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Young Love Is Such Dumb Love

Cause After All We're Actors on A Stage


I woke up that morning not feeling like getting out of bed, but I didn't have a choice as Alex and Matt stood above me with a bucket full of god knows what. I jumped out of bed and went to my bathroom to shower and get ready for school. I could here Alex and Matt laugh to themselves as they went down the stairs. "Ass holes" I mumbled to myself and did what I had to do. After I was done getting ready I headed downstairs to the kitchen. As I entered I noticed that everyone was here. Well everyone except Kara and Rian.
"IZZY BEAN!" Jack yelled, then ran at me and engulfed me in a huge hug. He let go and went back to the table to eat some more. Everyone else said 'Hey' to me and continued eating.
"No offense guys, but why are you all here?" I took Jack's plate from him and began eating MY waffles that he took.
"Well me and Matt are always here. The other two idiots and Lisa are here cause they heard free waffles." Danny said to me with her mouth full of food. Jack and Alex gave her an evil playful look but kept eating like they have never ate.
"Danny that's gross!" Me and Matt both yelled at her. She gave us a sly smile and continued.
"Belley, be home right after school today. Patrick will be coming home today. I want you to finally meet him." My Aunt Jane said as she came into the Kitchen. "Jack, Alex, and Danny I swear to god if you don't eat like a person I'll feed you from a bowl on the floor." She said to them.
"Can my bowl say 'Jack Attack' on it?" Jack asked and earned a smack across the head from my aunt and laughs from everyone else. He stuck his tongue out at us and smiled that amazing goofy smile of his.
"I'll be home a little later, Matt had already made plans for me to meet someone of his. Sorry Janey." I told her.
"Yeah, sorry Jane. I didn't know Pat was coming back today." Matt said to her.
"Don't worry about it. Just don't come home too late." She looked up at the clock and her eyes went wide. "You guys better get going. Your going to be late for school." With that we all jumped up and ran towards the door. "Matt stay here for a bit. I need to talk to you about things." He nodded his head while everyone looked at him strangely, well everyone except me. I knew exactly what they needed to talk about. Derrik.

On our way to school was pretty funny. Jack's bag started crying and we found out that it was mine and his baby. I hit Jack lightly in the arm telling him he can't do that or we will fail. But anyway English was pretty boring. Me and Jack got yelled at for passing notes again and Alex and Danny got kicked out for making bird noises at her. Which might I add were pretty hilarious. They had me and Jack laughing uncontrollably. Next was Math class and I had that with Miss Whore and her clones. I sat down in math class waiting for the class to start when Miss Whore came up to me.
"I know we didn't start off well, but I want to put it behind us and start over? What do you say, Izzy?" She stuck her hand out for a truce and I just stared at her. What does she think I am, retarded?
"You do realize that I wasn't born yesterday, right? I'm not an idiot and I don't plan on falling for your little trick. So take your skank ass back to your seat and leave me alone. I'm not in the mood for your bull shit today." I said in a cold harsh tone. I really wasn't in the mood for her games today. Last night was still going through my head.
"Well, you stu...."
"Courtney, go take your seat, we are going to begin now." Mr. Drohen cut her off and she gave me a dirty look but went to take her seat.

It was 20 minutes into class when the door opened. I paid no attention to it and kept on writing in my notebook.
"Mr. Hanley, you are late today. Go take your seat." Something tells me that Mr. Drohen was in a bad mood today. The person walked past me and sat behind me.
"Hey there sweetheart, I missed you last night." My eyes went wide and I could tell all the colour from my face was gone. I was probably as white as a ghost right now. It just so happened that the one class I have none of my friends in with me is the class that Miss Whore and Derrik have with me. God really does hate me.
"Miss Thompson, are you ok? You look like your going to be sick." Mr. Drohen was looking at me concern all over his face.
"Uh.. Um.. I... Can..." I got up and ran out of class. I didn't know what to do and I panicked. I ran down the hall to the end where the double doors are that led outside. I ran to the track and hid under the bleachers. I ignored the coldness from the January air and just sat on the ground hugging my legs to my chest. I felt like I was going to cry but I stopped myself when I heard two voices. Voices that I know well. They belonged to Lisa and Alex. But why are they out here alone?

I stayed quiet for 15 minutes and listened to their conversation. I know it's wrong but I was curious.
"We can't keep doing this Lisa. It's wrong." Alex said.
"I know, but I just can't find it in my heart to do it. He loves me and I don't want to break his heart." I think they are talking about Jack.
"I know what you mean but Jack is my best friend and what is going on between us needs to end. I'm done sneaking around my best friends back with his girl." My eyes went wide. Am I really hearing this?
"I know, I know Alex. I don't want you to do that anymore either."
"Then either end it with him or me." Alex's voice was stern and final.
"I need time to think." Lisa sounded like she was about to cry.
"You have had a month to think Lisa, how much longer do you need? I know Jack loves you, but I love you too. And I know that you love me back, but do you love Jack back?" Alex walked away and left Lisa alone and I heard her start crying. I wanted to help her so bad, but I couldn't let her know that I heard everything. After the bell rang for third hour to start she walked away. I had so much on my mind I just skipped gym. After gym ended I went to Greek History.

I took my seat and saw as everyone else came and took their seats. Jack took his and Danny took hers in the middle. Both of them gave me a questioning look. Then Lisa walked in. I had no idea she was in this class, I didn't see her yesterday. She took her seat next to me and smiled big at me. I returned it even though I wanted to gouge her eyes out for cheating on Jack with Alex. As for Alex, I wanted to rip his manhood off his body and then shove it down his throat and watch him choke. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know that's kind of taking it to far, but they have been doing this for a month, or maybe more. Who knows but them cheating bastards. Mr. Kelley started teaching the class and assigned us a project. I got paired up with Jack and Lisa got paired with Danny. We were told to make a poster board with pictures of what we think Ancient Greek was about. Jack had immediately started chanting Toga. The whole class heard him and started chanting with him until Mr. Kelley got super pissed and screamed at all of us. Jack then again got kicked out leaving me to start the project alone. Bell rang for next hour and I got ready for an awkward class.

Physics consisted of constant bickering and glares between Alex and Lisa. I finally had enough of it and turned around to scold both of them.
"Shut up! Both of you. God damn it you two are fighting like a couple." As soon as I said that their eyes widened and they gave a nervous glance at each other. That pretty much told me that what I heard earlier was legit. The bell rang and we went off to lunch.

"Izzy Bean where were you at Gym today?" Jack asked getting into my face. I could feel his breathe on me and I started getting nervous from our closeness. Rian walked by Jack and pulled him back into his seat.
"Don't scare her away now." Rian said taking his seat next to Jack and Kara.
"Oh please, she played baseball with us drunk. She is ours forever!" Jack let out an evil laugh and then asked where I was during gym again. Only this time, everyone eyes were on me.
"Uh.. I didn't feel like going so I skipped. Sorry I didn't let you guys know." I swallowed hard and looked down at my hands. Just then I noticed Derrik walk by the table.
"Hey Isabelle, your looking pretty hot today." He said to and winked at me. If I didn't know him before I might of blushed at his comment, but it just made me scared.
"Dude, fuck off and leave her alone." Alex said looking like he was about to fight him.
"And what if I don't Gaskarth?"
"You already know what will happen. Matt told you." Derrik's face fell and he walked away. I looked over to Alex and gave him a weak smile, even though I was mad at him.
"Bells, what was that about? How does Giant Rumpelstiltskin know you?" Danny asked me and I laughed at his nick name she gave him.
"He used to live in New York and he moved here apparently." I said like it was nothing.
"Then why did Alex just go all Pit Bull on his ass? And what did Matt tell him?" Jack was no asking.
"We don't have a very bright history. A few days after I moved here, Rumpelstiltskin there, came for a visit. Matt saw that I was being bothered and told him to screw off and leave me alone. Also that if he didn't Him and Alex and Zack would kick his ass." I looked over to Danny to make sure she doesn't give away what had actually happened that night. But she was too into her conversation with Alex Grieco, or as I call him Mini Alex. They all accepted my answer and Lunch went on until the bell rang. We all parted for class

Italian III went by slowly and I was asked to read again, only this time I actually said it right. That class soon ended and I was then in Family Studies with Jack.

Jack took the baby out of his bag when Ms. M told us to put our babies out on the table. She gave us a frightened look. She made it seemed like we just killed a baby.
"Please for the life of me Jack, tell me that baby has not been in your bag all day." She looked at me and Jack for an answer as did the whole class.
"No, I'm not that dumb." Ms. M let out a sigh of relief.
"It's been in my locker mostly." I said to her and the look of seeing a baby killer in front of her was back. The other kids started laughing and Jack smiled his famous smile.
"You can't just put the baby in a locker or backpack." She told us.
"Well, where else can we put it? I'm not a freaking kangaroo Lady." Jack said to her and I tried to hold my laughter.
"Your supposed to carry it around with you. Your supposed to be acting like a parent Mr. Barakat."
"Ms. M told you this already, we are not cut out for this."
"Miss Thompson, you need to train yourself to get ready for this. Chances are, you are going to become a parent one day." I tried to say something else to her but she wouldn't let me. Class went on with me and Jack goofing off and piratically giving Ms. M a heart attack. The bell rang and me and Jack left class playing catch with Nacho. Yes we named our kid Nacho. It was either that or Pene Maestro. But sadly Ms. M knew what that means and got yelled at for trying to name our kid Master Penis. We got to Study Hall where we told everyone our child's name and alternative name. We got kicked out for being too loud again. We left school and all headed to Matt's house.

I got out of the car and run up to Matt's house and just let myself in. Everyone else was coming but I was just entering the living room when I saw a petite girl with long black hair, light brown eyes and a few tattoos sitting on the couch. She looked at all of us and smiled.
"JAMES! EVERYONE IS HERE!" She yelled. Her voice was pretty and it sounded like she should be a singer or something. Footsteps came down the stairs and Matt appeared with no shirt on.
"MY EYES!" Me and Danny yelled falling to the ground shielding our eyes.
"Lookin sexy as ever baby! RAWR!" Jack and Alex said to Matt. I wonder about their sexuality sometimes. Everyone laughed at our reactions and the two idiots words. Matt put a shirt on and then began with the introductions.
"Babe you already know those idiots, but this is Isabelle and Lisa." He pointed to each of us when he spoke our names. "Guys this is Dawn. She is my girlfriend." She smiled at us and we smiled back saying 'Hi'. The rest of the day mostly existed of the guys disappearing and me and Lisa getting to know Dawn some more. By the end of the day I found out that Dawn loved to sing and plays the piano. Dawn seems like the perfect person to be my best friend. But that spot was taken by Sarah. Dawn can be second if I get to hang out with her more. Matt's door opened and in walked Haleigh. I stayed about an hour longer and then had to leave.
"Sorry guys, I got to get going. I promised Jane I'd be home to meet Pat. I'll see you guys later. Haleigh, text me sometime." She nodded her head and I got up and was almost out of the house when someone grabbed my arm lightly. I turned around and saw that it was Dawn.
"Hey, I was wondering that since tomorrow if Friday you would want to go out and hang at the mall with me and maybe Haleigh if she agrees to it too." Dawn asked me smiling.
"Yeah, sure that would be cool. What about Kara and Lisa?" I asked wondering about the other two.
"Kara is always with Rian on Friday's and Lisa.... I just don't know about her. I like you more." She added a little laugh at the end and I did too.
"Sure, mall sounds fun. Text me later about it." we switched numbers and I then left to go meet Patrick.

I walked inside the house and heard talking coming from the kitchen. I made my way there and saw a guy sitting at the table. He had short dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. I assumed that this was Patrick. I then saw Jane sitting across from him. Both of them laughing and smiling and joking around. I let it be known that I was there and I was soon introduced to Patrick. We immediately got along and started talking about music and college and just everything that has to do with making it into the Music Journalism world. He gave me a lot of tips and pointers. It was soon late and I excused myself from them and went upstairs getting ready to go to bed.

New Text Message
They won't always be able to save you. You can't run forever.

I looked at the number and saw that it was just four number 5455. I closed the phone and tried my best to fall asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
So what do you guys think about this chapter. Did you see the cheating coming or did it shock the hell out of you? And what do you guys think about Dawn Matt's girl? What's going to happen with Lisa, Jack, and Alex? Comment with what you think!

Ok, this would have been out wayy sooner if I didn't have finals coming. Blah but here you go guys. Hope you enjoy!

I think this story is doing really good. I got 21 subscribers! I wish I would thank all of you who subscribed but I don't know who all of you are. But I'm thanking you this way. THANK YOU! Anyway I want at least 5 comments, or no more chapters =P

FUN FACTS! (yes they are fun this time)
1. Matt's girlfriend is portrayed by the Canadian singer Lights. She has great music I think
2. Patrick is the Italian singer Nek. I love his music. (I am and speak Italian)
3. I noticed I never put up what I thought Aunt Jane looked like so I did this time. She is portrayed by Laura Pausini, another amazing Italian singer.
4. I wrote three major essays for school today and still wrote this chapter. I am just that Boss.