miss Flyzik weren't late, you would have had one."
"Actually Birdie, we weren't late. We came in AS the late bell rang. Not after, but as." Danny said to her. Everyone laughed at the name Danny called the teacher. She gave us both a glare and then handed us a book.
"The rest of this month we will all be reading Hamlet. I will assign roles for each student." The teacher did just that. Jack got picked to speak the part of Horatio and Alex was to play Hamlet. I don't get why she gave Alex; Hamlet, maybe in hope that he won't act up in class. Anyway, me and Danny didn't get parts so we just sat back and listened.

The first act of the play was a little boring, but Jack made it interesting with his horrible fake British accent. We were now reading Scene II and this had Alex and Jack in it, along with this kid Brian, who was playing the Queen. When Brian's part came up the whole class was laughing. He made his voice super high pitched and put on a British accent too. Overall it was very funny. A few minutes later it was Alex and Jack's part.
"Did you not speak to it?" Alex said in a deep British accent.
"My lord, I did;
But answer made it none: yet once methought
It lifted up its head and did address
Itself to motion, like as it would speak;
But even then the morning cock................................... crew loud,
And at the sound it shrunk in haste away,
And vanish'd from our sight."
Jack said and the whole class was laughing at this. "So, wait. Does this mean that the ghost was hard but at the sight of Horatio the ghost's boner went away?" Jack asked the teacher earning more laughter from everyone.
"No! Jack you are done reading. We will begin Scene 3 tomorrow."
"Hey Mrs. Rankin! Do you know what's good for shoulder pain?" Alex asked her.
"If you lick my butt hole." Then the bell rang and we all went to our next class laughing at the little joke Alex just said.

Second hour was boring. Derrik was still not in school and this time Courtney wasn't either. The rest three classes were full of laughter caused by either Me and Jack or Me and Alex.

It was now lunch time and Alex had gone to get some more food when me and Rian took Alex's pudding. It is a well known fact, you DON'T take his pudding. After we were done eating it we placed it under the table just as he was walking back to the table. He sat down and looked around for his pudding. Me and Rian were trying to hold back our smiles and laughter but Alex noticed me smiling. Alex got up and walked over to me and Rian. I thought he was going to keep walking but nope, I was wrong. *SMACK*
"Damn it Isabelle! You know I really wanted that pudding!" Alex semi-yelled as he hit the back of my head... kinda had actually. I stood up and was face to face with Alex now.
"What the hell Gaskarth! I didn't take shit from you!" I yelled back at him. By now the cafeteria had gotten quiet and all eyes were on us.
"If it wasn't you then who was it?!" Alex yelled back as Rian, who was behind him, was motioning for me not to rat him out. He had also gotten out of his chair and was trying to sneakily get away. Like hell was he going to get away!
"Try Rian!" Alex spun around just as Rian broke into a run, but Alex was fast too and tackled him to the ground. Alex now had Rian in a headlock.
"Alex chill out! She ate. Some. Too." Rian choked out.
"Is that true Bells?" Alex let Rian go and turned towards me. Jack had gotten up and was standing behind me protectively.
"No! I wouldn't do.... Okay maybe a spoon full... or five." At that I ran behind Jack and hopped on his back. "RUN JACK! RUN!!" I yelled and Jack did just that. We left the cafe, leaving behind a mad Alex, an almost dead Rian, and an amused audience. Jack took me out to the parking lot to Danny's car.
"Let's just skip the rest of the day. I left Nacho at home again. I don't feel like having Mrs. M yell at us again." Jack nodded at my idea and we hopped into Danny's car (I stole her keys in gym class) and I drove to his house.

"MOM! I'M HOME!" Jack yelled as we got inside his house. His mother came into the doorway looking confused.
"Jack, dear, did you get kicked out of school for the rest of the day?" Mrs. Barakat asked.
"Not really. You see Izzy took Alex's pudding so Alex was getting ready to kill her. So me being the gentleman you raised me, saved her and brought her her." Jack said grinning like the cute idiot he is.
"Oh, okay." His mother pushed passed him and took me into a hug. "Hello dear how are you?"
"I'm fine now. How are you? Got any cupcakes you promised me a few days ago." I asked her. A few days ago she had promised me that she would make me cupcakes cause I got Jack to shut up.
"Yes I do actually." She lead me and Jack into the kitchen.

I stayed at Jack's for a few more hours, but my time there consisted of his mom telling me baby stories of Jack.
"Oh and this one time, Jack had brought one of his little toys into the bath with him to play with. So when I came in to wash him there was his toy. Looped around his penis and when I asked him what he was doing he yelled 'Look mommy! It's on my penis!' It was the cutest thing ever." I looked over at Jack and his face was red and he looked embarrassed as ever.
"Okay Mom. I think that's enough stories. I think it's time for Izzy to go home and get ready." Jack got out of his seat and forced me out of mine and to the front door. I said my 'Byes' to his mom and left the house. I got into Danny's car and drove home, dropping the car off in the Flyzik's driveway.

I got to my room and didn't know what to wear. Actually Jack never told me what to wear for our date tonight.
New Message
From: Jack Attack
Wear something nice, cause I know your freaking out about what to wear.

I did just what he told me to do. I picked out something nice and went to go shower. I pulled on the dress and then applied makeup. By now it was 4 o'clock. It had taken me a whole hour to get ready. The bell rang and I grabbed my purse and put my phone in it and then headed downstairs. I saw that Jack was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs and mad did he look good. He was black jeans, a nice white buttoned up shirt and a black pleather jacket over it. His hair was looked the same though but that's okay. He still looked really hot. When he looked at me his jaw almost hit the floor. I was wearing the cute black dress I picked out, the heels I wore to the New Year's party at Matt's. My hair was in curls now and I did my eye makeup just right that it brought out my bright green eyes even more.
"Wow. You look... You look amazing." Jack said when I reached the end step.
"You clean-up pretty good yourself." I said to him.
"Hot damn! My niece looks freaking hot! PAT COME HERE!" My Aunt Jane said to me as she called for Pat who soon appeared by her side a few seconds later.
"Wow, you look really nice tonight." He said to me.
"Nice?! Patrick she looks effing hot! Are you blind babe?" My Aunt yelled at him which caused me and Jack to laugh.
"Well I'm not going to say she looks hot. I'll feel like a pervert." Pat said in his defense.
"Me and Jack are going now. Thank you both for the compliments and thank you Pat for not being a perv like my Aunt here." Me and Jack turned to head out of the house.
"USE PROTECTION! GOD KNOWS I DON'T NEED A CHILD OF YOU TWO COMBINED!" My Aunt yelled after us. With that me and Jack laughed our way to his car.
"Jack, maybe I should drive." I told him.
"Why?" He looked shocked at my comment.
"I like my life right now."
"I'M NOT A BAD DRIVER! Well, not tonight at least. Just trust me Izzy Bean, I won't crash." With that he took my hand in his and set off to our destination.

Jack pulled into a fancy looking restaurant called Germano's Trattoria. I was pretty impressed right now. Jack drove really good and this place looks really nice and expensive. Jack turned off the car and got out. I was about to get out myself but Jack was already on my side opening the door for me. He held out his hand I took it in mine. He lead me into the restaurant and gave the guy at the front our names and he lead us to our table.
"Wow, Jack I must say I'm very impressed right now. I didn't think you had a romantic said to you." I said looking around the place.
"Yeah, well I guess I'm a hidden romantic. Don't let Alex know this though. He will be looking for me to take him out to fancy places instead of just Chuck E Cheese." We both laughed at that when the waiter came and asked us what we wanted for our drink. Only thing is, he couldn't keep his eyes off of Jack.
"So what would you like to drink Ma'am?" the waiter asked me while eyeing Jack up and down.
"Umm... I'll have Sprite I guess." I told him trying to not laugh.
"What about you cutie?" He asked Jack.
"I'll have the same." Jack said fastly.
"Okay, your assigned waitress will be here to take your food orders soon. Have a nice night." With that the waiter walked away but not before winking at Jack first.
"Did that really just happen?" Jack asked me but I was too busy laughing to even answer. "Shut up Izzy! That wasn't funny. I just got hit on by a gay guy."
"Now you know how Rian feels when you randomly kiss him." I told him.
"I think I'm going to stop kissing Rian now. That was just so uncomfortable."
"Maybe I should go give him..." Just then the waitress a little older then me and Jack came up to the table. I looked her over and she seemed pretty nice but her skirt was just a little bit to short to be working in.
"Hi, I'm Emily and I'll be serving you tonight. Your drinks should be here soon, but until then are you ready to order your food?" She asked us looking between me and Jack. I opened my menu and found just the thing to eat.
"I'll have the Linguine Alla Puttanesca." I told her with a smile.
"Okay, and what will you have sir?" She asked looking at Jack with a smile. But there was something in her eyes. She was looking at Jack as if she was trying to figure something out. Maybe she was an ex of his?
"I'll have Spaghetti with Meatballs." Jack said that with a smile and closed his menu and handed it back to her.
"Sure thing, I'll be back with your drinks in a minute." Emily took our menu's and walked away.
"Where is Nacho tonight?" Jack asked me.
"Jane and Pat said that they would take care of him."
"Okay good. I don't want to fail this project." Jack said to me and I almost laughed.
"Thee Jack Barakat doesn't want to fail a project?" I said just as Emily came back and gave us our drinks. Her eyes went wide as I said Jack's full name.
"I'm sorry, did you say that your Jack Barakat?" Emily asked looking at Jack. He nodded his head a bit confused.
"Yes, I'm sorry do I know you?" He asked her.
"No, but I'm actually a fan of yours. Is Alex still single?" By this point I was beyond confused but Jack didn't seem fazed at all now.
"Yeah, sorry he is taken now."
"It's okay." Emily then walked away and Jack looked at me with a huge smile.
"Jack you got some splainin to do." I said imitating Ricky Ricardo from 'I Love Lucy'.
"I will when we get our meals." Until then me and Jack talked aimlessly about school.

Twenty minutes later we got our meals and Emily asked Jack for his autograph.
"Alright Jack. We have our food, now spill. What's with the famous act?"
"Okay, me and the guys didn't want to tell you cause we would have felt like you would have used us or something like that cause it has happened to us in the past."
"Okay just get on with the story." I urged him to do so.
"Well as you know, I play guitar, Alex can play guitar too and can actually sing, Zack can play bass, and Rian can play the drums. Together we form..."
THE POWERPUFF GIRLS!" I shouted out then laughing. People from other tables looked over at me and Jack then ignored us.
"No, but as cool as that would be, we aren't the powerpuff girl's. We actually form the band called All Time Low. We were just a local band at first. Then Matt told us that we should go and play in different states. So we did just that. We went up as far as New York and played at clubs and sometimes bars. In 2004 we got signed to Emerald Moon Records. We released an EP but it was nothing serious then. But now, like two months before you moved here we got a call from Hopeless Records. Turned out they wanted to sign us. Matt, being our manager, told them that we accepted. We already have some songs recorded for the upcoming EP and after we graduate we are going to be going on tour." Jack had finished and I was completely in shock.
"So, you are basically famous?"
"Kind of. We only have an EP out and an album called The Party Scene. It's not very famous but people do buy it."Jack said taking a bite out of his meatball.
"So this past month I have been hanging out with a band that has been signed to Hopeless Records and is becoming famous slowly, and as I speak I'm on a date with an almost famous rockstar?" I asked him still shocked as ever. Jack just nodded his head but his face looked worried.
"What the waffle Jack! Why didn't you tell me all this before?" I said while taking another bite of my food.
"Cause everyone didn't want you to think differently of us. Last time Alex was dating this girl and she only went out with him cause he's in a band. We didn't want to get used again."
"But you guys got to know me, didn't you realize that I'm not like that?" I was kind of hurt now. I can't believe they thought I would have used them.
"We figured out you wouldn't, but we didn't want our fame going to your head like it went to Alex's."
"What you mean?"
"When we got signed and people from other towns started to recognize us Alex got pretty cocky and let it get to his head. For a while he was acting like a Diva. Thought that every girl wanted him and the world revolved around him. It got annoying." Jack explained to me in between chewing.
"Jack, don't eat when you have food in your mouth. It's pretty gross. And doesn't Alex already act like that?"
"Yeah, well it was way worse last year. Last year he was hardly funny. He was more of a player than he is now. But it stopped after the band, including Matt and Mini Alex told him off. It put him in his place."
"Good, Maybe you guys need to do that to him again."
"Why? He's fine now." Jack said.
"Yeah, but his cockiness bugs me sometimes." I was almost done eating and Jack was all done now.
"Yeah, but it's who he is. Are you done?" He asked looking at my plate.
"Yeah, I don't think I can finish." Just then Emily came over and took our plates.
"Is there anything else I can get you guys?" She asked us.
"Nope, I think the check would be good though." Jack said and she nodded and headed off to get the check. Me and Jack talked aimlessly until she got back.
"Hey, Jack do you got a piece of paper and pen?" I asked him.
"I got paper, but no pen. Why?" He raised that caterpillar eyebrow at me.
"I just need to write something down." He gave me the paper and I just waited until Emily got back.
"Here is you check." Emily said as she put the check on the table.
"Hey, can I borrow your pen for a second?" I asked her. She gave me the pen and I wrote Jack's number down on the paper. "Can you please give the waiter who took our drink order this?" I asked her.
"Sure thing. But you do know that Brad is gay right?" Emily asked me but took the paper anyway.
"Yeah, I know he is." Jack's eyes went wide and looked at me with an expression that said; you did not just give him my number! I grinned evilly at him and they basically answered his question.
"Do not give him that paper!" Jack yelled after Emily as she walked away. "You are so dead Isabelle Thompson!" Jack yelled at me while I sat there and laughed.

Jack finally paid the bill and got the paper with his number back and we left the restaurant. I thought the date was over now and was kind of sad but Jack is just full of surprised. We were driving for a while when I finally noticed water.
"Jack where are you taking me?" I asked him.
"You'll see when we get there." About five minutes later Jack pulled into a parking lot. We got our of the car and Jack took out a blanket from the back seat and put it on the hood of the car. Jack got onto the car and sat down on the blanket. He motioned for me to do the same thing and I did. I took a seat right night to Jack and looked at the scene in front of me. I noticed that we were at the beach and the sun was just about going down. Seeing the beach during the winter was one of the most gorgeous things I have seen. The sand was covered in snow except where the waves would have crashed onto land. The sky was purplish orange with a few clouds. All in all it was gorgeous.
"Jack, this is gorgeous. Thank you." I put my head on Jack's shoulder and he put his jacket around my body and then his arm snaked around my back and pulled me close to him. We both sat in silence for a while and just watched the sun set behind the ocean. I really couldn't ask for a more perfect moment than this right now.

The sun finally set and me and Jack were still sitting there in silence. It wasn't the awkward kind of silence it was the good peaceful kind.
"Jack, thank you so much for tonight." I said and picked my head off his shoulder and looked at him.
"Anything for you Izzy Bean." Jack said taking his attention off of the sea and onto me.
"This may sound mean, but I'm so happy you and Lisa broke up."
"I'm glad we did too. Cause if we hadn't then I'd still be getting cheated on." My face fell at that part. "Thank you for that Isabelle. If it wasn't for you I would be cheating on Lisa right now."
"What do you mean Jack?" I asked him.
"It was probably the third day of school when I realized that I liked you. Then, when I heard that something happened to you I got really worried. But when we spent that Saturday together I realized that I liked you more than I should have. When Alex told me that Lisa was cheating on me, I wasn't all that mad. I was actually pretty damn happy about it." He paused and looked out onto the ocean and then began talking again. "Monday was a great day even though we got stuck in the room. I just loved spending time with you Isabelle. If you haven't guessed yet, what I'm trying to say is that I really like you." He looked at me with his big brown eyes and I swear I could have melted.
"Jack, I feel the same exact way about you. I have liked you since the second day I started school. And at first I knew I shouldn't have but when I found out about Alex and Lisa, I stopped feeling guilty about liking you. I guess that's one of the main reason I thought you should have known about them. Selfish I know." I said to him as he was still looking at the sea.
"Everyone is selfish in their life. It's only natural." He peeled his eyes off the ocean and was now looking me in the eyes. "In all honesty. I have never taken a girl on a date to a restaurant and then out to the beach like this. I usually just bring them to the movies and then call it a night. But there's something about you that makes me want to try. And I'll tell ya this, so far I really like trying. This is one of the best dates ever."
"I couldn't agree more. This is actually my first date." I told him shyly. I put my head down and played with my fingers a little embarrassed that I just told him one of my biggest secrets. Just then Jack lifted his finger and put it under my chin. He lifted my head so I was now looking up at him.
"Well, I'm glad I'm the one to take you on your first date." Then his lips crashed against mine. His lips fit with mine perfectly and I didn't hesitate to kiss back. Our lips moved with each other in sync. It's going to sound so cliche right now but it's almost like we are meant for each other. Kissing Jack just felt so right. There weren't sparks or anything, no I didn't get butterflies, but if I was kissing anyone but Jack right now, it wouldn't feel right. This moment, his lips on mine, this is how things are supposed to be like. Jack pulled away and he was smiling like an idiot but I knew I was too.
"Isabelle Thompson, will you please be my girlfriend?" Jack asked me. I'm not going to say I was surprised, cause really I'm not surprised at all. No one kisses anyone like that and then just lets it go.
"Jack, I would be more than happy to be your girlfriend." Jack then kissed me again and I kissed him right back. He pulled away and then reached into his pocket and pulled something out.
"Bells, turn around." I did as Jack asked and then he placed something on my neck. I looked down and saw the most gorgeous necklace ever. It was a heart with diamonds and then in the right corner of the heart there was a pink diamond. It was so pretty.
"Jack what would you have done if I said no to you?"
"Then I would have been screwed." Jack laughed and then pecked my lips quickly before hopping off the car. "Its getting late, I should bring you home now. We don't want Nacho dying cause of Jane." I laughed at that cause it was true. Nacho is only really safe with Jane and Pat for maybe two hours max. I hopped off the car and Jack drove me back home.

"Goodnight Izzy Bean. I'm not going to kiss you cause that's how it always ends in the movies and I don't want this to be cliche like that. So I bid you a goodnight." Jack then took my hand and kissed it. He got into his car and then left. I got into the house to see Nacho on the couch with a beer in his hand and Jane taking pictures of him.
"JANE WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I yelled at her which startled her cause she dropped the camera.
"I made him his own Facebook. He needed pictures." Jane said.
"I do admit though, he does look pretty pimp like this. But Jane come on. This is my project! You can't do this." I took Nacho and brought him to his room upstairs. I put him to bed and then went to my own room and got ready for bed. I crawled into bed and checked my phone just before I fell asleep. I have two messages.
Message one:
From: Jack Attack:
Goodnight gorgeous. I'm glad you had a great time tonight. My mom is so happy that we are going out as is my Dad, May and Joe. See you tomorrow.

I smiled at this message. I'm so happy his family likes me.
Message two:
From: Unknown Number Only thing is, it wasn't a text message. It was a picture message. I opened it and saw that it was a picture of a room, but it was really dark. I could make out the bed and I saw that there was a couple on.... I then dropped the phone and curled into a ball. That picture was one of many. Why was he doing this to me? Why?!
♠ ♠ ♠
I loved writing this! The date was so perfect I think and who knew Jack was a hidden romantic? What are your comments on the date? Did you like it, did you hate it? And what about that picture? Do you think you know what it was? Who sent it? Oh and what do you think about Nacho having a facebook? Lol Gotta love Aunt Jane. Comment with your ideas, answers,predictions! They are all welcome!!

This was such a long one and I'm sorry. I had to make it long cause this update held a lot of information and also cause I won't be updating until next weekend. =] Five comments and I'll update sooner!!

Fun Facts!
1. The scene involving Hamlet actually happened in my English class on Friday. My friend Brian played the Queen and my friend Allen played Horatio and he said that little piece just as I wrote it. My teacher found it hilarious!
2. Also the shoulder pain joke Alex said is from the movie Step Brothers and my friends Allen and Adam kept saying that all throughout English class. Again my teacher found it hilarious! I have the best teacher ever!
3. The story about Jack when he was a kid in the bathtub his mom told is based off the story my English teacher told the class about her son. I must say, I got to love English class on Fridays.
4. I have never been on a date! I have had boyfriends in the past but not one of them have ever taken me out on a date ='(

Everyone should go check this story out! Nothing Personal
I'll be Co-writing this story. So stoked about that. I can't wait. But go check it out.