Sequel: Changing hearts

Two brothers and a friend

I love train rides!

“Do you think they can even have a night together with out drinking?” Kate asked collapsing onto the freshly made bed fully clothed. It was now about ten o’clock and I’m starting to know what Ryan meant by the whole Adam snoring loudly thing, because someone had defiantly started in the other room.
“Do you think you can drunk around them and not make an idiot of yourself?” I joked, and then kind of regretted when her face dropped.
“What? What did I do?” She leant up and leaned against the headboard, her face did actually look genuinely scared. Bless her.
“Well… we were watching The Tigger Movie and… you may have started crying a little bit…” Hoping she could remember the rest for herself, I trailed off.
“Oh fuck!” Yep, she remembered. “I cried on Adam didn’t I?”
“Yeah a little bit” I laughed as she crawled back under the duvet, completely covering herself and moaning. There was a few minutes of silence in which I noticed the snoring had stopped and the other room had fallen into complete silence.
“What else did I do?” the duvet monster asked. How exactly do I tell her that the words Jason, Rhys, don’t, college and stay came out of her in her sleep and they all heard?
“Did you have any dreams last night Kate?” I hoped she’d take this as a big enough hint and not as a change of subject. Either way it obviously means something bad. That was when I noticed that the little conjoining door was opening ever so quietly and Jason’s head was also beginning to emerge from the inside. I raised my eyebrows at him when he put a finger over his mouth to silence me, but then got the idea when he moved it to point at the bed of covers that was Kate. If he makes her jump, he will die. Still, it’ll be funny so I’ll let him suffer.
“Was it really that bad you have to cha - ”
“OOGA BOOGA!” and he jumped on her. Yes she did scream loudly, no I doubt that there is actually anyone left asleep in the hotel. And to prove that point Rhys, Andy, Logan, Adam and Justin all came into our room, laughing their heads off, looking knackered and still in what they slept in. In other words, topless. Thankfully I was already dying of laughter by this point and so the fact that I had actually stopped breathing was covered up by that.
Kate struggled under the duvet trying to remove the lump that was Jason and somehow he ended up under the covers with her. She poked her head up and began hitting him live he was a punching bag. Only it’s Kate so it didn’t hurt him a bit and all he had to do was garb her arms to make her stop.
“I hate you.” She said and his face dropped so much I thought I might have to pick it up off the floor. “Shit, no! I didn’t mean it like that!” She flung her arms around his bare chest and squeezed like she was an octopus or a squid. His face changed dramatically into a smile I thought might rip his face open, whilst returning the hug. They ended up lying back down on the bed, Kate’s head resting on his shoulder and an arm draped across his body, while his arms wrapped around her. Sweet couple much? I lifted my camera and took a snap, not just because the lighting was perfect and it was actually an amazing picture but because I knew Kate would love me for it in the long run.
“Do you actually ever stop taking photos?” Adam asked sitting down beside me.
“Nope!” I smiled and he smiled back, like normal. Completely like normal. His face didn’t show a hint of knowing anything had happened last night. Great.
“Sleep well Kate?” Logan asked sarcastically while plonking himself on the end of her bed. I threw him a warning look which he ignored, Kate looked at him confused and I prayed hadn’t picked up on the sarcasm. Jason was giving out death glares.
“Yeah I suppose. Got rudely woken though.” She untangled herself from Jason and gave me evils.
“Oh yeah! Adam your brother called, I hope you don’t mind but I answered it.” The disappointment with Adam had kind of made me forget about my conversation with Ryan, but now happiness washed threw me again. It’s weird just how happy he makes me feel…
“Ugh, what did he want?” Clearly it’s not a great brother relationship they have.
“I don’t actually know… he didn’t say…”
“Oh, fucking year nine freak.”
“Don’t be tight!” I say hitting him around the arm before I could stop myself.
“He’s my brother, I’m allowed to be!” He protested.
“Doesn’t mean you should” I say and can just tell that Adam’s thinking ‘What the hell?’ Well, apparently I get very protective of Ryan now.
“Let’s go eat.” Rhys says and Kate and I agree to meet them at a table when they’ve got all their clothes back on. Although if they wanted to walk around topless when ever they were around me, I won’t complain.

* * *

Train journeys are incredibly boring when everyone is still tired. When I say everyone, exclude Adam and myself okay? Everyone else is either listening to their iPods with their eyes closed or like Kate and Jason asleep on each other. Adam and I are kind of like Kate and Jason. We’re leaning on each other, or rather I’m leaning on Adam. We slip in and out of conversations but mainly he’s on his iPhone and I’m reading my book.
For what feel like ages the train chugs on and on and on and I get further and further into my book. I don’t even realise someone sat in the seats behind me has opened the little window until my body give out one of those huge retarded shiver things.
“Cold?” Adam chuckles and I can feel his chest rumble from within.
“Little bit.” No point hiding it.
“Here” I sit up as he awkwardly gets his hoodie off and then hands it too me.
“But now you’re going to be cold.” I motion at his thin t-shirt, but he rolls his eyes so I slip the much too big hoodie over my head.
“Nah, I can just snuggle up to you” He smiled and then pulls me back down to our original position. This time though, he puts both his arms around me and gives me a squeeze. I love train rides!

* * *

Right now, I’m sat on my bed with my laptop resting on my thighs trying not to drop into paradise that is sleep. You know when you’re right on the edge of dropping off? When your half dreaming half day dreaming and slowly you body snuggles up for a snooze? Yeah, that’s me right now!


Ergg, die! I reluctantly open my eyes and check the screen.

Justin awesome!: Hey

WonderCayla: Hi. Yes I am talking to him moodily because he brought me back into consciousness.

Justin awesome!: So, what are doing? One thing I love about Justin, the fact that he actually talks properly online.

WonderCayla: Not sleeping. You?

Justin awesome!: Just wondering how to tell you this…

WonderCayla: Tell me what? Now he had my half sleepy attention.

Justin awesome!: Well, the truth is Cayla I like you. I have for a while now.

WonderCayla: oh. Stupid reply I know, but I genuinely didn’t no what else to say. I’d completely forgotten about this whole avoiding him thing.

Justin awesome!: I just had to tell you. Rhys told me you like Adam though so don’t worry about it. I know not to expect anything. Remind me to kill Rhys next time I see him? I don’t know why but I kind of want to scream at the screen that I like him too! But I can’t.

WonderCayla: I’m sorry Justin.

Justin awesome!: I won’t stop fighting by the way, not for a while. I’ll be here for you, if ever you need me.
And then he sighed off, leaving me feeling very much alone in a silence that was threatening to swallow me whole. Maybe it’s because I’m shattered, but my bodies finding it very hard to stop itself from giving into the tears about to escape from my eyes.
I turn my laptop off, put it away and then crawl into my bed rolling onto my side and cuddling my knees. I look at my photo wall and my eyes immediately find the picture of Justin and him squeezing the life out of each other while laughing our heads off. My heart gives a lurch and I roll over the way and give in to the tears.
♠ ♠ ♠
Really bad update, I know. I apologise but it is Sunday (update day) and I wanted to put in something.

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