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Young Love Is Such Dumb Love

Some say I'm insane, Others say I'm deranged

I have been at Jane's house for two days now and I have done nothing but unpack, but today is the day! I finished unpacking EVERYTHING! Jane said that she has a fun day for us planned so I can't wait to see what she has in store. I just got out of the shower and was dancing like an idiot around my room, nude. (You only live once ya know.) I picked up my brush and started singing to All The Small Things by Blink-182. I tried jumping up on my bed to jump around but that only ended with me falling flat on my face and Jane running into my room to see of I was OK.
"Belle! Are you.... Why are you naked?" She raised her eyebrows and leaned against the door.
"I just got out of the shower and was jumping around. You know how I do Janey." I said getting up and wrapping a towel around my body.
"That I do Belley, now get your naked bum ready to go. We are leaving soon." With that she left the room closing the door. I did as I was told and got dressed. I threw on an old pair of jeans that has holes where the knees are, my favorite Blink-182 shirt, and my black converse shoes. I applied my thin line of black eyeliner and added a soft layer of purple eye shadow and I was out my door running down the stairs.
"Belle, don't run down the stairs like a raging animal in heat. It's not attractive, and knowing you your going to fall down them one day."
"Oh come on Jane, I will not fall down them. I'm not that clum..." I then found myself on my face once again for the second time today. I had tripped on the last step of the stairs.
"Told you that you were going to fall down them. Now go get your coat and meet me in the car." She ordered me while chuckling to herself as she left the house.

I walked to the closet and grabbed ac coat and put it on. As I walked out the house I saw the guy from across the street again. This time he waved to me first. So I was being kind and waved back. I got into the car and Jane started backing up out of the driveway. When she passed the guy from across the street she beeped the horn and when he looked up at the car my Aunt did something I never would have expected her to do. She flipped the guy from across the street off!! And he flipped her of back! What the monkey is going on here?!
"Jane what the waffles was that about?!"
"Waffles?" She asked laughing at my wording.
"Yes I said waffles, now tell me why you two just flipped each other off!" I was going insane not knowing, cause my Aunt is cool and fun but she just don't go around flipping off random teenagers.
"Don't worry Belley. It's an inside joke we have." She turned down a street that was pretty busy with cars and I saw a huge building up ahead.
"Who was he anyway? And are we going to the mall?" excitement now flowing through my body.
"That was Matt, I have known him since I moved in that house, and your a correct! Welcome to the Mall of fun!" She turned into a parking lot and parked the car near Best Buy.
"How much fun is fun?" I raised my eyebrow at her.
"Lets just say that this is the only mall for a while. So everyone comes here to hang out and shop and it has its own movie theater in it. This is the best Mall ever, well besides the Mall of America." My eyes lit up with excitement and mischief and I think my aunt noticed that. "Don't get into trouble Isabelle. I'm down to have fun but not pranks. You get kicked out of this mall you have no where else to shop besides food stores. Oh and you will see a lot of people that you will being going to school with after vacation is over." And with that we were off to venture in the mall.

It had been a good hour since me and Aunt Jane have been in the mall and we have only been in two stores and the food court. Half an hour of the hour was in the food court. We got caught up talking and catching up about our lives. It turned out that Aunt Jane was dating some guy that was a writer for The Rolling Stones magazine. I asked when I'll be able to meet him and she said that he will be at the house in a few weeks.
We were now walking through the mall when a group of four girls came out of Aeropostal all wearing mini skirts that a polar bear wouldn't even wear in the winter. So in other words, they looked like whores. One of them looked at Jane and scowled at he while the others gave her dirty looks.
"Jane you do realize that the freak store is like down there." She pointed in the opposite way we were walking.
"You do realize that it's kind of slutty to wear skirts that short when it's 25 degrees outside. Your going to become a Whoresicle." I said and grabbed my aunts arm and pushed past the whore and her hoes.

(You see, I can't stand when people make comments like that whore just did to my Aunt. That is one thing I don't stand for. I am one of the best most loyal friends you could possible have. I stand for what I believe in and I will defend my friends and family at no cost. So when people come after my family and friends it really pisses me off, especially when the people coming at the people I love are low life, no good, dirty, fake, plastic whores.)

"Excuse me?! Who the hell do you think you are?!" The whore yelled at me causing a scene cause some people we gathering around.
"Well I think I'm me, problem, Whore?" I spat at her.
"Yeah big problem, Freak! You see...." She didn't even get to finish talking cause I cut her off.
"No, whores like you don't get to talk. Cause you see, I don't give two shits if who I am is a problem to you or not. So you know 'Princess' get over yourself and deal with it cause I'm not going anywhere." I took a step forward towards her. "Go right ahead and tell me that your going to make my life miserable and blah, blah, blah, cause I heard it all before. But trust me, whatever you throw at me I can serve right back, just twice as worse. I'm not a person you want to mess with."
"I know exactly who you are. Your the bitch who transferred here from New York. You better watch you back at school cause by the end of the week you'll be packing your bags crying home to Mommy and Daddy." She took a step towards me, so now we right in front of each other. I also noticed that there was a crowd around us, probably hoping for a fight. But I noticed a guy was looking at the scene in front of him wide eyed and with the look of shock. He was pretty cute, he had brown hair that went across his face and brown eyes. My attention snapped back to the whore in front of me when she started to speak again. "Mark my words, Bitch..." And again I cut her off. And I took another step forward so that were were face to face glaring at each other.
"How about you mark my words. Come after my Aunt again or at me and I promise you this, you will be making comments from a hospital bed while being fed through a tube and you will be crying to Daddy asking and begging for another nose job or asking for plastic surgery, but you should prob be asking for that now. Just think about where I came from before you choose to come at me. Got it, Whore? Now get the hell out of my way before I make you eat the ground for lunch, or would that be too many carbs?" With that I pushed past little Miss 'Princess' and her followers with Aunt Jane following close behind.

I got into FYE and looked at Aunt Jane and she was giving me a look that could kill. "Isabelle you shouldn't have done that at all." she looked scared and worried for me.
"Jane, you couldn't do or say anything to them cause your an adult, but I'm not. What they said wasn't right and it pissed me off that they would even say that. So I said something." I walked over to the music and Aunt Jane followed.
"I know but Isabelle I don't want you hurt at all. Matt has told me about her and she is not friendly at all and she will try..." I cut her off cause I knew what she was going to say next.
"Jane, she can try to make life miserable at school all she wants for me. I'm not scared of her, and I am one to keep promises. She will get it all served back twice as bad. You heard of my antics at school and the second major reason as to why I'm here. If I can break a girls leg without even trying to, imagine what I can do when I do try. Think about it Janey." I said looking for a certain Cd.
"OK, I just don't want you getting into trouble." With that she ventured to the other side of the store to look at movies.

After five minutes of searching I found the American Idiot Cd. "Nice choice in music." a very sexy voice said from behind me. Startled, I turned around quickly only to come face to face with the guy I saw from the crowed that was around me and Whore. "Oh, and very nice show you put on. No one has ever stood up to Courtney like you just did and live to talk about it. You have some major ovaries." I laughed at the last part.
"Ha-ha thanks. These ovaries are used a lot in situations like you just witnessed. They come in handy." We both laughed at the conversation we were having. I walked to the end of the row to the N's. I picked up the New Found Glory Cd 'Coming Home'. I got my two Cd's and was about to walk away when I noticed that the guy was still looking at me. "Uh... Can I help you?" I asked him.
"Sorry, but I have never meet a girl that likes Green Day and New Found Glory. Your not like other girls." He flashed me a killer smile that would have made any girl melt, well any girl but me.
"And I pride myself in that." I walked past him to the register at the front of the store. I looked around to see where my Aunt was an saw that she was engulfed in a pile of movies looking through them.
"As you should. It's not cool to be like everyone else." and again with that killer smile.
"Believe me I am far off from being like everyone. So mystery guy, you got a name?" I finally got to the register and was waiting behind two other people.
"Yes, as a matter of fact I do have a name."
"Well, are you going to tell me it." I questioned him raising my eyebrow at him.
"No, I think you can wait till scho..."
"Alexander! Get your cute little bum away from my Niece before I take away the privilege of you being able to reproduce!" My Aunt cut him off from what he was going to say. She popped out of nowhere. I moved up in the line and was now only one person away from paying for my Cd's.
"I'm just talking to her! Chill-ax." He said smiling like a retard.
"You and me both know you were trying to hit on her. And you very well know that I will stop future reproduction if you don't go." Aunt Jane said. I was now moving up to the front of the line and was waiting for the guy at the counter to tell me what my price was.
"You wouldn't ruin Jack's dream of being able to have my babies, would you?!" I turned my head to him and almost busted out laughing but I held it in.
"I wouldn't even feel guilty about it." my Aunt said with an evil grin on her face.
"YOU DREAM KILLER!!" Alex yelled and was walking away. I gave the man the money for the Cd's and thanked him.
"Bye Alex! See you at school!" I yelled after him. He turned around and stuck his tongue out at me.
"Bye girl I still don't know the name of! See you at school." With that he left as did me and Aunt Jane.

Aunt Jane and I finally got home around 7 at night. She decided that she didn't want to cook at all so we went out for dinner. We were now in front of the TV sitting on the couch crying our eyes out. Wondering why we are crying? Well it's because Aunt Jane got a really sad movie called 'My Girl' and it really got to us. So here we are, sitting on her couch crying, eating popcorn, and extremely tired from the day. So all in all we looked like total messes, and not hot messes either. Then the door bell rang. We both wondered who would stop bye close to 8 PM. We were arguing with our eyes to see who would answer the door, since neither of us looked presentable with make-up running down our faces. Sadly I lost the fight and got up to answer the door. I opened it to find him standing there smiling at me. Why is he here and at this time?
♠ ♠ ♠
OK so this is my second time trying to post this. Gr, so mad at my computer right now. Anyway, this is my second update today! I'm so proud of myself. Thank you snow days! ♥
Don't be shy and comment, I don't bite at all and comments make me super duper happy! Also subscriptions make me happy too.

People who comment will be loved forever by me and I will thank you in my next update ♥

Also, I need yo help people! I need two people to be Zack's and Matt Flyzik's girlfriends. If there are any takers either comment or message me. I like including my readers in my stories.