Sequel: Changing hearts

Two brothers and a friend

It's good

Ever woken up and just needed to feel hot water run down your body? I have. Right now, all I want is a shower. So what am I going to do? Take a shower! Everyone else is still asleep and to be honest I kind of envy them. Going to sleep at four in the morning and then waking up at nine, not really my idea of fun. Still, I guess that’s the down side of being an early bird. I grab my wash stuff and clothes from the desk where I left them and make my way into the bathroom. Hot water equals paradise!
I turn the shower off and wrap a towel around me. Opening the shower door I step out onto something small and rectangular and slip. “Fuck!” Falling arse first onto the shower floor hurts. Don’t try it at home, okay? Cursing a little bit too loudly because of the pain I look to see what I slipped on. It’s a phone. An iPhone to be precise. Damn, I’ve hit the jackpot! …or not, I hate people that password protect their phones, it’s just plain annoying! Oh wait, this is Adam’s phone. I guess it must have fallen out of his pocket when we were… I both smile and cringe at the memories of last night.
Just to make it clear, I am still a virgin. Kate made sure of that. Your friend sleep talking about two of your other friends is bit of a mood killer to be honest. Although it was kind of funny! I do feel sorry for her though… personally I would hate it if I was talking about Jason and Rhys and then they came in and listened. In fact, I’d probably punch them in the face.
Did I want to lose my virginity last night… no… a little bit? Oh I don’t know. What can I say, Adam’s sexy! Still, today will be interesting I guess…
Actually, I suppose I should give this back to Adam. I quickly dry myself and slip on my clothes and accessories. Yes, my camera does count as an accessory. Then I open the door and step out into my hotel room, not bothering to be quiet as I know Kate will sleep through pretty much anything. Which is annoying it situations like this.
I notice as I get closer to the door that it’s slightly ajar. I don’t know why but for some reason it makes me feel extremely safe, knowing that their only the other side. I mean come on, who’d attack me with six incredibly sexy heroes in the making standing in the way. And bam, I am now imagining them all in roman worrier suits. Although what I find the other side of the door isn’t exactly worrier material.
Andy’s half hanging on half hanging off the couch with his top off and mouth wide open. Yes he is faintly snoring, very cute! I never knew he had a tattoo…
Justin is on one of the single beds proper snuggled up in the duvet and looking pretty adorable. He is also snoring a little.
Adam’s asleep on the other single bed. Lying on his back, the duvet halfway down his body I’d probably think he was dead if it wasn’t for the fact that I could see his bare chest rising and then falling. Adam’s chest equals sexy! Drool…
But wow, Logan, Rhys, and Jason. One sight I thought I’d never seen is the one I am in fact seeing at this very moment. Rhys is lying flat on his back with a sleeping Jason’s head on his chest while Logan is practically spooning Jason, his arm thrown across him, hand inches from the one which Rhys has thrown across Jason too. I seriously have to bite my tongue to stop myself from laughing whilst I take a couple of shots that were screaming to be taken. Facebook is calling! I contemplate taking photos of the other three when my bum begins to sing.
I whip the phone out and notice it’s not mine. How do you shut up an iPhone in a panic? Of all the things they teach you in school, why is this not one of them? Seriously, I love Usher but if the boys wake up now and see me standing in their room listening to ‘OMG’ it’s going to look weird. Turning, I decide that getting out is probably the best idea. My toe stubs the door frame on the way out and a very loud curse escapes my lips. One last glance back in the room and I see that they’ve blearily stirred. Freaks.
I close the door and look down at the phone which is still ringing. It’s Ryan. Shit, Ryan’s calling me! …oh no wait, he’s calling Adam. Okay, not going to lie, I just had a mini heart attack! Do I answer it? Clearly it’s important if your own family rings you. No, I shouldn’t. It’s not my phone. I put it down on the beside table and wait for it to stop ringing.
“Answer it and tell them to go be in pain.” Kate mumbles and then rolls over and puts her pillow over her head. Remind me to make a mental note that Kate wakes up to music… I notice a hand move from under her duvet towards the phone after a while. She’s just about to grab it when it stops ringing and lies there innocently. Her hand drops back down and her head remerges. Within seconds she’s back to sleep. Lucky cow. Then the phone starts again.
Seriously, I’ve never seen Kate move so fast! She sits up and grabs the phone and touches answer.
“Do you have any idea what time it is? Seriously! Some of us actually like to sleep, you should try it some time!” there’s a short pause in which Kate yawns and rolls her eyes. “Here, talk to someone who actually gives a crap.” I catch the phone as it fly’s at me. I put my hands over it to muffle any sound and then start on Kate.
“You can’t talk you don’t know like that! This is Adam’s phone! God Kate!” She collapses back into a lying position and says, “It’s only Ryan.” Like that covers it. Sometimes I could throttle her. I check the phone. It is Ryan though. Tentatively I put it to my ear.
“Hello… hi… hey… hello… anyone there? No? Awesome… hello… hi… hello.”
“Hello?” I say, and I can practically see Ryan jump.
“Oh hi, Michaela?” He’s like the only person I know who actually calls me by my proper name nowadays, I love it!
“Yeah, it’s me. Adam’s asleep… actually everyone is. I’ll get him to call you back if you want?” Talking to Ryan on the phone is weird… especially when I haven’t talked to him in so long.
“Oh, okay yeah. Thanks.”
“No worries…” Then there’s a few moment of silence, disturbed only Kate munching on something in her sleep. I bet its a quarter pounder with cheese…
“So it’s just you?” He asks after a while.
“Yeah basically, why?”
“Just wondering… you must be pretty lonely.” Bless him, thinking up a conversation.
“To be honest with you, yeah! I just can’t sleep in for anything!” I admit.
“Yeah same. Being an early bird sucks.” We both say early bird! “Is Adam snoring really loudly? He does at home!”
“Er no, can’t say I’ve - ” I begin but then am interrupted by Ryan giving a very loud and fake snore from the other end of the line, which results in me bursting out laughing and Kate turning over to give me evils and then turn back around.
“They sound like that, literally! I can here them through the walls.” He follows this up by another loud fake snore and I have to fight to supress my giggles. That’s the one thing I’ve really missed about Ryan. It’s just so fun being around him.
“Oh, I have missed you Ryan.” I say and the regret when there’s a moment’s pause.
“Well what’s not to miss? I am very awesome” He jokes and I don’t regret saying it anymore.
“Maybe, but not as awesome as me!”
“Awesomer! You can’t beat me, I’m so hard!”
“Haha, that’s what he said!” I can practically see his mouth drop open.
“Ewww, Michaela!” He moans and I burst into laughs again, causing Kate to thumpily get up and make her way over to her suitcase.
“Uh oh, I think we might be in trouble.” I tell Ryan as Kate sends me glares.
“Is it Adam?” He asks rapidly and I can tell he really doesn’t want it to be.
“Worse, Kate in an early morning.”
“Tell Ryan that next time I see him, I’m going to hurt him” She says and then slams the bathroom door shut.
“Oh I hear what you mean” He says, “I suppose I should go now anyway. Credit and everything.”
“Oh right, see you then Ryan.” I conclude a little bit too gloomily.
“Bye Michaela! We’ll talk soon, don’t forget…” and then he snores very loudly, causing me to once again laugh.
“Bye Ryan!”
“Bye Michaela!”
And then we hang up. Prefect thing to hear in the morning, Ryan voice. It’s good!
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Not sure what I think of this update... :/

But anyway, there's Ryan, haven't heard from him in a while? Are people still liking him?
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