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Young Love Is Such Dumb Love



It is finally Friday! Yesterday was full of celebration… Well I didn’t celebrate at all. I was shipped off to school while Jane and Pat get to have “fun”. Anyway, school on Thursday was boring as all hell. On the bright side, Courtney wasn’t in school that day. Unfortunately, she was in school today.

I walked into my second class of the day only to be glared at by Courtney and her followers. I refuse to call them her friends. I did what anyone else would do, I smiled at her.
“Nice face.” I said to her as I walked by to take my seat. I had a really good punch cause she has a black eye (which she tried to cover up with tons of makeup) and her nose looks a little off.
“Okay class I got a project for you!” Mr. Drohen said as he walked into the room. Everyone in the class groaned in protest. “Stop your whining, it’s a group project and it will only last a week. It will on the other hand be part of a major grade seeing as we have spent three months on this chapter…” For another 20 minutes he went on explaining what to do on this project. Then I felt someone poke my side.
“Hey, if we get to pick partners want to be mine?” I turned to see this girl named Jenny ask me. She was someone I talked to during this class. Other than her, I wouldn’t really know anyone in this class.
“Yeah sounds good to me.” She was also smart too, so that’s a plus.
“…This project will be worked on every day in class starting Monday for that whole week. It may require you to meet up with your partner outside of school as well. Now, I will be assigning partners.” Jenny and I looked at each other with sad faces. Then all of a sudden I heard my name.
“Who am I paired with sir?” I asked now worried a little bit.
“I said you and Courtney will be working together.” If you could see my face right now, you would know that I was about to kill him.
“Like hell I’ll work with her! Mr. Drohen have you not seen the death looks we give each other?!” I yelled at him.
“Isabelle my decision is final.”
“HOW CAN IT BE FINAL?! You are obviously blind if you are really making that decision final!” I was now out of my seat yelling at him.
“I actually agree with her. Can you give me someone else Mr. Drohen?” Courtney was now protesting this matchup.
“LADIES! Deal with it. I am not going to change my mind. If you have a problem with each other, then figure it out and move on. And Belle, sit down and shut it.” I did as told but I wasn’t happy at all. This was such bullshit and I was fuming about it. After he was done giving everyone partners he asked if there were any questions. Me being me I raised my hand. “If you are going to ask to be switched then put your hand down.”
“No, I wasn’t going to ask that. It’s about how to apply the equations to real life. Would it count if I applied it to how I could kill someone?” I got a couple giggles from some people and a glare from Courtney.
“Isabelle that is not appropriate question!” Mr. Drohen scolded me. The bell then rang freeing me from that hell hole of a class.

The next three classes went by fast. I guess it could be the fact that I was pissed the whole time. Everyone asked what was wrong but all I could say is: I’m going to kill her. It was now lunch and I was sitting there just watching everyone eat and talk. Then Courtney come and sits in the empty seat across from me. Everyone just stared at her then at me wondering what the hell was happening.
“Listen Thompson, I’m not happy about this project either and there is nothing we can do to change it. Let’s just get next week over and done with. I am not going to fail because of you so suck it up and deal with it.”
“Then you need to treat me like an actual person or I’ll make sure you fail.” I said in a snarl.
“I fail then you do too, remember?”
“I don’t care. I already have enough credits in that class to graduate. Failing or passing that class won’t affect me at all. So its either be nice to me or fail. Take your pick.” With that I got up and walked away towards outside.
“What was that all about?” Jack walked up to me while I sat on the wall that was behind the school. (This is usually the spot where all the badass kids come.) I noticed that everyone from the table followed Jack and were now waiting for me to answer.
“Can I just kill her and call it a day?” I asked to no one in particular.
“I’ll bail you out of jail if you get caught.” Danny said to me, which caused me to smile a little bit.
“We all hate her but you can’t kill her. What was she talking about to you?” Alex said.
“We got paired up in math class. I have to deal with her for all of next week. Please shoot me.” I looked up at Jack with a sad face.
“I know what to do!” Rian randomly yelled out. “Tell your teacher to give you someone else.”
“I tried that already and it didn’t work at all.”
“Did you tell him that you two got into a fight? I think that might change his mind.” Rian had his perfect smile plastered to his face.
“I’ll give it a shot but I don’t know if it will work. Thanks Rian.” I hopped off the wall just as the bell rang.

I got to Italian III and I felt a little bit better so I wasn’t as mad about the situation. I decided to listen to Rian and go talk to Mr. Drohen at the end of the day. Before I knew it I was on my way to Family Studies and nervous as all hell. Today just happens to be the day we have to pass in Nacho and give a presentation about what we learned.
“You ready to do this babe?” Jack walked up next to me with Nacho hanging out of his backpack.
“Not really.” With that, we both walked into class and took our seats.
“Okay kids, I’m going to call each group up and I want you to hand in your baby and tell us what YOU learned and what you learned as a couple about parenting. Darren and Amanda you are first.”
“Well I learned that babies need a lot of attention.” Amanda said.
“I learned that babies pee a lot.” Darren said.
“Now what did you two learn about being together, being parents.” Ms. M said.
“I think we both learned that you need to work together in order to raise a baby properly.” Amanda spoke for her and Darren. Ms. M nodded towards them and they took their seats as the class clapped. After three more couples, it was finally Jack’s and I turn to go. We got up taking Jack’s bag with us and handed in Nacho.
“Jack what did I tell you about putting Nacho in your bag?!” Ms. M yelled at him.
“Chill out Ms. M. I made sure I didn’t zip it up.” The class laughed as Ms. M shook her head.
“I think I’ll start off and tell ya what I learned from Nacho. I learned that he can poop more than three times a day, cry over anything, and that he is not Superman.” I said and Jack laughed at the last part knowing I was referring to me throwing him at the wall.
“MY TURN!” Jack yelled. “I learned that Nacho doesn’t really like Nacho’s and cannot drink soda. Also, he loves The Cat In The Hat, beer, Facebook, getting his picture taken, and flying!!” The whole class started laughing including me. “Oh and for all of you hip folks, go add him on Facebook. His name is Nacho “The Pimp” Baby.”
“Now what we both learned as parents together is that we would probably be arrested if this was a real baby.” I said.
“Also, we should never come in contact with a child.” Jack added at the end. We then took our seats and waited for Ms. M to recover from our presentation.
“Jack, did you say beer?” Ms. M asked him.
“Yeah he did. Also, I’d like to add that when you get a babysitter you should make sure they are suitable for the job.”
“Moving on…” Ms. M moved on from Jack and my presentation and called other couples up. It was now the end of class and the last couple just finished. “Okay, now this weekend I will be watching the videos from your babies. I will show the best and worst to the class on Monday. I expect you to take notes cause I will be asking for a paper on it before you let out for February vacation.” The bell then rang and we left class.

Study hall was boring today. We actually didn’t get into trouble at all. We just sat and talked the whole time. The rang and I told Danny to wait five minutes cause I had to go to my math class.

I got to my math class and just caught Mr. Drohen on his way out.
“Mr. Drohen, can I talk to you?” I asked him.
“Sure, what’s on your mind?”
“Well you know how you paired me with Courtney? I really need you to find us different partners. You see at the beginning of the week I punched her, twice. So you see us being together for this project is not a good thing.” I told him.
“Isabelle I am well aware of your relationship with Courtney. It’s the exact reason why I paired you two together. You need to become civil and you cannot do that without some type of interaction with her. I think this will be a good start for the both of you.”
“Ohh, we have had interaction. It was called punching! You can’t honestly think that this will change things between her and I. I can tell you right now it won’t.” I told him, now getting impatient.
“How do you know that?”
“Because at lunch today she pretty much told me so. What we will do is deal with each other in class for that week. The glares won’t stop, the name-calling won’t, and the gestures won’t. I hope you’re ready for a long week next week cause I’m almost positive its going to be one.” With that I left for the lot.

“So, what did your teacher say? Are you getting a new partner?” Alex asked me as soon as I got in the car.
“Nope. He thinks he’s helping Courtney and I become friends. Let’s just go home and get ready for tonight.” Danny then drove Alex home, then Jack, and now I’m finally home and getting myself ready for the crazy sleepover at Matt’s.

I had just finished picking out cute PJ’s and finished my makeup when the doorbell rang. “BELLEY THERE IS A HOT MOTHER FUCKER DOWN HERE FOR YOU!!” Jane screamed at me from the door. I thought she was talking about Jack so I dropped everything and ran down stairs only to find out that it was Matt and not Jack.
“Hey there hot mofo.” I greeted him. “What can I do ya for?” I leaned against the frame of the door.
“We need to have the sleepover here. My parents refuse to let Jack and Alex stay over while candy is available. And also Danny got us in trouble and got the party privilege taken away.” Matt said and put on a puppy dogface.
“You do realize that you don’t need to ask me right? You got to ask Jane about this one.” I told him and then went to go get Jane. After about 20 minutes, Jane finally said yes just as long as she can join whenever she wanted too. Texts were sent to everyone telling them to come to my place instead.

It was now 11 o’clock and everyone was a little buzzed, even Jane was. She joined us since Pat was out on a trip for the next two days. The music was blaring and Haleigh and Dawn were on the floor dancing as if no one was watching. Zack was talking to Rian and Kara sitting on the couch. Alex and Danny were off doing something disastrous in the kitchen with Jane. Lisa was looking through movies in the corner and Matt was recording Dawn dancing as blackmail. I didn’t know where Jack was though. I on the other hand was sitting on the stairs with a bottle of Jack getting drunk.
“BOO!” Jack yelled from behind me. I’m pretty sure I could try out for the high jump on the Olympics seeing as I jumped maybe 10 feet into the air. I spun around as fast as possible and hit Jack in the arm.
“OW! That kind of hurt.” Jack whined.
“Don’t scare me then!” I yelled.
“I’m sorry baby.” Jack’s arms snaked around my waist and pulled me close to his chest. “Let’s get away for a bit. What’d you say?” Jack whispered into my ear. He grabbed my hand and led me up the stairs to my room.

Once in my room, he pulled me close and kissed me with so feeling. I was taken back a little bit, but eventually I kissed back with just as much feeling. We finally made it to my bed still in a heated make out session. I was lying down with Jack on top. One hand was tracing my body up and down and the other was holding himself up. I have never seen this side of Jack before and to be honest I could get used to this side. My hands had also started roaming. I had one tangled up in his hair and the other was playing with the hem of his shirt. I finally decided that Jack didn’t need his shirt on so I slipped my hand up his chest then back down grabbing his shirt and raising it slightly. Jack suddenly pulled away leaving us both panting.
“Don’t.” Was all he said.
“Don’t what?”
“I’m sorry Izzy Bean. This is my fault. I don’t want to go further than this at all. I respect you and I don’t want to do anything more than kiss right now.” I looked at him dumbfounded.
“You do realize that YOU attacked ME, right?” Jack got off me and I propped myself up on my elbows.
“I realize that. You just look so hot tonight.” I looked at him with confusion. I was wearing basketball shorts that I stole from Pat and a black tank top. I really don’t see how I look “hot”.
“Yeah, somehow I don’t believe you.” I said.
“Okay, you don’t look hot but you look…nice.” I couldn’t help but laugh at Jack as he tried not to tell me I looked gross. “This actually wasn’t the reason why I brought you up here.”
“Then what’s the reason cutie pie?”
“This is.” Jack then pulled a small box out of his pocket and handed it to me. I took it from him and sat crossed legged on my bed and opened it. Inside the box was a bracelet. I gasped at how beautiful it was.
“Jack, this is beautiful. Thank you!” I jumped across my bed, tackled him in a hug, and kissed him. “But what’s the occasion?” I asked.
“To make up for my jealousy and childish behavior towards that Daniel guy.” Jack told me. To be honest I actually forgot about him because of all the excitement of Jane getting married.
“You didn’t have to buy this though.”
“I know but I wanted to.” He smiled his goofy grin, put his arm around me, and kissed the top of my head.
“STOP HAVING MONKEY SEX AND COME PARTY!” I heard Jane yelled from the bottom of the stairs. I raised my eyebrow at her choice of words but grabbed Jack’s hand and went back to the party going on downstairs.

It was now 1 am and everyone was pretty much gone except Matt.
“JAMES YOU HOE! GET US PIZZA!” Jane yelled from the living room. Haleigh, Dawn, Jane, and I were all dancing like retards to the song Candy Shop.
“Don’t call me James!” Matt yelled making his way to the phone. He dialed Pizza Hut’s number and leaned against the counter. This is how it went down:

Pizza Hut Guy: Hello, how may I help you?
Matt: I'd like to make an order for 12 large pizzas.
Pizza Hut Guy: Would that be delivery?
Matt: Yeah.
Jack (in background): I'M FUCKIN' HUNGRY BITCH, HURRY UP
Matt: Excuse me one moment... SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DUMB BITCH! DO YOU WANT YOUR PIZZA OR NOT... yeah sorry uh...
Pizza Hut Guy: What would you like on your pizza’s, sir...
Matt: one cheese, 3 pepperoni...
Alex (in background): NO ONE FUCKIN' LIKES PEPPERONI!
Matt: TOO BAD BITCH. Sorry.
Pizza Hut Guy: ...It's alright sir...
Matt: Four pizzas, right? So, eight more....
Pizza Hut Guy: Yup that's correct.
Matt: Can I get two supreme -
Matt: ......
Danny (in background): WHERE MY BITCHES AT?
Matt: I'm so sorry.... DANNY SHUT UP! WE'LL GET YOU YOUR JAGER. Anyway, six pizzas down. Six more. uhh...let's get one veggie....
Zack (in background): FUCK YEAH VEGETABLES!
Rian (in background): FUCK OFF BITCH!
Matt: um... uh.... four meat lovers...
Jack (in background): EVERYONE LOVES MY MEAT!
Danny (in background): MINE'S BETTAAAAAAAA, IT'S SUPREME!
Matt: ...and a Hawaiian...yes, a Hawaiian.
Matt: ... TOO DAMN BAD! Again, I am terribly sorry... that's what you get when you have drunk friends at 1 am with pizza cravings.
Pizza Hut Guy: *awkward laugh* it's alright, sir. Is that all? Do you want breadsticks, wings, or soda?
Jane (in background): I’M BRINGING SEXY BACK!!!
Matt: Three orders of breadsticks, five orders of 44 piece wings... three blue ranch, two hot.
Pizza Hut Guy: Any drinks?
Matt: Six 2 liters of coke.
Pizza Hut Guy: Is that all for you?
Matt: Yeah, what's the total?
Jack (in background): 9 INCHESSSSSSSS OF MEAAAAAAAT!
Pizza Hut Guy: That would be $295.33.
Matt: WHO'S GOT FUCKIN MONEY?! Jack I know YOU do.
Jack (in background): I MAKE IT RAIIIIIIIIIN!!
Dawn (in background): SHE TAKE MY MONEY WHEN I’M IN NEEEEED!
Matt: SHUT THE HELL UP YOU IDIOTS! Sorry, how long will it be?
Pizza Hut Guy: It'll be there in 45 minutes.
Matt: Really?
Pizza Hut Guy: Yes, have a nice day.
Matt: God bless you, kind soul.
Pizza Hut Guy: No... God bless YOU.

*45 minutes later*
The doorbell went off and Matt answered it. Kara was asleep next to the TV, Haleigh and Zack were nowhere to be found, Jack, Lisa, Jane, and I were sitting in front of the couch facing the middle table while Matt, Dawn, Alex and Danny were on the other side of it. We were all playing a card drinking game called Black or Red. Matt came back with the Pizza’s and threw them onto the couch. The rest of the night was full of a lot of pizza eating, some more drinking and dancing. Eventually everyone passed out one by one. Well, everyone but Jack and me.

The sun was just now beginning to rise and Jack and I were still up and a lot less drunk than we were. (mostly because we ran out of alcohol.)
“Come with me.” I took Jack’s hand and led him to the upstairs bathroom.
“Izzy Bean I will not shower with you!”
“You’re an idiot.” Was all I said before opening the bathroom window. I used the toilet seat as a stepstool and put one leg out the window with the other one following. Soon enough I was on the roof. “Jack, get out here.” A few minutes later Jack was sitting beside me.
“I had no idea Baltimore could look nice.” Jack said and put his arm around me. I leaned into him and rested my head on his shoulder.
“This is one of the many things I like about living here. Back in New York I could never see a sunset like this.”
“Do you ever miss home?” Jack asked me after a few minutes of silence.
“Sometimes, not much though.” To be honest the only thing I miss about home is Sarah and Chris.

Jack and I fell asleep on the roof watching the sunset. The thing going through my mind at that moment though was wanting to see Sarah and Chris again. I might leave during February vacation.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kind of a filler but it has a point to it later on in the story. Tell meh what ya think!! WHAT DO YOU THINK IS GOING TO HAPPEN WITH COURTNEY AND ISABELLE?! WILL ISABELLE LEAVE AND GO BACK TO NEW YORK?! WILL I EVER GET ANOTHER BOYFRIEND!!! (okay the last one is irrelvant to the story but hey, shit happens.)

I AM GOING TO CRY! I feel like no one is reading this anymore :'(
Maybe I should stop updating at like 3 in the morning, huh? lol
IF I STILL HAVE READERS PLEASE LET ME KNOW AND COMMENT! (If i keep feeling like no one is reading I might stop writing and delete it.)

Time for fun facts? I think so!
1. okay not a fun fact but I'M GOING TO MISS RYAN DUNN! Why did he have to die?!
2. The fair is in town!! People usually die at it. (not a joke)
3. If you haven't seen the Hangover 2, I recommend that you go see it NOW! Even if you have to die to see it!
5. I don't have a fun fact for this one. I just felt like making a 5.

Okay I'm going to try something new. i'm gong to ask you a question and I would like you to comment with an answer! Here I go: WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTER SO FAR? ISABELLE, DANNY, HALEIGH, DAWN, JANE, OR MATT!