Sequel: Changing hearts

Two brothers and a friend

Ready salted crisps

Total and utter bliss. This is how I would describe how I’m feeling at this very moment. There are no other words for it. I mean name any other time when you can rest your head against an incredibly sexy guys legs and just soak up the rays. The field is officially my favourite place in the world.
“Comfortable?” Andy asked from above me. I opened my eyes and looked up into his… wow!
“Yes thanks, very!” I smiled and closed my eyes again. Firework was blearing out from Kate’s phone and for a couple of moments I sank back down into my bliss. I say a couple of moments because after a while I was rudely interrupted by a scream, the sound of a ball bouncing hard off of something and then it landed on my stomach, quite literally winding me. Not good. I sat up ready to glare the hell out of the dumb ass who had kicked the ball but instead saw Kate close to tears and waving on the spot like she was about to faint.
“Shit!” Was the first thing that came to mind and it had also gone to a lot of others. Jason, Rhys, Adam and Justin came running forward from the football pitch they were playing on while Logan, Andy and I quickly moved to Kate’s side. She looked at us with a comical face which was fast turning red.
“Kate, are you okay?” Jason asked from beside her. She looked up at him with big teary eyes and nodded her head; clearly she didn’t trust her voice. Either she was about to burst into tears or she knew no one would believe her lie… or both.
“Kate, I’m sorry, it wasn’t meant to hit you. I aimed it at Jason but he moved.” Rhys gave Jason full blown evils at the end of his sentence. Talk about cutting the tension with a knife. I mean awkward or what…
“I’m sorry too.” Jason said.
“Guy’s seriously, I’m fine.” She held on to Jason and climbed her way up him till she was stood on her own two feet. “See” She said and took one step forward before falling sideways on to Jason. “Oh… okay, maybe I just need to sit down for a while.”
“Yeah, I stay with you!” Jason said before plunking himself onto the ground and pulling Kate onto him, giving a Rhys a smirk. Rhys raised him eyebrows in a ‘pfft, I don’t care way’ and then stormed off to play more football.
“Kate?” I began, “how many fingers am I holding up?”
“Two… no wait… four.” I was holding up one. We all shared a worried look before I said,
“Er Kate? You might want to close your eyes for a little bit.” She nodded her head and then leant it against Jason’s shoulder who wrapped his arms around her with a grin. Remind me why those two aren’t going out again?
“Want a crisp?” I looked beside me to Andy who is holding out a packet of ready salted crisps as though nothing’s happened and one of his mates isn’t seeing in quadruples.
“Er… yeah alright.” I say and grab a couple. I shove them into to my mouth and grab my camera from my bag. Now a days I can’t go anywhere with out my beloved camera, seriously, it’s like I’m addicted to it! I take another super cute picture of Kate and Jason which she will love me for and then start posing with Andy and Logan which is weird because I just can’t imagine Andy being a posing kind of guy… Logan yes, but Andy? It’s just weird… probably because he’s the sexy one… Still, I’m not complaining! Snap, snap, snap.
After a while Adam plonks himself down beside me and begins to rummage in his bag for his lunch.
“Bloody hot much?” He says. He’s covered in sweat from the match and has a red face but somehow… he manages to pull off attractive still. I guess he noticed me wrinkle my nose up at the site of him because the next thing I know he’s pounced. As in literally pounced on top of me, like a tiger or something.
“Ewww, get off me you sket!” I giggle as he tries to rub his face against my own. Any other circumstance than this and I would not be complaining. Seriously, I’d be dyeing instead!
“Porno!” I hear Rhys shout and I know he’s pointing at Adam and I. I rolled my eyes even though I know he won’t be able to see it. Adam gets off me and grabs my hands in each of his, using them to pull me up, staring into my eyes the whole time he does so.
“Nice hair” Andy laughs and I instantly go to flatten it down, doing so I catch the eye of Justin and hurriedly look away. It’s been eleven days since he’s actually told me he liked me and ever since I’ve tried my hardest to keep a low profile. Luckily this wasn’t hard as they’ve been in and out of exams like there’s no tomorrow. Still, every time I don’t want to see him he’s there, it’s like he’s my guardian angel or something. How are you meant to get past awkward if he’s always looking at you? Unfortunately the whole exam thing does mean that something bad is lurking around the corner…
“Last day tomorrow baby!” Rhys cries throwing his hands into the air. When I said something bad, I actually meant god damn awful. There’s a joint ‘wooo’ from everyone else but me and Kate. Kate opens her eyes and looks at me, I know in this one split second we’re sharing more about the year elevens than we’ve shared in ages. We agreed not to let ourselves be bogged down by the fact that they were leaving so soon and so kind of haven’t talked about it to each other in a while.
“You know what I’m most excited about though?” Justin said and then carried on when everyone gave him confused looks, “The last exam!” And then everyone else nodded – apart from Kate and I.
“What’s up Kate?” Logan asked, he had clearly noticed the look on her face.
“I dunno… I guess I just don’t want you guys to leave.” She laughs nervously. For a moment, I genuinely don’t know how they’re going to take this news, but either way it’s not really what I expected. Maybe they reacted like they did because of how genuinely she said it… or because of the look on her face, still part of me just couldn’t believe it.
“We’ll still make sure we see you!” Logan said.
“Yeah, we’ll just have to hang out loads after you’re out of school… and during the summer holidays.” Andy agreed.
“Don’t worry; we won’t about forget about you two.” Jason said, kissing her on the top of her head, resulting in her smiling and snuggling up a little bit more to him.
“I think you’re both etched in our minds” Said Justin.
“Yeah because of your weirdness.” Adam laughed.
“Are you going to miss us Cayla?” Rhys asks and everyone’s attention is directed onto me.
“Well, obviously dumb asses!” I say. Why is it I can never just be sweet? Oh yeah, because life would be boring.
“Did you just call us dumb asses?” Rhys says his face in a form of a smirk.
“Yeah, and? What are you going to do about it?” I question. He exchanges a short look and nod with Andy and next thing I know I’ve been lifted into the air and thrown over Andy’s shoulder.
“Oi! Let me down!” I scream.
“How about this… no!” Andy laughs. Next thing I know, Rhys has bounded up beside us with a Kate over his shoulder.
“What did I do?” She whined.
“Nothing” Rhys replied and then we were running around the field.

* * *

Don’t you just hate it when you get a phone call and you’ve only just fallen asleep? Any other night and my phone would be on silent but tonight I’ve not really been entirely with it. Bursting into tears every fifteen minutes is not healthy. There are only so many tears a girl can cry. Though I’m telling myself I’m not crying over a guy to get me over the cliché part of it, which is true. I’ve been crying because I genuinely think I’m going to lose my friends tomorrow, and I hate that thought. I know they said they wouldn’t forget us but really? How long is that going to last? A month, two at a push? They’re going to college. They’re going on to bigger things; they won’t want school girls holding them back. They’re going to be college boys. I both smile and cringe at the thought.
“Hello?” I say and then wait for a reply. I didn’t bother seeing who it was calling, I just hit answer.
“Cayla?” I hear a sobby Kate the other end of the line. “Cayla… I’m r-really going to m-miss them.” She cries.
“I know, me too.” A couple of tears escape and I find myself crying as well. Kate and I had a big heart to heart after school. We were in an empty art room and yes, we did cry. Call us pathetic and I will punch you in the face. Hard.
“They… they’re g-gonna forget about… u-u-us.” Out of the two of us, I am defiantly better at controlling my crying.
“Eventually…” I sober, “but Kate… lets just l-look at the t-times we’ve had. L-lets not taint those memories… okay?”
“O-okay.” There’s silence in which we both try to pull ourselves together again. “Cayla?”
“Yeah Kate?”
“I’m so glad you’re my best f-friend.”
“Same to you Kate. Same to you.”
“We’ll get ourselves through tomorrow.” She says.
“I know.”
♠ ♠ ♠
They're leaving tomorrow people!! :'( What are Kate and Cayla going to do?!

I'm starting to think no one likes this story. Thank you to people that have commented, subscribed or enjoyed this story. I love you all!