Sequel: Changing hearts

Two brothers and a friend

Elevator ride

You have no idea how hard it was to concentrate after that. What can honestly be so important? Justin’s a great guy but if he’s anymore mysterious I’m going to punch him in the face. For all I know he could like me, shit what if that’s what it is? What if he asks me out? Do I say no? That’s what I should say… but then why does part of me not want to? Oh shut it Cayla and watch the show.
It felt like hours before the curtain closed for the fifteen minute interval. The lights dazzled me for a moment and then I realised that Justin was looking at me, apparently he wants to carry on the conversation. Four words; no way in hell.
“Cayla -” He began.
“What’s that Kate? Oh right okay, coming!” I gave Justin an apologetic look and got up moving my way over to Kate, who was singing at the top of her voice with Jason. No where else could the words “grab your dick and double click” be shouted and it be okay.
“I need to talk to you.” I said sitting down on her lap; I gave her the most serious look I could muster and her face dropped.
“Shit, what’s happened?” I glance at Jason and he hurriedly looks away. She seemed to know that I want to be in privet when I tell her and so pushed me off my lap and we made our way over to the direction of the entrance.
“Spill the beans.” She said.
“I think Justin’s going to ask me out.” Her face resembled a fish for a moment and then she said, “why?” I didn’t really mean to keep everything back from Kate but Justin did ask me not to tell anyone what happened at the train station and so I didn’t until now.
“So what are you going to do?” She asked.
“Jump off a cliff?” I said which earned a roll of her eyes.
“Don’t be stupid; just tell him you don’t feel the same way. At least he’ll know the truth then and won’t be thinking what if all the time.” I didn’t answer. “You don’t feel the same way do you?”
“No!” I said a little bit too quickly “… okay maybe a little, but I don’t want to! I like Adam and Ryan! Why is life you freaking difficult on girls. I want to be a boy. I’m having a sex change.” Kate laughs and then composes herself.
“Okay, so avoid him… for now. Until you can thing of an answer for him.” I frown at her. “I know it’s harsh but, you shouldn’t rush anything you’ll later regret.” She’s right that would be harsh. He deserves to know the truth.
“No, I’m going to tell him straight.” I say and march back into the theatre hall.
I get to our row and look down the isle to my seat. Justin has a stupidly adorably cute expectant look on his face. I can’t do this. I turn around and look at Kate. She understands.
“Okay everyone, move down a seat.” They all moan but move up. My bum replaces Jason on his old seat and I relax. I’ll do it later… why should I ruin the weekend for him? I shouldn’t. that would be really mean and I’m not really mean.
“I liked my old seat.” Jason moans beside me.
“What are you?” Kate asks, “A man or a mouse?” He mumbles back mouse but I doubt anyone but me and Logan. We both raise an eyebrow at each other and I supress a laugh.

* * *

I know earlier I was moaning that Rhys had so much money, now I am grateful. Paying for two taxes back to our hotel, legend! Thankfully Kate, Andy, Jason and I were all in a cab together so there was no awkwardness. It wasn’t awkward in the elevator either, as we all crammed in together and I shoved up between the wall and Andy. Did I ever mention I’m shit scared of elevators? Well I am. I hate them with a passion. Also our rooms are on the top floor, so I’m really not happy.
“You okay?” Andy looked down at me as the lift gave a terrifying lurch that meant it had left the ground. Great we’re know being held up by nothing but rope.
“No, not really” I moaned, taking hold of the rail and squeezing it for dear life, literally.
“Scared of lifts?” He asked quietly. He seemed to guess that I wouldn’t want everyone to know. Kate does but besides from that, no one.
“Yeah huh!” I whisper and squeeze even harder as the lift lurches again and comes to a stop. Who ever pushed the button for the sixth floor will feel the power of my bankai. Yes, I am Bleach mad. Toshiro and Ichigo, fit!
“So is my sister.” He says and puts a reassuring arm around me. Not gonna lie, it does help. Mainly because I am now imagining what Andy and I would look like as a couple. Damn that would be one sexy relationship!
“I never knew you had a sister.” I say, kind of stupidly.
“She’s like twenty six, has her own family and everything. It was kind of weird at first; being called Uncy Andy and everything but now it’s cool.” He smiles.
“Uncy?” I ask.
“Oh, well Nancy can’t say Uncle so she calls me Uncy.” Wow, Uncy Andy. Is it weird that my stomach just did a non-elevator related lurch?
“This is our stop.” He says after a while and we all pile out of the lift. Ground, how I have missed you. We all make our way down the corridor to our rooms. Andy and I at the back, with arm still around me. I watch as Kate jumps on Adams back and starts singing more Avenue Q songs. Somewhere between here and the taxi she’s put on Rhys hoodie. Yet again I am reminded of how cute a couple they would be. Of course Andy and I are the last to enter the rooms. We find nearly everyone in the boy’s rooms sitting on the double bed, or on the two singles. It’s going be interesting seeing where they all sleep tonight. Rhys is rummaging through one of the bags on the shelf and I guess that it’s his own. Andy and I take a seat on the empty sofa and I cuddle my knees beside him.
“Drinks baby!” We all turn to look at Rhys who is has placed a bottle of Vodka, some fizzy lime and beer on the table.
“Christ, no wonder your bag was so heavy!” Logan says getting up and helping himself to some beer.
“Well someone had to bring them! Or else what would we have done to entertain ourselves.” Kate and I look at each other from across the room and wiggle our eyebrows. I could think of loads of things that would entertain us… “Here Kate, I got vodka Lime because I know it’s your favourite… well that and Jägerbombs, but their like really expensive.” Rhys says handing her freshly poured drink.
“Thank you” She smiles and takes a large swig. Oh great, here comes drunk Kate.
“Want a drink?” Andy asks from beside me.
“Yes please” And he gets up leaving me on the sofa. Let the drinking commence.

* * *

So glad our trains not till four tomorrow, because otherwise I think we might just miss it. It’s now about half two in the morning and our sober heads have long gone. We’re not completely pissed off our heads but at the same time, we’re not sober. We’re more… tipsy I guess. We’re all still in the positions we were in before. Kate, Rhys, Logan and Jason somehow all on the double bed, Adam and Justin on a single each, and Andy and I are on the Sofa; although I am kind of lying on top of him now. We were playing twister which was found under the double but stopped after heavily collapsing onto the floor a few times and then realising that we are in fact on the top floor. Now we’re watching the Tigger movie which Kate found on the Kids movies section of the TV. I’d love to say that Kate only demanded to watch it because she’s drunk… but it’s Kate. Amazingly though, kid’s films are more entertaining when your drunk.
We had just gotten to the bit when Tigger saying “TTFE, ta ta for ever” and slams the door shut when Kate burst out crying. We all look at her alarmed. Jason puts a comforting arm around her and asks the obvious question, “What’s wrong?”
“He… he… he say’s b-bye… for… for… ever!” She gets off the bed and runs over to Adam, collapsing into a fit of tears on him. He straightens up and put a shaky arm around her, patting he back like a dog. He throws me a horrified look and I take that as my queue to get her to bed.
“Come on Kate, time for sleep.” I say, getting up and making my way over to her. Adam begins to get up but Kate throws her arms around his waist, stopping him from moving.
“Carry her” I say and open the door. “Night guys” I get a night back from them and keep the door open as Adam passes through carrying a pathetic, tearful Kate bridal style. He puts her on the bed and we say our good nights. I grab my PJs and make my way to the bathroom. I turn to close the door find Adam instead.
“Er… can I help you?” I say.
“Yes!” He exclaims and then rushes forward to kiss me. What is it with my friends kissing me?! And what is with Adam only ever doing it when he’s drunk? Oh what the heck, I pull him closer to me and let my body take over. Faintly, threw the drumming in my ears I hear him kick the door shut.
♠ ♠ ♠
My bestest of friends decided on this ending, so if you don't like it blame her! ;D

Still want to know what you guys want to happen, please!! Just leave a comment and let me know.
Love you all.