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Young Love Is Such Dumb Love

I had to pull you out of the wreckage, You know I'm never gonna let you go


"Shut up, your gonna wake her up you idiot!" I heard someone faintly whisper yell. I had no idea what time it was nor did I care I just wanted to sleep but the voices still kept talking. ( Ha-ha I sound like a crazy person. THE VOICES! I HEAR THE VOICES!)
"Don't test me Gaskarth! I will shave your head!" I knew that threat, that was Dawn and I'm pretty sure she is talking to Alex. I let out a laugh and they both shut up. I opened my eyes and saw that Alex, Dawn, and Jack were sitting at the end of my bed. Alex was hiding behind Jack while Dawn looked like she was getting ready to kill him.
"Dawn chill out girl. Leave his hair be... For now, until he messes up again." Dawn looked at me and seemed satisfied with what I just said. "So, why are you guys in here watching me sleep like the creeps you are?" I asked them with a raised eyebrow.
"Well you see..... Jack?" Alex looked at Jack not knowing how to answer my question.
"Were here cause..... Dawn?" Jack looked at Dawn to now answer.
"Cause... Uh.... Matt told us to?" She said sounding unsure of her answer.
"Right..... You guys are weird. Get out so I can shower and change." They started leaving the room when Jack stopped short causing Dawn to walk into him.
"Can I join?"
"No, only Dawn can." I said to Jack and stuck my tongue out at him.
"Told you she loved me more, now move it Jack- O." Dawn pushed Jack through the door and closed it behind her. I was now alone in my room and left to my thoughts.

I got out of bed and got undressed while making my way to my bathroom thinking about everything that has happened this past month. It really is amazing how much can change in ones life just by meeting one person. I guess in a way that all that has happened in my past and what is going on now is worth it. In this past month I had made like ten new friends and two of which I could call my best friends. I helped two people get together and I help one find truth in others. I have a wonderful boyfriend now who I know will treat me right. And I finally feel like I have a family living here with my Aunt Jane and Patrick. I don't find myself dreading on going home cause now I have a home that I like going too. Sure there are a few things that could change here, like Courtney for example, but hey that's life. Nothing always happens like you want it too. I wish I could live here permanently, that way I would always have my friends here when I come visit from College.

I finally finished my shower and got dressed and headed downstairs only to find everyone, and when I say everyone I mean EVERYONE was there waiting for me. The first to get to me was Matt. He engulfed me in a brotherly hug and wouldn't let go until Danny legit yanked me from him. Now it was her turn to kill me in a hug.
"Danny..... Air!" I gasped. She let me go and Dawn and Haleigh ran up to me and both hugged me. Kara and Rian were next and so on down the line until it was Jack's turn. I guess the saying "I saved the best for last" is actually true. Jack took me into his arm and held me close. He kissed the top of my head and then whispered in my ear.
"It's over babe. He is gone." Jack said and kissed my cheek. I smiled up at him and then at everyone.
"Your right. I am finally free!" I cheered and hugged Jack again.
"There is just one thing you need to do before you are officially 100% free." My Aunt said to me. I turned to her waiting for her to tell me what that last thing is. "You need to go to the station and make a positive ID so they know that they arrested the right person."
"So you mean I have to see him again?" My Aunt nodded. "When do I have to go?" I asked her.
"You can go now if you want? Pat can drive you."
"I'll drive her! She has a lot of explaining to do to me." Haleigh said making her way to the door. I shrugged my shoulders and followed her out.

It was quiet for a few minutes in the car till we got up to our first red light.
"Okay, so I want to know what the hell is going on. What did Derrik do to you?" She asked looking at me from the corner of her eyes.
"Well it started back in New York like five-six years ago...." The rest of the way I told her the story about what happened. I told her what Derrik did to me, what he did to David and what David did to himself. This time I didn't cry at all though and Haleigh didn't interrupt me. She didn't even ask questions after I told her it all.
"I'm so sorry about David. Derrik better get put away for a long time for putting you through all this." Haleigh said as we pulled up to the station. I got out of the car and walked into the building.
"Hi, how may I help you?" A lady at the front desk asked me.
"I'm looking for Officer Riley and Officer Hamelton." I told her referring to the two cops that I talked to yesterday.
"Just one minute. I'll go get them." She left the desk and disappeared into a different room.
"Do you want me to go with you when you have to ID him?" Haleigh asked walking up next to me. I looked over at her and nodded just as the lady came back.
"You can go right through that door. Officer Riley will be waiting for you."
"Thank you." I said as me and Haleigh went through the door.

"Hello Miss Thompson. I'm glad you could come do this today. We went to the address your friend told us he lived at. When we got there he was not there. His mother gave us a picture of him and we looked for him all night. We are pretty sure we got him but we need to you confirm this for us."
"You think you got him?"
"Yes, can you and your friend please follow us this way." He said more than asked. We did as he said and followed him into a room in the far back. As we entered the room I saw that there was another room connected to this one. There was a big window separating them though and on the other side of that window stood the one and only Derrik.
"Can he see me?" I asked Officer Riley.
"No, its blocked off by two-way mirror. We can see him but all he sees is his own reflection." He told us walking over to the mirror. I walked up to the mirror and looked at him while Haleigh did the same. I looked in on at the bastard who ruined my life and was trying to ruin my sanity. He caused so much damage and grief and broke my heart into a million little pieces. But now my heart is slowly getting fixed by Jack and the rest of my friends. I'm glad this is happening now. He deserves all of this that is happening to him. I hope it ruins him.
"Can you give him a message?" Haleigh looked at me like I was crazy for wanting to do that.
"If you really want to, I guess you can."
"Do you have a pen and piece of paper?" I asked him and he gave me what I needed. On the paper I wrote:

Karma's a bitch ain't it.

Me and Haleigh left the station after I told Officer Riley that they got the right person and went to get a bite to eat at the local pizza place. I got a text from Jane asking if she could fill in the ones at the house who have no idea what was going on. I told her she could and then ordered what I wanted for food. I went to the booth that Haleigh had picked out and waited for her to come back with her order. We started eating when she asked me something about Jack.
"Hey Bells, do you like Jack?"
"Matt didn't tell you?" I looked up at her.
"Matt? Oh god please tell me you want Matt. If Dawn ever found out she would find a way to castrate you!" Haleigh started to panic.
"No! I don't like Matt at all, don't worry."
"Oh, okay. Good cause I that would have ended badly. So what did you mean then?" She took a bite out of her slice of pizza and a couple walked in the pizza place and sat in the booth behind me. I didn't see who it was at all cause my back was towards them.
"Well, last night Matt walked in on me and Jack kissing. I thought he would have told everyone."
"YOU AND JACK KISSED?!" She blurted out causing some people to look.
"YOU GUYS KISSED?!" Yelled someone from behind me which caused me to jump half way out of my seat. I turned around and saw Dawn.
"Holy shit Dawn! What the waffle you doing here?" I asked recovering from my heart attack.
"Never mind me but you two kissed?! Wait you said Matt saw you guys?" I nodded at her. "What the hell James! Why didn't you tell me this last night?" I heard the sound of her hitting something followed by an 'owe'.
"Cause it wasn't my business to tell." I heard Matt say. Just then I was getting pushed over to the end of the booth as Dawn took the spot where I just was. Matt came following and sat next to Haleigh as she moved over for him.
"So how did you two get together anyway?" Matt asked me while both the girls jaws dropped.
"You guys are together too?!" They both asked in unison. I nodded my head.
"Yes, as of Friday night."
"You didn't tell us why?!" Dawn shouted at me. If I didn't know her like I do now I would have been scared of that crazy deranged look in her eyes.
"Well on Monday night he texted me asking me out on a date Friday night but not to tell anyone just to keep it quiet. Reason why know one knew. Friday came and he took me out on the best night of my life... No Dawn we didn't have sex. I can tell you were going to ask that just by the smile on your face." Dawn looked shocked as hell but kept quiet. "Well anyway at the end of the date he took me to the beach to watch the sunset and it was really pretty. We got to talking and then we kissed and he asked me out." I looked around the table at everyone and they looked like they just read a cute love story.
"That was so cute!" Haleigh was the first to say something.
"Damn it Matt why couldn't you do that for me?!" Dawn whined to Matt.
"I asked you out in a cute way! Damn it Bells, why did you have to make that story so cute! Couldn't you just say he took you to a dinner and movie and asked you out that way. Now I got to compete with that." Matt started to whine now too.
"Stop your whining you two! Go and eat your food, me and this hoe are going to my house." Haleigh said while shoving Matt out of the booth and yanked Dawn out so I could escape. We both dashed out of the pizza place before Dawn could kill us.
"Haleigh you do realize that Dawn is going to kill you for that right?" I asked her while laughing.
"Yeah, I know but I'll just buy my way out of it." She started the car and we went to her house.

We spent the whole day hanging out and talking about my date with Jack and just everything about my past and where I am now. We just got done talking about what we think about Alex and Lisa's relationship when I got curious about how her and Zack got together.
"Hey, Hals?" She was sitting upside down off her bed with her head hanging off.
"How did you and Zack get together?" She then fell off the bed which caused me to laugh at her clumsiness. (who said I was the only clumsy person out of the group)
"You want to know about me and Zack?" She sounded shocked like now one has ever asked her that. I nodded my head and motioned for her to explain.
"Well me and Zack has always gone to the same school but we never talked at all. He was just some cute guy that goes to school to me. It was last year when we actually talked to each other. I was at work when he walked in with Rian and Mini Alex. I worked a the counter at a smoothie place that just opened in the mall. Well I was taking a guys order when he kept hitting on me and asking for my number. I kept telling him to go away and to leave me alone. Then he started saying things to me like 'Oh your so hot' or 'I want you in my bed' Gross things like that. Zack had enough of it I guess and finally he stepped in and told the guy off telling him to leave me alone and to go learn how to respect girls and that there is no way in hell that I would get with him. The creepy guy left and it Zack was at the counter now. I told him thanks for all that and then I took his order. Rian and Mini Alex left but I noticed Zack hung around until I was done with work which was at closing. I asked him what he was still doing here and he said that he wanted to make sure the guy didn't come back. That night he walked me home and talked the whole time on that work. I learned a lot about him that night including his number. A week went by and we texted a lot, I sat with him at lunch sometimes, and he would always be waiting at my locker for me at the end of the day. He finally asked me on a date and took me to a really nice Italian restaurant."
"Wait, was it called Germano's Trattoria?" I asked wondering if Jack asked Zack for advise.
"Yeah! That's the name... Wait how did you know that?"
"I have a feeling Zack knew about the date cause that's where Jack took me." We both laughed at this and she went on with her story.
"Well, we went there and we had a good time but I left the restaurant before him cause he had to pay. So when I got out to the car the creepy guy was there and this time he was all touchy feely with me. Zack came out and saw this and he got mad and told the guy to back off but he didn't listen. Zack pulled me away from the creepy guy and then punched him in his face. Then we got into the car and he took me to some place over looking the city and apologizing for hitting him in front of me. I told him that it was okay and I'm glad that he hit him and then he kissed me and one thing led to another and so here we are. A little more than a year later still dating and I really couldn't have asked for anyone else. Zack is such a gentleman, even more than Rian surprisingly." I looked at her shocked.
"He beats Rian?!"
"Yup." She nodded her head smiling. "He doesn't burp around me like Rian does around Kara. So therefore he beats Rian."
"Wow, your lucky to have Zack. You guys are so cute."
"Thanks, but he does have his faults. For instance he is over protective."
"What you mean?" I tilted my head looking at her like she had four heads. She just told me this amazing story about how great Zack is and that he is better than Rian, yet she says he has faults?! I don't get it.
"Well I actually met you at Matt's New Year's party for a brief second and that was also the first night you saw Zack too. He was the one that was about to get into a fight." Just then a light bulb went off in my head.
"I remember that! I was outside playing egg ball with Rian, Danny, and some naked guy when we heard the commotion and ran to see what it was. Why was he going to fight?"
"Cause some jock said that I looked super hot and asked if I wanted to go upstairs and have some fun. That pissed Zack off and they started yelling and thankfully Rian came and talked Zack out of fighting." She said.
"At least you can always count on Zack to be there and save you from creeps like that. See every fault has an upside!" I smiled to myself cause I felt smart.
"That's true, oh and the naked guy was Jack. So lets take you home!" She got up off the floor and ran out of her room. I looked like I had just seen the Cracken but I snapped out of it quickly.

"HALEIGH! WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!!" I got up and ran after her. I saw her over by the couch where her brother Gavin was sitting watching TV. She tried getting away but I jumped over the couch and tried lunging after her but Gavin grabbed my leg and pulled me back.
"Love you Gavin!" She said and ran out of the house.
"Gavin, LET GO! I got to kill your little sister!"
"No can do shrimp. I need her this week."
"I'll pay you 20 bucks!" He looked like he was thinking it over.
"Uhh... No."
"Holy crap Gavin, Angelina Jolie is on TV naked!" I said excitedly. He let go of my leg and looked at the TV. I took the opportunity and escaped from Gavin and ran outside. It was now dark outside so it was hard to find her, but I'm smart and had an idea. I took out my phone and called her phone. Just then I heard the faint jingle of her phone go off and it was coming from the tree.
"Haleigh why would you run up a tree? There is only one way to get away and that is down. Just give up!" I yelled up towards her.
"NEVER!" She yelled back.
"Why is my girlfriend up in a tree." I jumped up and spun around to meet Zack.
"Actually, I don't really know why." I said realizing that she really didn't have a reason to be up in the tree.
"I'm here cause she is going to... Wait, I don't know. Ha-ha." She then climbed down and her hair was messed up a little bit.
"So what did you say before you ran off on me? That the naked guy was Jack?!" I yelled.
"Now I remember why I was in the tree." She said going to hide behind Zack.
"Oh, your talking about the New Year's party? Yeah, that was Jack, but Jane told you to get home, that you have school tomorrow."
"Okay, Hals can ya drive me home?" She nodded her head and went to go get her keys.

I walked into the house and I was Jack, Alex, Pat, Matt, and Nacho watching The Cat in the Hat. It was at the part where Cat was just about to explain where he came from.
"Why the hell can't he finish the line: 'When a Mommy and Daddy love each other very much...' Is it so damn hard to say THE PENIS WENT INTO THE VAGINA?!"
"JACK! Don't say that in front of Nacho!" I scolded him while everyone laughed at Jack's outburst. I walked over to the couch and sat on his lap.
"Sorry, but you know I'm right."
"Maybe but it still doesn't make it right to say in front of Nacho. We do have to pass him in at the end of the week, ya know." I stated to him while getting off his lap. "Pat? Where is Jane?"
"Back room." He said mindlessly not looking away from the TV. Seems like the boys are really into the movie.

"Hey Janey." I said walking into the back room to find her doing laundry.
"Hey Belley. How did it go at the station?" She looked up at me putting the shirt down.
"It was okay, kind of hard though. But I'm glad it's over with, finally." Jane nodded and went back to the laundry. "I'm going upstairs to rest, I'll see you in the morning."
"Night Belley." I left the room and made my way up stairs telling the guys 'Night' as I walked by. Jack was the only one who heard me and replied. I laid down in bed and saw that it read 8 O'clock. I closed my eyes for what seemed like 5 minutes when I woke up to the sound of heavy breathing. I looked over and saw Jack sound asleep. I noticed that it was now close to midnight, so I'm guessing that he snuck in after the movie had ended. I smiled to myself and moved closed to Jack. He then wrapped his arm around my side and pulled me even closer to him. I felt so safe and at ease when I'm with him.
"I missed you today." I heard Jack mumble to me.
"I missed you too." I said back to him.
"Are you happy its finally over? Your safe now Izzy Bean." Jack said and kissed my forehead softly.
"When I'm with you, I know I'm safe."
"Then I'm never going to let you go Izzy Bean. Your mine forever..."
"Jack don't finish that sentence if the last part is 'I love you'." I said cutting him off.
"I was going to say; Your mine forever so that way your always safe. Don't worry babe, I'm not ready to say that. Not yet."
"Okay, good."
"Isabelle, do you think one day you could love me?" Jack asked me. I let out a huge yawn and thought about it for a second.
"Yeah, one day Jack. One day." I said starting to fall into a deep sleep.
"I'll be waiting for that day Izzy Bean." Jack then kissed me softly on my lips.

That night I feel asleep in my boyfriend's arms with the best feeling ever. I don't know how to explain it but at that moment my life was right. I could feel that things were finally going to go my way for once. Derrik is gone and will no longer be tormenting me, I have my new friends here, and I have Jack. Right now there is nothing in the world that could make me happier...
Well maybe one thing would....
♠ ♠ ♠
Who agrees with Jack when he says: "Why the hell can't he finish the line: 'When a Mommy and Daddy love each other very much...' Is it so damn hard to say THE PENIS WENT INTO THE VAGINA?!"
I guarantee this right now. No one will be able to guess what could make her happier, BUT I would love to hear your thoughts about what you think it could be.

Sorry this was out so late. This update is for my friend Megan ( rising.high) I really meant to update sooner but I have been sidetracked with another story. It's called Nothing Personal Me and two other girls are writing it. I think that story will go far. You should check it out when you have the time. OH! And since last time I updated I have gained 7 more subscribers! That made me super happy! Keep commenting and subscribing!

1. I'm like four stars away from having this story be a 10 star story! =D
2. Forever The Sickest Kids new album is amazing!
3. I got my nails done last weekend and this stupid asian lady made me bleed!
4. Shit happens.... <-- That has been like my saying this past week.

Hey, I have been having a lil mild obsessions with Forever The Sickest Kids stories. Does anyone know any good ones?! If ya do please let me know about it!