Ryan's Secret

Pack of 20

He drank with me...we kissed. He obviously got more drunk than I, although I did push him into it...not for all the "Hey, I'm drunk, lets have sex now!" and all that bullshit although it can be a lot easier, but hey.

God, I sound a lot happier don't I?

Drugs. I like drugs. Pack of 20 cigs will last what? 2 thirds of a day at most? Did cocaine at 14 for a while & I have the bit of pot now and then. Ephedrine got me through the day and booze is like, every day, man.

Pills. Drugs. Overdose. Drugs. I like drugs. So tempting, Ryan. Take them. Overdose. Die. It's what you want, Ryan. Come on. Do this. You want to die, Ryan. Die, die, die.

So yeah, why do I want to do this if me and Brendon have confessed the feelings, got wasted together, kissed and still want more? He won't touch me, he won't kiss me. Goddamn, he won't even sit next to me! He doesn't want to love me, date me, anything.

He doesn't fucking want me.

Pills. Into my mouth. The pills in my mouth. Dizzy.


Taken into a hospital.

And survived.

This is all bullshit.