Sequel: Changing hearts

Two brothers and a friend

Leavers assembly

“Sign my shirt?”
“So you want my autograph now?”
“I have for a long time” Adam laughed and I lowered my pen to his shirt. It was a blank canvas – or at least a blank shirt – as no one else had signed it yet. I was the first! Hmm, what to write…

Yo, gay boy!
Have a good time in college :)
If you forget about us I will own that ass of yours!
Loves ya! Cayla xxx

“There” I took a step back and reread what I had written. “All done!” I smiled and move around to the front of him.
“What does it say?” He asked.
“It says that I secretly don’t like you and that I think you smell.” I said with a very serious face.
“Haha, you’re so funny” The sarcasm was heavy.
“Well if you don’t believe me that your own problem.” I shake my hand and begin to make my way towards the school doors. After a couple of steps I realise that Adam isn’t even with me so I turn around and see him turning on the spot like a dog trying to catch it’s tail.
“It’s says ‘don’t forget me’ you idiot!” I laugh. He stops turning, a massive grin on his face and bounds forward to me.
“I won’t” He says but I still don’t believe it. “Let’s go, my last day of enslavement waits.” He drapes an arm around me and we walk into school. I do love it when I arrive the same time as the bus. I also love that I’m the girl under Sam’s arm right now.
Getting on the playground I see everyone else is already here. The boys are busy shirt signing while Kate’s sat on a bench a happy yet sad look on her face. I can instantly tell from her eyes that she’s been crying.
“Adam! Sign my shirt!” Rhys runs forward (he looks like a douche when he runs) and thrusts a pen in Adams face. “Hey Cayla, you can sign it after!”
“Sure” I make my way over to Kate and plonk down next to her. “Hey”
“Hi. You okay?”
“I ‘spose… you?”
“Same really” We smile at each other and then drift off into a thoughtful silence.
“Cool” Kate says.
“Huh?” Confused much? I think so.
“Justin’s looking at you. You know, cool.” Oh wow, our old signal. Before we’d gotten close to the boys we used to have a signal. If Kate ever saw Sam look at me she’d just say ‘cool’. We hadn’t said it in ages though. We had no need. Funny how this might be the last time we do… Then the bell went.
“Come on Kate, bells gone.” Jason came forward and lifted Kate so she was stood on the sitting part of the bench. “Here, I’ll give you a ride.” I looked at her and we both raised our eyebrows.
“See you in media Cayla” She waves and then climbs onto Jason’s back.
“See you” Andy lifts a hand and I hold while gracefully getting off the bench.
“Here, let me.” He grabs my bag off my back and we walk off towards the building we both have our tutor in.

* * *

I know today should be really sad, and it kind of is but at the same time so far it’s been a little bit awesome! Don’t get me wrong, I hate the head for not blessing our school with a six form but at the same like him for giving us a whole day of Media. It’s like he knows…
So anyway, its last lesson and about ten minutes until we get to pack up so unsurprisingly, we’re not doing any work. Well, unless you count watching the year elevens take photos outside the front of the building work. They came out of their leaver’s assembly about five minutes ago and ever since have been taking pictures. The best thing is we sit right at the back of the room, in front of tinted windows so they have no idea. Hey, it’s not stalking we’re friends with these people! Damn they look fit in formal gear!
The bell goes and Kate and I practically run out of the room. The bad thing about sitting at the back, you’re the last ones out wither you like it or not. We get outside and stop in the middle of the crowd. Not sure wither we can go over to them or not. No one else from the younger years have, don’t get me wrong they’re all staring but they’re not actually moving…
“After you then Kate” I say and shove her forward a little bit.
“No, after you…” She moves back and tries to push me forward.
“Fuck that! Maybe we should just go…?”
“Er, how about no?” So glad she said she, not going to lie. “Anyway, they told us to meet them after we get out anyway. Come on.” She grabs hold of one of my wrist and yanks me forward. Shoving her way through god knows how many year elevens I honestly have never felt so god damn intimidated. I mean, how tall can some people get?
“Here they are!” Andy pulls me into a huge hug before I can even look at anyone. “We’ve left!” I squeeze him back and bury my face into him.
“Group hug!” Logan shouts and then I feel suffocated by everyone crowding around me. Don’t ask me who but I know I’m bumming someone right now…
“Okay, I’m pretty sure Cayla just stopped breathing…” Say’s Andy and everyone steps back.
“So how does it feel?” Kate asks, “To no longer be a school student?”
“Awesome!” Rhys says lifting her up and twirling her around on the spots making her laugh.
“We’re free! We can do whatever we want!” Justin says throwing his arms around in the air.
“Er no, not really…” I correct him, but I doubt he heard me because he went on to say,
“Let’s have a beach party in London!”
“What the hell?” Kate said.
“God I hope you’re not doing Geography As levels.” I laugh.
“I never have to do geography again baby!” He cheers.
“Justin, you haven’t had to do it for two years…” Logan says.
“Oh, yeah…” And everyone laughs.
“Come on guys, time for photos!” Did I just say that? No. Oh my god someone else wants to take photos? Wow. I look around and suddenly see that we’re surrounded by parents each of them holding a camera. Yay! Extra photos with them!
“Hello Cayla!” Justin’s mum says brightly.
“Hey, how-” I manage to get out before I’m thrown in front of the boys and in between Kate and Ryan. Ryan? When the heck did he get here?
“Smile!” Like four of their mums shout and then I’m practically blinded by flashes. Well at least I’m not blinking.
“Hey Cayla!” Ryan says as we move out the way and let the mums take more photos.
“Hey Ryan, how have you been?”
“Okay, you?” He asks.
“I’m alright, looking forward to school without your brother?” I laugh while watching the boy’s line up and bum each other in one of their photos, taking the mickey out of some stuck up girls in their year.
“Yep!” He says brightly, “Bet your going to miss them though?” He adds on gloomily.
“Cayla, Ryan, Kate, get back in here!” We’re summoned over by Adam as people continue to take photos. When the parents leave (taking Ryan with them, not happy) I whip my camera out and we continue to snap.
“If I smile anymore, I think we cheeks will tear.” Rhys moans. I too am feeling the pain in my face now. Ow.
“Come on; let’s go to the church field.” Logan suggests and Kate and I pick up our stuff from the floor and we all head off to the field.
About ten minutes later I’m sat on Adam’s lap waiting for Jason and Kate to come back. We each gave them some money and then they went to the Co-op agreeing to meet us with a miniature picnic… they’ve been gone for a suspiciously long time.
“Maybe they’ve hocked up.” Logan suggests.
“Hardly.” Rhys says.
“Would be about time if they did.” Justin adds.
“Hardly.” Rhys repeats.
“Either that or Kate’s taking for ever to shop… like normal.” I refuse to go food shopping with her, you know those people that stop randomly in the middle of aisles? Yeah, that’s her.
“Here they are.” Adam points to the road as two figures holding co-op bags make they’re way towards us.
“Told you they hadn’t hocked up” Rhys said and then lays down on the grass with a smug face.
“Jesus, is that all you got chocolate?” Justin asks as he rummages through the bag Kate just dropped onto the ground.
“And onion rings and drinks!” She defends, sitting herself down next to me and Adam.
“Well I’m not complaining.” I lean down and grab a packet of mini eggs.
“So what took you two so long?” Logan asks wiggling his eyebrows.
“There was a… er… huge queue… yeah, like half our school was in there!” Jason laughs nervously as Kate tries to hide her blushing cheeks. Bullshit is that true! I’ll get it out of her later…
“Hey guys, a week till prom!” Through a mouthful of onion rings, obviously trying to change the subject, Rhys says.
“To be honest, I’m not that bothered about prom. I’m looking forward to the party afterward.” Says Adam as he opens a bottle of coke.
“You two can come right?” asks Andy.
“Yep!” We both reply.
“Good, remember my place at 12.30.”
“You what?”
“Cayla, we’re going to get raped on the way.”
“Nah, I’ll come and get you and walk you over. You’ll be at Kate’s place right?” asks Adam.
“Yeah.” I reply.
“I’ll come too!” Add Jason.
Three guesses what I’ll be living for over the next week…
♠ ♠ ♠
So what do you think Kate and Jason we're up too?
Proms in a week, sorry guys but this story is coming to a close soon :( But don't worry I have plans for an sequel! Yay!