Sequel: Changing hearts

Two brothers and a friend

Bristol baby!

It’s weird being the last one to get on the train. Normally people go to Tauton and then they meet me on the train at Bridgwater. But now we’re going to Bristol? And staying in a hotel? And going to see a show? Remind me how I persuaded my mum again… The train slowed down and tried to look for them through the carriage windows. I still can’t believe this is actually happening. I’m only fifteen for crying out loud! I pushed the button and watched as the doors opened very self conscious that they all might be watching me. Apparently their in the carriage next to the buffet, which is normally at the front of these trains, so I made sure I was standing near where the front would stop. I climbed on board and could immediately hear Kate.
“No mum, I’m just about to get off the train.” There was a small pause in which I began to make my way towards my friends. “Obviously mum!” She whined as she waved at me. Then everyone gave me a silent hello as I sat down in the one remaining seat nest to Justin. Yes it is awkward seeing as he’s hardly talked to me in the two weeks since he kissed me. Mixed messages much? Oh yeah, you did read that right by the way. It was two weeks ago, which basically means thirteen days till they leave. “Okay bye mum” she hung up hurriedly with a roll of her eyes. “Honestly, it’s like she doesn’t trust me or something.”
“It’s natural for her to be worried about you. You’re having an overnight in Bristol with boys she hardly even knows.” I said, from the table next to hers. I do kind of feel guilty taking up the only two tables in the carriage.
“Oh yeah by the way, she thinks I’m staying around yours.” I raise my eyebrows at her.
“While we’re on that subject, Rhys my mum thinks I’m staying round yours too.” Jason admitted.
“Oh my wow, did anyone actually tell the truth about this weekend?” Everyone nods their heads besides from Kate and Jason. “So basically if you too die, we’ll be in a load of shit for it? Thanks guys!” Jason looks away guiltily but Kate nods enthusiastically so I roll my eyes at her. Slowly the group conversations died and everyone talks between their tables. My table, by the way, is by far the sexier. Not only am I on it, but I also have Andy, Adam and Justin. Oh yes!
“What the fuck is that?” Andy kicks my over night bag under the table with a quizzically look.
“It’s my bag, and do you mind kicking it?”
“Well, it’s in the way.” He moans, kicking it some more.
“Well maybe you shouldn’t have such long sexy legs!” The argument pauses for a moment as we both register that I called his legs sexy. Oops.
“So… er… you think my legs are sexy do you?” He winks at me and I laugh.
“Yep!” I wink back. One of my talents, the ability to keep a cool head. Andy gets up from his seat and picks up my overnight bag. I give with a confused look but he lifts it onto the shelf thing, his t-shirt lifts up too. One word; ripped. I know I just said I can keep a cool head but even this sight had me struggling to breath. Wow! “Nice six pact!”
“Thanks, I made it myself.” We both laugh.
About half way through the journey and the talking and flirting with Andy has sort of died. My heads resting on one of my hands while the other is on seat between Justin and me, and yeah he hasn’t talked to me this whole journey. Douche. I look over to Kate, thinking we could share a little conversation but she’s fallen asleep on Rhys who has his arm around her and his head on hers. Damn they look like such a sweet couple… but then they do both have dark brunette hair. Hang on, how can Kate be asleep now? It’s like half ten, she didn’t have to get up that early for crying out loud. God she’s such a – what the bloody hell is touching my hand?! I instantly look down to see that Justin had moved his hand right next to mine and is stroking it with his thumb. Eww, this is cliché I don’t like it… but it does feel nice, like kind of tickly. Why is he doing this? I mean seriously does he have a spell on him which doesn’t let him talk to me but he can touch me instead? I should move my hand away. Otherwise it looks like I’m giving mixed messages back… but I kind of don’t want to… I look up at him to see he’s not even looking at me. Let down. No wait good, otherwise it would be even more cliché. Justin is talking to Adam.
Shit! I move my hand away and rest it on the table. The tickly feeling still an echo on my hand.
Apart from that the journey was pretty boring. I got some killer photos which I will be putting on Facebook… partly because I want everyone to be jealous. We arrive into Bristol and head for the hotel because we don’t really want to be carrying big bags around the shops with us. Luckily Logan knows Bristol pretty well, or else I think we’d be pretty lost by know.
How to describe our hotel? Joining on rooms! Oh baby! The boys are in one room Kate and I are in the other. Oh yeah, that’s how I persuaded my mum… but she doesn’t know that theirs a door connecting us. Mwah ha ha. Kate and I dump our bags onto the two single beds and I instantly make my way for the connecting door. Tears sliding down her face, Kate however is frozen at the foot of one of the beds.
“Kate! Who do I need to kill?” I run towards her and grab her arms. She bursts out laughing. Okay…
“No-one, these are happy tears… and sad tears I guess….” She hiccups. I sit her down on the bed and make an expression that means carry on. “Well, it’s like I can’t actually believe this is happening! Its like only just hit me I guess. Also I think I might like Rhys… and Jason… damn I’m such a whore!” She cries.
“Hardly, I like three guys!” I blurt out. She stops crying and looks up at me.
“Three? Since when? Who the third?!” Okay know she looks pissed. Good question, who is the third?
“Two, I meant two.” She gives me a disbelieving look and to be honest I don’t believe myself either. But I do only like two guys; Adam and Ryan.
“Oh yeah sure!” She nods her head sarcastically at me and then rolls her eyes. “It’s got to be one of those.” She points her thumb in the direction of next door.
“Seriously Kate, I only like Adam and Ryan” I sort of mouth their names in case the boys have super sonic hearing. “It was just a slip of the tongue. Now let’s go!” I make my way over to the connecting door again but it opens and Adam and Jason fall in. Literally, they are now on the floor laughing.
“Stiff door.” Justin explains as he comes into our room and sits down on the bed I put my bag on. Oh he can talk to me now can he? The rest of them come into and I watch as Rhys sits one sit of Kate and Jason the other. She still looks pretty pissed, although now I think it’s with herself.
“Have you been crying?” Logan says looking at Kate.
“What?!” Jason and Rhys say looking at Kate and then giving each other half evils.
“I’m fine” She says, grabbing her make-up bag from inside the other and heading for our bathroom.

* * *

If ever there’s a guy who shops more than girls, its Rhys. My feet hurt, I’m tired and my arms ache from carrying shopping bags, yet still Rhys is making us go into the super dry store again… is twice not enough? I mean really?! Apparently not as he come out with yet another item. Is this guy made of money?
“Remind me never to go shopping with Rhys ever again, okay?” I say to Kate.
“Same!” she nods her head. She can’t complain too much, at least he brought her two books. Although this was because she couldn’t decide which one she wanted and the boys were bored with Waterstones. Kate and I can spend hours in there, literally. And as Kate has a Saturday job in one she also has a discount card. Bargain!
“Fancy a ride?” Andy offers. He had slowed down with Logan from the rest of the boys. Apparently they had only just realised that we were lagging behind. I hold up my shopping bags and give him a ‘how’ look.
“Good point.” He grabs them from my hands, yes he does look gay with a large new look bag, not the mention the others. “Shame,” He says “I’m sure you would have loved to ride me”
“Oh yeah!” I wiggle my eyebrows at him and we both laugh.
“I wish someone would be as kind as the carry my bags.” Kate over exaggerates a sigh and sneaks a peek at Logan, who looks up from his phone and down at her.
“Is that a hint?” He asks.
“What? Me hint, never!” Kate’s so shit at acting. Logan rolls his eyes and then takes her bags out of her hands and into her own.
“Oh Logan, that’s so kind of you!” She puts her hand to her heart and sighs again. We all roll our eyes at her.

* * *

We’re sat in McDonalds. Kate can hardly eat her quarter pounder with cheese for wiggling around with excitement. She keeps randomly singing songs from Avenue Q, which is kind of annoying everyone as we’re about to go see it. Still, I’m kind of grateful she’s already seen it otherwise we wouldn’t be here right now. Although if she mentions Paul Spicer one more time, Imma ninja her.
“Time check?” I ask and suddenly everyone around the table gets their wrists out. But Jason beats them too it.
“We have like forty five minutes, better go.” Kate squeals and some of her excitement flows into me.
“I’ve got nervous wee!” Kate exclaims and the boys stop to look at her while I just laugh.
“What the fuck is nervous wee?!” Justin says.
“You know, when you’re nervous and then you need a wee. Durr.” She gets up and makes her way to the exit. Everyone follows a little dumbstruck.
“Why are you nervous? It’s not like your part of the cast.” Andy says, causing her to stop and I can mentally image her putting on a thinking cap.
“Good point. Fine, I have excitement wee!” And we all laugh.
Running across the mains roads opposite the Bristol Hippodrome equals not fun. Seriously, I saw my life flash before my eyes. From know on, I will always use a zebra crossing. Stood outside the hippodrome I demanded that we got some photos. Kate – being the theatre freak that she is – then dealt with all the ticket stuff and lead us to the area we had to be in. There was a stall full of Avenue Q merchandise and I swear down now, she practically emptied it. I just brought a brochure thing and some sweets!
“It’s kind of like being at the cinema!” I said as we made our along the floor to our seats. Kate threw me a ‘you’re an idiot’ kind of look that sort of made me want to punch her in the face before saying, “Hardly. It’s entirely different.”
She found our seats and then ushered us into them. She demanded that she was on the end of the row for some stupid reason she wouldn’t explain in case it never happened. So the order went Justin, me, Adam, Rhys, Andy, Logan, Jason and then Kate. I do feel incredibly sorry for who ever is sat behind Rhys, Andy and Logan. I hate it when a giraffe sit in front of me in a cinema, it’s really annoying.
“Cayla, can I talk to you?” The sudden whisper in my ear made me jump. The lights began to fade and an excitement begins to build in me. Not because of the show.
“Now’s not really the time.” I whispered back as lights beamed down on the stage, i both do and don’t mean it.
“It’s really important though” I was about the reply when the very loud music and singing started and I knew he wouldn’t be able to hear me so, guiltily, I didn’t bother. He slouched back down in his seat and put his hand palm facing up on to the arm rest. I looked to the other arm rest where my own hand has subconsciously gone palm up. I knew both we’re not going to happen.
♠ ♠ ♠
To be continued...

What would you like to happen in the story? Please let me know and I might make it happen :)
By the way, I have ideas for a squeal!
Kind of love you all :)