Sequel: Changing hearts

Two brothers and a friend

That break

“What’s on chubby chest?” Kate slumped down next to me.
“My clothes…? Gay girl” She rolled her eyes at me and I laughed.
“KATTTEEEE!” Shannon shouted from half way down the corridor.
“SHANNOOONNNN!” Kate shouted loudly back, right next to my ear.
“CAYYYLLAAAAA!” Shannon shouted as she reached us and sat down next to me.
“Hey” I said and reached for my phone. That’s me by the way, Cayla. Fifteen, medium height, dark hair and awesome! I’m just a year ten girl who is obsessed with anime and in love with music. I also have the most amazing mates ever.
“Them at six o’clock!” Kate whispered in my ear. I looked up from my blackberry as six incredibly attractive guys walked in front of me.
The first had short black hair and a cute round face which hadn’t fully matured yet but was still fit! He was called Rhys.
The second was tall, blonde, and very fit. He looked shockingly like Cloud Strife from final fantasy and went by the name of Logan.
Andy, the third one, was tall and the definition of sexy! With dark blonde hair and deep shades of purple at the bottom, he oozed sex appeal.
Justin, the fourth one was quite a bit shorter than the three in front of him and not quite as attractive, but still pretty fit. He had dark brown hair and matching eyes, which had a swirl of green in them.
Next in line was Jason, who was about the same size as Justin but with blonde hair instead of brunette. He had rich blue eyes and a stunning smile.
Then came Adam. Ahhh Adam. Medium height, slightly tanned skin, and dark brown hair which sweeped across his forehead. His eyes were a greeny-brown, and even though his nose slightly resembled a beak he is still god damn sexy!
“Ugh, Cayla, don’t look know but Adam is like staring at you.” First I looked at Shannon who had very nonchalantly told me this while pretending to tie her already done up shoe lace and then I looked at Adam. Our eyes locked for a second before we both looked away. “Shit!” I muttered under my breath.
I looked across at Kate who was blatantly starring at the half glass double doors they had just gone though to get to the art block. Well at least someone doesn’t care about looking at them. I personally haven’t been able to look at anyone of those guys, when they’re within about 100 metres of me, for about two years now. Especially not Adam!
I remember the first time I started to like him. We had both been in the same science room one day while it was raining. I had gone up to talk to my science teacher but slipped on the wet floor, luckily Adam was right next to me and although he laughed his flaming head off, he still caught me.
“Michaela” I heard my name called and instantly looked for the source. Stood in the double doors with their heads poking out were Andy and Logan. “Adam Brown fancies you!”
Kate’s head turned from them to me as though she was tracking a fast train while standing on a station. I could see from the corner of my eye that her eyes had turned the same size as Dobby’s in Harry Potter. I suppressed the squirmy feeling in the pit of my stomach and shockingly, instead of screaming of happiness because they were talking to me I some how managed to say with complete coolness, “Who?”
“Adam Brown” Said Logan.
“Has a beak for a nose!” Andy butted in.
I raised my eyebrows at them and shook my head slightly, pretending I had absolutely no idea who they were on about.
“Oh never mind” Andy signed and they walked back into one of the art room. As soon as the door closed Kate squealed and hugged my tightly. I shrugged her off, and gave her a confused look.
“He likes you!” She chimed.
“Ugh, no he doesn’t.”
“Ugh, yeah he does, they just said so!”
“Ugh, they were so obviously just trying to wind him up and I was an easy victim.” I love Kate to bits, but sometimes she is seriously naive about things, especially guys! A look of serious thought consumed her face and she slumped back down.
"Sound's like there's a gang bang in the art room!" Kate said waggling her eyebrows.
"Let's go join in!" Said Shannon.
"I wish" I moaned.
There was a series of more loud bangs and then the art room door swung open and Andy and Logan heaved something out and into the art corridor. Who ever it was they were clearly putting up a fight but the two boys over powered him and swung him around so he was facing us through the glass of the double doors.
It was Adam!
Andy beckoned for one of us to open the doors for them. Kate began to get to her feet and I tried to pull her back but she jumped lightly out of the way. She reached the door, gave me a wink and had barely began to open it when the fighting trio bounded through it. Andy and Logan brought him down till they were stood right in front of Shannon and I.
“This is Adam!” Logan said as Kate took her seat next to me again.
“Yeah, I’d sought of guessed that.” I mumbled, trying to look anywhere than the bottom of Adam’s jumper which kept rising with every attempt of freedom and showing of his stomach.
“Was it the nose that gave it away?” Andy asked and with that Adam elbowed him hard in the ribs. Andy doubled over and began shouting heavy abuse. Logan burst out laughing and Adam made his escape.
“So yeah, he fancies you” Logan spluttered out between laughs.
“Oh my god, no I don’t. I never even said that!” Adam shouted before I could even think of something to say. My entire head of screaming but I still refused to look at him so I instead looked at Logan.
“Well you said something about her, mate.”
There was a slight pause before Adam managed to say “No I didn’t, shut the fuck up!” and stroll back up the corridor.
“He actually does though” Andy said, still rubbing his ribs with a pained expression on his face.
“Yeah, really looks like it” I said. Then the bell went for third lesson and Kate – though reluctant – and I said our byes to Shannon and walked off to Media. Leaving Logan and Andy in the corridor.
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First chapter! Hope you like it!

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