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Young Love Is Such Dumb Love

This is how we live, Ripped jeans and all


Maybe if I ignored it long enough it will stop. I thought to myself as my alarm clock went off. A few minutes later I found myself on the floor. I jumped up off the floor like a bullet out of a gun. I looked around to see who pushed me off my bed and saw Matt and Danny high fiving each other. I flipped them both off and they left my room leaving me to get ready. I took a shower, got dressed in plain regular jeans, a random shirt I got from my closet.
"Belle, are you awake yet?" My Aunt called up to me.
"Yeah, now make me waffles!" I yelled back to her as I applied the finishing touch of my eyeliner. I headed down stairs to find a stack of waffles!
"About time sleepy head." Matt ruffled my hair as I sat down and kissed the top of my head. I saw Danny's fork sneaking over to my plate of waffles and I jabbed the fork right in front of her hand.
"You push me out of my bed nice warm bed and now your trying to take me waffle! This means WAR FLYZIK!!" I yelled the last part for dramatization.
"Bring it on Thompson." Danny and me held a pretty intense staring contest after while I ate my waffles. I would have won if Matt didn't poke my eye.

I walked into the school alone because I couldn't find Alex or Rian at all and Danny left me as soon as she saw some guy named Alex Grieco. I was introduced to him at the party and talked to him for maybe a minute. I got to the front office without a problem and saw an old lady looking like she was married to the devil. I walked up to her and put a smile on my face. "Hi, I'm Isabelle Thompson. I new here." I flashed me pearly whites and all the lady did was from. Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed and fell out a window.
"Here's your schedule. Hope you like it here." She forced a smile at the end and her smile would make polar bears want global warming to get worse. I took the schedule from her and walked out of the off and just stood there looking at.
Dulaney High School Class Schedule
Hour 1: British Literature
Hour 2: Calculus
Hour 3: Physical Education
Hour 4: Greek History
Hour 5: Physics
Hour 6: Italian III
Hour 7: Family Studies
Hour 8: Study Hall

I looked at my schedule wondering why they put me in Italian III, I was in Italian II back in New York. I looked over my schedule once again before it was yanked out of my hands. I looked up to see Rian and some other girl next to him. She was really pretty. She had long brown hair and hazel eyes and was my height, 5'4".
"Hi, I'm Kara, Rian's girlfriend."
"Hi, I'm Isabelle but..."
"YES!" Me and Kara turned our heads to Rian who held the biggest smile ever on his face.
"Yes what?" I asked him.
"We have; Calculus, PE, Italian, and study hall together!" I soon held a smile on my face knowing that I would know someone in some of my classes. Then Kara looked at the paper and frowned.
"We only have Italian and study hall together." Just then two more bodies came over to us and grabbed the paper. I couldn't see who they were cause their backs were turned to me.
"English, physics, PE, and study hall." I recognized that voice right away as the one and only Alex.
"English, PE, history, and family studies with me!" shouted a guy that I faintly remember from the party. Just then Alex came over to me and hung his arm around my shoulder.
"Hey kid." He said to me with a smile.
"Hey. So, who do I have classes with?" I asked looking up at him since he's probably 5 or 6 inches taller than me.
"Well, you'll figure that out as the day goes on." With that he left and probably went to his locker. I talked for a little more with the others before I parted from them to go find my locker.

I looked at my schedule trying to find my first class. I was so lost right now and the bell rang three minutes ago! I finally found the room on the other side of the building and I was officially eight minutes late for class. This is just great for my first day. I walked into class and all eyes were on me as were the teachers.
"And you are?" She asked me. She kind of looked like a bird.
"Uh, I'm Isabelle. I'm new." I told her.
"Well, tardiness is not acceptable." She snapped at me.
"I was getting shown around the school by another student. Didn't know it was a crime now to learn my new school." I said back earning a few laughs from some people in class. I looked around the room and saw Alex, Jack, and Danny in the back all with smirks on their faces.
"Being a smart alec isn't appropriate either. Go take a seat, I have had enough of you." I did as I was told and took my seat next to Danny. She sat in front of Alex and Jack was to his right, so I was in front of Jack.
"Were you really getting a tour?" Danny whispered to me.
"No, I was lost out of my mind." I chuckled. Then a piece of paper landed in front me.
I didn't know you were the bad ass, I'm not going to take shit from a teacher kind of gal This note obviously came from Jack cause Alex's writing wasn't this bad.
well we are all full of surprises aren't we? I threw it behind my head and then heard an OW come from Jack.
you have a good aim for not looking! that hit my eye! your a meanie pants. I laughed at this and then...
"Miss Thompson, would you care to explain to the class what is so funny?" Mrs. Rankin asked me.
"Uh, sure why not. I'm just laughing at the fact that your an English teacher and you can't write to save your life." I said noticing her atrocious penmanship. Everyone started laughing and I could tell that she was going to yell at me when the bell rang ending the class. I bolted out of that room saying by to Alex and Danny and heading to my Calculus class. I had that class alone or so I thought.

I entered the class and took my seat and waited for class to start. Students all started coming in at once just a few minutes before the bell rang. I didn't pay attention to them at all, I was too engulfed with my writing I was doing.
"Ok, class we have a new student with us." Oh god no! Is this teacher really doing this?! "Her name is Isabelle. Isabelle, would you like to introduce youself to the class?" I looked up at him like he was crazy.
"I'd rather not, thanks."
"Oh, come on now. Tell the class a little about yourself." Wow, this guy was really enthuisatic.
"No one cares about her." I truned my head to the left and across the room I saw little miss whore from the mall. The people around her laughed at her comment.
"Alright Mr. Drohen, I'll tell ya about myself. I really hate fake blonde whores that don't know when to shut up." I stated looking right at Courtney The Whore glarring at her and she glared right back.
"Well, I think we learned enough about you for a day." Mr. Drohen turned around to the bored and kept on teaching the class. Math was pretty much boring. Nothing really happened at all besides me and Courtney glaring back and forth at each other. The bell rang and I got my stuff together and headed to gym.

Gym class was never my favorite but it just might be now. That class was utterly halarious. I had it with Jack, Rian, Alex, and Danny. All we did was fool around and joke all throughout class. Apparently the guys are popular around school cause everyone always stopped to watch the little fights between Alex and Jack.

After that class I headed to history but sadly we had assigned seats and Jack was on one side of the room, Danny was in the middle, and I was on the other side of the room from Jack. Nothing really happened during that class besides Jack yelling across the room to me asking if I would tie his shoe that he also threw at me. That got him kicked out of class.

Physics was pretty boring also. Alex and Lisa just talked to each other the whole time. They would talk to me once in a while but I was too busy 'taking notes' which is code for... I CAN SLEEP WITH MY EYES OPEN!

Lunch time came and we all meet up at a table. Jack, Danny and Alex were stuffing their face as usual. Rian and Kara were in their own little cutest couple ever world. As for me and Lisa, we just stared at Jack, Danny and Alex in moch horror at their eating skills. By the end of lunch Jack wore most of his luch on his face as did Danny. Alex was probably the cleanist, if you call having sause almost all over your face clean, but compared to Jack and Danny, who had sause on their freaking ear! How the hell did do you get food on your EAR?! I guess its like the tootsie pop, the world will never know. Lunch ended and me, Kara and Rian went to Italian class.

Italian III was the hardest freaking class ever! I'm not fluet in Italian so when the teacher asked me to read some story in Italian I had no I what to say. So I tried my best and saldy my best was so way off. I said to the teacher: "...uh yeah Il pinguino mangiò l'uccello che è caduto dalla palma e colpire il turista pesante che è pizzicare il mio gattino." So what I had actually said was; 'The penguin ate the bird that fell from the palm tree and hit the heavy tourist that is pinching my kitten.' The teacher laughed as did the class, but I couldn't blame them, it was pretty funny. The rest of that class the teacher didn't let me read anything else.

So, I was now in my second to last class of the day and the only person I knew in this class was Jack. Class started and the teacher said they we were going to be given a project and for us to find a partner.
"I CALL IZZY BEAN!" Jack yelled and sat on me.
"OK Jack. You can have Isabelle if you get off her." Ms. M said to Jack. "Alright class, this project will test your responsibility, patientice, maturity level, and parenting skills."
"Ms. M can you fail me and Jack now? Look at us, you know we have none of those things... Especially Jack." I pointed at Jack with my thumb.
"HEY! I resent that comment." Jack pouted like a five year old who just got their favorite toy taken away. That just shows how low his maturity level is.
"I will not do that. Now as I was saying, this project will be worth most of your grade as it will last for the next month." Ms. M then handed out babies. At first I thought they were real cause they looked so life like but they turned out to be plastic. "Every partner gets a baby and I want you all to treat it like it's your own child."
"Some won't have to pretend..." Jack mumbled talking about some chick in class that already has two kids. Ms. M used up the rest of the class explaning the rules and guidlines of the baby. Turns out that there is a tiny camera in the eyes of the doll and a voice recorder in the mouth, so when we pass it in the teacher will watch it back and be able to see and hear what was said around the child. The bell rang and me and Jack held each of the baby's hand and swung the doll and skipped all the way to the Library where Study Hall takes place.

Me and Jack got to study hall a little bit late cause we got yelled at for skipping so we had to walk the rest of the way. We took our seats at the table and I saw that EVERYONE was here. Alex, Danny, Rian, Kara, and Lisa.
"Ready guys?" Alex asked.
"Ready!" Everyone but me whispered shouted.
"Wait! What is going on? What are you guys ready for?" I asked confused.
"This is the class that we either skip or get thrown out of, and today we plan to get kicked out." Alex had this devious smile plastered on his face. Jack then got out of his seat and started going around the table and tapping everyone's head saying 'Duck, Duck, Duck, Duck' and so on until he landed on Danny and said goose. Everyone cheered Danny on as she ran after Jack around the Library yelling "I'M GOING TO CATCH YOU JACKY BEAR!!" Alex got on th table and yelled "RUN JACK RUN LIKE YOUR NAKED!" Everyone in the library was howling with laughter including me. Then the teacher grabbed Jack by the shirt stopping him from running.
"HEY! It's not your turn Mr. Wheeler! You got to wait to be picked. Maybe next game around." Danny said to the teacher.
"All of you, office, NOW!" We all left but we didn't go to the office, instead we left school and headed to the pizza palor down the street.

Jack was on his fifth milkshake when Zack and this cute girl that was about 5'3", shoulder lenght dark brown hair and light brown eyes that really stood out. "Hey, guys." Zack said to everyone. "Hi, isabelle. I'm Zack, I don't think you remember me from the party, and this is my girlfriend Haleigh.
"Hi, it's nice to meet you." She said to me.
"Nice to meet you too." I said back. We all hung out at the palor till they kicked us out so they could close. By then Danny had already left cause Matt needed her help at their aunt's. Alex drove me home and dropped me off. We said our 'byes' and he left. I was walking up the driveway and saw that Aunt Jane wasn't home yet. I walked up to the door and I didn't even notice the shadow that was in the corner until they spoke. Now I was scared for my life cause I was alone with this bastard again. Someone kill me.... Before he does.
♠ ♠ ♠
this is Isabelle by the way ==> Image
Ha-ha I love you guys but I'm sorry I had to leave you all guessing at the end. I'm just that mean. What do you guys think of the project Jack and Belle have?
IMPORTANT MUST READ! OK, so this chapter is extra long cause I wont be updating until next Saturday, unless I get an enormous flow of comments from my readers. The next update is already written so if you want it soon you better comment your asses off for this story.

I got great feedback from a lot of people and thank you so much, all of you for commenting and subscribing. This hasn't been active for two weeks and I already have 17 subscribers and been rated with 3 stars! You guys are just fantastic! I love you all.
1. I actually know someone who can sleep with their eyes open. It's pretty freaking creepy!!
2. Guess who is going to see All Tim Low May 6th in Boston, MA! This girl is! *points to myself!
3. The library scene really happened. Me and a bunch of my friends planned it our one day in my freshman year (I'm a senior now) It was the funnest thing ever, totally worth the suspension.

Keep your eye out for Haleigh. She is going to be a frequent character in Isabelle's life.

("Well, I touched Christy Boner's hoo-hoo, were on the hook for two hundred thousand dollars to a transsexual stripper, and my car's gone. I'd say we were pretty wasted."

"Wait a second, let's recap. Last night, we lost my car, we accepted stolen money from a transsexual stripper, and now some space nerds want us to find something we can't pronounce. I hate to say it, Chester, but maybe we need to cut back on the shibbying."
Oh how I love the movie Dude Where's My Car ♥)