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Young Love Is Such Dumb Love

Yeah, we all got issues, Don't let them resist you, Keep pushing along and along and along.


Okay so here I am making my way to the Principals office. It’s three classes before school is over and today has not been the best at all. So let me share with you of how my day has gone so far.

You would think that waking up to your boyfriend would be the best thing ever, right? Wrong! I woke up on the ground and found Jack sprawled out on the bed acting like he owned the damn thing. I tried getting off the floor but ended up hitting my head on my nightstand. “Shit!”
“Why are you on the floor?” Jack’s face appeared hanging off the bed. I turned to look at him while rubbing the sore spot on my head.
“Gee, I don’t know. It could have something to do with a bed-hog.”
“Sorry babe. I’m a tall person, I need room to stretch.”
“Next time you sleep on the floor.” I gave Jack a quick peck in the lips and made my way to my closet. “Jack you better get home. We have school today.” I glanced back at Jack and saw him spring to life.
“See you at school babe.” Jack then left my room. I got my change of clothes and went to take my shower. In that shower I slipped on the soap. (Thought that only happened in movies? Think again.) Getting out of the shower wasn’t the best either because I smacked my leg against the shower door. I didn’t even put makeup on in fear of stabbing my eye with eyeliner. I had to skip breakfast cause we were going to be late for school.

I finally got to school and on my way of getting out of Danny’s car I fell. Thankfully Jack was there to catch me.
“Careful babe, you could have really gotten hurt.” Jack stood me upright and kissed my lips gently.
“Thanks, I’ll remember that when I’m about to make out with the ground.”

First Hour was bad. Me and Danny got separated and Alex and Jack got kicked out for being ‘disruptive’. That whole class was boring as all hell and especially since we were still reading Hamlet.

Second Hour resulted with me getting kicked out, but in all honestly it wasn’t my fault at all. It all started with Courtney making comments to me about Derrik. I finally had enough of her and her comments that I flipped out in the middle of a lecture and cussed her out. I was sent out of class for that.

Hour Three wasn’t any better either since the gym teacher made us play basketball. It was Danny, Rian, and me against Jack, Alex, and some girl I can’t remember the name of. Lets just say that class ended with me in the nurse’s office with a bloody nose. I was there until it was time to go to Fourth Hour.

I was on my way my history class but the halls were empty cause as usual, I was running late. I was just turning the corner when I was knocked into some lockers. I looked up to see who walked into me and big shocker here, it was Courtney.
“Watch where your going, whore.” I spat at her, my words dripping with venom.
“I think you better watch where your going, freak.” She spat back with just as much venom.
“Who the hell died and made you queen? ‘Cause like hell I’d listen to you.” I started to walk away when my face decided it wanted to have a conversation with the floor.
“Don’t walk away when I’m talking to you!” Courtney shouted at me. I got up off the floor and turned towards her.
“I’m pretty sure I was the one just talking. Therefore I had the right to walk away. Next time you get in my way I swear to god your going to need a new face.” Courtney took a step closer to me and got in my face.
“You need to stop with this tough attitude cause you and me both know that you won’t do shit to me. Your dating Jack now and believe it or not, your now on a leash. You won’t do shit to me.” She backed away from me and went on her way. I then made my way to my class.

Once I got into History I took my seat and Jack and Danny came over to me and Lisa.
“Oh my god Bells, I am so sorry!! I thought you would have caught the ball when I passed it.”
“Danny, chill out. Its okay, I’m fine.” I interrupted her. “Let’s just forget it happened, okay?”
“Yeah, sure.” Danny said softly and then turned to Lisa and went back to their project.
“Babe?” Jack was looking at me with a worried expression. I guess what Courtney said to me was still on my mind. I looked up at Jack to meet his amazing chocolate brown eyes. “Babe, are you okay?”
“I’m fine Jack.” I lied, but he seemed to believe it.
“Okay, just seems like something is bothering you.”
“Jack, stop being such a worry wart. Nothing is bothering me at all.” Again I lied cause truthfully something was bothering me. What Courtney said to me really got me thinking about what Jack would think if I really did hit her. Maybe she was right, maybe I am on a leash. The thought of that kind of scared me.

The rest of Fourth Hour I couldn’t get my mind off what Courtney had said to me. I basically ignored everyone and didn’t join in any conversation. I just nodded my head yes or said ‘I don’t know’ when someone asked me something. I knew that Jack could feel that I was lying to him about me being okay.

When the bell rang I got up said bye to Jack, Danny, and Lisa. I went on my way past everyone else to my Physics class. I was the first one in the room surprisingly. I took my seat and put my head down and waited for everyone to show up so class could start. Two minutes must have passed when I felt someone tap me on my shoulder. I looked up to see Lisa looking down at me.
“We need to talk.”
“About what?” I looked at her with confusion.
“About why you just lied to Jack last class.” She took the seat next to me and waited for me to answer.
“Why do you care?” I looked over at her.
“Cause I don’t want to see Jack hurt.”
“Now you care if he gets hurt? Where was this feeling when you cheated on him?!” I raised my voice at her a little bit causing the few people in class to look over at us.
“That’s different.” She said in a hushed stern tone.
“Yeah, and I’m a flippen penguin. You saying you care about him is a huge joke. If you really cared then you wouldn’t have cheated on him.” She opened her mouth to say something but I just kept going. “Yeah you two made up and everyone excepts you but I’m not them. Just cause you are friends doesn’t mean you care. In my opinion you haven’t showed you do. Until you can prove it, what you say are just empty words.”
“Hey there ladies.” Alex said walking over to us and taking the seat behind me. Lisa just let what I said go and turned her full attention to Alex.

The rest of class went by slow and consisted of dirty looks from Lisa but I really didn’t care. She just put me in a more worse mood than what I was already in. Now I feel like the next person who crosses me I’m going to end up killing.

The bell finally rang and I slowly made my way to the lunch room. As I got there Jack rushed over to me and picked me up into a hug and kissed my head. He finally put me down and his hand laced with mine as we walked over to the table. Everyone was already eating or in Alex’s and Danny’s case devouring their food.
“What took you so long to get here?” Jack asked me as we sat down.
“Oh, I had to stop at my locker to get some stuff.” I lied.
“Oh okay.” Jack believed me. “You coming to Rian’s house after school today? You get to see my sexy ass practice if you do.” Jack’s face held that goofy grin as always which made me smile a bit.
“Of course I’ll come. Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
“Bells come with me to my locker. I got to talk to you about something important.” Rian said to me as he got up. I nodded my head and kissed Jack and made my way towards Rian.
“What’s up Ri?”
“I don’t know who to go to about this but you are the one that I know who tells it like it is.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I have been thinking a lot lately about my future. I don’t know if I should quit the band and go to college or keep with the band. What do you think I should do?” He sounded so lost right now I felt bad for him.
“Rian, this is something I can’t help you answer. But look at it this way, this band is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You can always go to college later on. Also think about this too; Are you doing something that you love?”
“Thanks Bells. You just helped me a lot. Oh, please don’t tell the guys about this at all.”
“Don’t worry I won’t say a thing.” With that me and Rian walked back to the café. Just as we got to the table Courtney walked by.
“Hey Isabelle.” Courtney said to me in a bitchy tone.
“What do you want whore? I’m not in the mood for this.” Can’t say I didn’t warn her.
“I don’t care if your in the mood to deal with me or not.” I got up from my seat ignoring Jack’s pleads to sit down. Danny came right over to me to back me up as did Kara even though she’s not a fighter.
“Maybe you should care cause I’m about to wreck your face even more than it already is.” The café was now dead silent and all eyes were on us.
“You wouldn’t touch me, not now. You have too much to lose.” She shifted her little weight onto one leg and put her hand on her hip.
“What the fuck her your damn problem?!” Danny was up to bat now and she looks pretty close to hitting the ball.
“Well lets see; I’m popular, gorgeous, cheer captain, and your on a leash. I don’t think I have a problem.” She looked at me as she said the last part and added a grin to it.
“You know what the problem it thinking is Courtney?” I asked her, my blood boiling over at the moment.
“What’s that?”
“What you think isn’t always right.” She looked at me with a dumbfounded look then I raised my hand and made a fist and punched her. Everyone looked shocked, well everyone besides Danny.
“YOU BITCH!” She screamed as she lurched forward to try and slap me.
“I told you not to fucking mess with me when I first met you.” I dodged her attempted slap and punched her again in the face. She stumbled backwards and feel to the ground with her nose bleeding. Two of her fake friends tried coming at me but Danny punched one and Kara pushed the other away.
I walked over to where Courtney was on the ground. “Next time you mess with me I’ll make sure I’ll find you outside school. It will be much worse than it is now.” I was getting ready to kick her but someone grabbed me by the waste and dragged me out of the café just as the bell rang.
“You are in some serious shit, I hope you know that.” I turned around to see the one, they only, Alex Gaskarth.
“I know.” I hung my head low. Just then my name was echoing through the school telling me to report to the office.

Now that I have brought you up to date on my day, I am in the principals office getting lectured about how fighting is bad and BLAH, BLAH, BLAH! I got dentition of the rest of the day and I can’t come to school until Wednesday. Oh joy! Mr. Earle (the detention guy today) let me leave five minutes early so I could go to my classes and get work for the next two days. (Like I’m going to do that.) I got to the front of the school entrance when a hand grabbed me.

“What the hell was that about at lunch today?!” I spun around to meet the face of the one and only Jack.
“You saw it, you tell me. Jack there is only so much a person can take from a person before they snap.” I defended myself.
“You didn’t have to hit her. Isabelle your going to get in a lot of trouble for that.”
“You don’t think I don’t know that. Jack I did what I had to do, okay?”
“You did what you had to do? What’s that supposed to mean; you didn’t have to hit her!” Jack raised his voice at me. The bell then rang signaling the end of the day but we ignored everyone and the bell and kept arguing.
“But I did hit her! There isn’t anything you can do about it now.” I snapped at him.
“Why the hell did you hit her?! What did you just prove by doing that? This confrontation between you two isn’t just going to end cause you hit her.”
“It proved more than you think it did.”
“How?! Please for the life of me explain how the fuck you proved something!”
“I FUCKING PROVED THAT I’M NOT ON A LEASH!” Jack looked a little shocked at my outburst.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m… I have to go.” I ran away from Jack and got into the car with Lisa. (yes I got in a car with Lisa.)
“Uh, hi?”
“I’m sorry but can you just please drive. I’ll explain everything on the way.” I was on the verge of crying and Lisa could tell I was too. She nodded her head and started towards main road.
“So, want to tell me what happened at school today and what just happened now?”
“Well it started when I was on my way to History. Courtney shoved me and we shared a few words then she told me that I was on a leash now cause I’m with Jack and that scared me a little bit. That’s what was bothering me today, so when Courtney confronted me at lunch and brought up the leash thing I just had to prove her wrong. Then Jack jumped down my throat about the fight just now and I told him what Courtney said to me and I guess I just freaked and you’re the only one I saw that I could go to fast enough.” Towards the end a few tears fell from my eyes.
“What are you scared about though?” Lisa asked me as she pulled into my driveway.
“I have never been tied down at all. I always did what I want without worrying what someone thought. Now that I’m with Jack I don’t know how to act but with Courtney I had to prove to her that I’m not on a leash… GOD I’M SO FUCKING CHILDISH!!!” I dropped my head into my lap and let out a few more tears.
“I’m sorry Isabelle but that was kind of childish, but I do understand what your scared about. I was the same way. You just got to realize that Jack will accept you for who you are.” Lisa said to me.
“Thanks Lisa.” I picked my head up and gave her a faint smile. “I think I’m going to go inside now. I got to face Jane at some point.” I said bye to Lisa and headed inside.

“ISABELLE ALEXANDRIA FUCKING THOMPSON! GET YOUR ASS IN THIS KITCHEN NOW!!” I heard Jane yell for me right as I walked into the house. I noticed Pat looking out of his study in an alarmed manner he then noticed me and gave me a ‘you-better-run’ look.
“Hey Jane.” I said.
“Don’t you ‘Hey Jane’ me! What is this about you getting into a fight and suspended for two days?!”
“Courtney pushed…”
“Oh you fought Courtney?” My aunt asked me.
“Uh… yeah.”
“Did you kick her ass?” Jane was now all really interested in the fight and not even mad.
“Hell yeah I did. You know I never lose a fight.” I said all of a sudden feeling accomplished.
“Well your off the hook now. We can go do something the next couple days so your not beyond…”
“Or she could come to work with me those days.” Pat walked into the kitchen and interrupted Jane.
“Sorry Janey, I’m going with Pat.”
“Fine. I see how it is. You journalists go do geeky things tomorrow. I’ll go shopping.” Jane then walked out of the kitchen and went up stairs.
“You the best Pat!! Who do I get to meet tomorrow?!”
“Not sure yet but we’ll find out tomorrow. Be up at 12, we leave at 2.”
“OKAY!” I yelled with joy and gave him a hug than ran off up to my room.

The rest of the day up to dinner consisted of me talking on the phone to Chris and Sarah and telling them everything that is happening. Chris hung up on Sarah and me at one point cause we got on the topic of guys. Dinner went well since we had to order out cause Jane realized that she can’t cook to save her life and almost burned the house down. So it was now 7 O’clock and I was watching TV when the doorbell rang. Last time it rang late at night it was Derrik. I really don’t want to answer but I got up to do so anyway. I opened the door to find Jack standing there looking sad.
“Can we please talk.” Jack motioned for me to come out on the porch.
“Jack I’m really sorry about today. I lost control and I was being childish. Please give me another chance, I’ll change.” I was getting ready to break down.
“What are you… Izzy Bean I’m not going to break up with you if that’s what your thinking.” Just then I stopped crying and looked up at jack with hopeful eyes and I flung into his arms. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. “Babe I’d never break up with you over something as stupid as that.”
“Well you said that we needed to talk and I just assumed the worst I guess.”
“Just know this Bells, I will never break up with you unless you give me a good enough reason too. But we do need to talk about something right now. Its about what you told Lisa today.
“She told you?!” I jumped out of Jack’s arms and looked at him with a worried expression.
“Why didn’t you just tell me, I would have understood.”
“I didn’t know that though.” I hung my head low. Jack placed his hand under my chin and lifted my head to look up at him. My bright green eyes connected with his chocolate brown ones and I could have melted right there.
“Now you know. Don’t ever feel like you need to keep stuff from me cause nothing can change on how I feel about you.” He then leaned down to kiss him…

“KEEP IT PG!!” Jane appeared in front of the door scaring the shit out of Jack and me.
“Fuck you Jane!” I said and pushed her back in the house and closed the front door. Jack then leaned down to kiss me again but it was a quick kiss cause his phone then went off.
“Sorry babe, that’s my mom calling.” Jack took the phone call and I noticed Jane in the window making kissy faces at us. I flipped her off and turned my attention back to Jack.
“I got to go. My mom wants me home to help clean dishes. I’ll come by after school tomorrow to see you.”
“I’ll be with Pat at his work. I’ll just go by your house after.”
“Okay sounds like a plan.” Jack then left after kissing me one last time.

“Jane you’re an ass hole!” I yelled at her as I entered the house.
“You know it was funny.”
“Your worse than my friend Sarah, and she’s 18!” I then went up to my room and talked on the phone with Jack till I fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠

Hey guys I am so so sorry for the long delay of an update! Not making excuses or anything but to be honest its been wicked crazy for me right now. I have been wicked lazy and busy and some family problems have come up so bare with meh.

Hopefully I didn't lose all my readers!!! Oh and I GET OUT OF SCHOOL IN 10 DAYS! AND MY BRACES COME OFF ON THE 23RD!! So stoked for that.

I'm not going to do fun facts this time cause there is just too much to put in there lol. OH! I know what I'll do!!

1. I CROWD SURFED!! Its so much fun! Everyone should do that at least once in their life.
2. Me and my friend got a $75 parking ticket :(
4. I met two new friends ♥
5. Me and my friend didn't get home until like 12 haha my mom was mad.