Sequel: Changing hearts

Two brothers and a friend

You so love him!

I want to cry. I want to collapse on the floor in heaps of tears. I want to cry. I want to cry. I want to cry. Cry. Cry. Cry. Did I mention that I want to cry?
I hate the field. The field is stupid, empty, lonely and stupid. I hate the field.
“It’s just not the same is it?” Kate says. She looks just as I feel.
“Nope.” It really isn’t. I look around at the vast open space that once upon a time the year elevens played football on… it was only two days ago that we shared our last normal school lunch together, why does it feel like forever?
Kate sighs and I know she’s thinking the same thing. Yesterday the year elevens left. Yesterday.
“Well this just sucks.” She says.
“Yep.” I reply. “I hate that I can’t even think of anything to say because I end up thinking about them!”
“Christ, people would think we’ve never met before at this rate!”
“I know right! Come on; let’s talk about… er… you!”
“Okay then… what do you want to know…?”
“What were you and Jason up to yesterday?” I wiggle my eyebrows as her face sort of drops.
“I told you buying food…” She says nervously while looking down at her hands, yes I had tried to get this out of her quite a few times today.
“Nothing” She says quickly. Bullshit!
“And now look at me and say that with a straight face.”
“Fine” She raises her head and looks squarely into my eyes with a very straight face, oh, maybe she was telling the truth… “Nothing” She attempts to say but smiles and then laughs. I roll my eyes at her. She needs to improve on her acting skills, like really badly! “Fine okay… we kissed. Happy now?”
“Yep!” I laugh, the smile on her face is kind of contagious. “How did it happen then?”
“I don’t know really…” She hurriedly continues when she saw me raise my eyebrows, “Well, we were talking about fishing – because he’s going at the weekend – and then I said how fish really scare me and I don’t know… he kind of just came at me. In a good way though.” She smiled.
“You so love him!” I croon.
“You lurrvvveeee him!”
“No I don’t! Shut it!” She whines.
“Ohhh, look who’s getting all defensive! Kate getting angry? Kate going to get Jason on me? Kate loves Jason!” There’s something about winding Kate up that I really enjoy.
“I don’t love him.” She says, her face getting a little bit pink.
“You so –” But that was all I got out before Kate leapt at me. We attempted to scratch each other with our nails while laughing our heads off.
“Bitch!” I exclaimed as one of her strokes got through leaving a red scratch line down the length of my arm.
“Er Kate, is it?” From our positions on the floor we both looked to the source from which my best friends name had come. Some kid I had honestly never seen before was stood there peering down at us with a both bemused and anxious expression.
“Oh Ethan hi, and yeah it is Kate.” She said sitting up and flattening her hair. “Are you okay?” She asked looking genuinely worried. Who the heck is this guy?
“I’m alright… can I sit with you?” He asked quickly and nervously.
“Yes of course!” She says and then pats the ground as an invitation for him to join us at our level. I sit up and examine him; he has short dark brunet hair and light brown eyes which sort of twinkled. His polo shirt fitted him better than I’ve ever seen a school polo shirt fit anyone and you could tell that he was trim… maybe he has a six pact? But I mean damn, he is fit!
“Thanks” he mutters and looks away into the distance. Seriously though, who is he?
As though Kate could read my mind she then said, “Oh right Cayla this is Ethan. Ethan this is Cayla!” He turns his head and looks at me. His eyes have such a way of boring into me that almost felt like he was looking into my soul or something. I wanted to look away but something stops me.
“Hello” I say instead.
“Hey” He replies.
“Ethane’s new here Cayla. It’s his first day!” Kate says distantly.
“Awesome… welcome” I say distractedly, it’s kind of hard to think when you’ve got someone staring into your eyes. For god’s sakes Cayla! Look away! I pull my eyes away from him and onto a distant football pitch where boys are playing football. Colour comes swimming back into my sight, when did it go monochrome? Hang on that’s Ryan playing football… is it bad that I only noticed him because of his bum? He has got a very nice bum though, like a proper bum… a lovely nice round one which you could –
“Well when I first saw you, you both looked pretty lonely so I thought I’d join you. Is it always just the two of you?” I shake my head to awaken myself and look at Kate who has a sudden sad look on her face. The new voice startled me.
“No. Normally there’s about eight of us but the others left…” She sighed sadly. Ethan looked a little panicked for a moment, not that I can blame him. He did just unknowing hit a sore spot.
“The other six were year elevens.” I explain and he makes a ‘O’ shape with his mouth. “It was their last day yesterday so now it’s just us.”
“That must suck” He says.
“Muchly.” I agree and Kate nods.
“Where did you join from then?” I ask politely.
“Oh, Compton community school” He answers “It was an all boys school.” Kate and I exchange a quick look; you know what they say about boys from all boy schools… “I’m not gay by the way” He says sounding really pissed.
“No we never -” Kate began but then stopped when he burst out laughing. We exchange another look.
“Chill, I know” He says and laughs again, this time I laugh too though more at the totally lost look on Kate’s face.
“I used to go to Hogwarts” Why did I just say that?
“Oh really?” He smiles… quite a nice smile, not going to lie.
“Why’d you drop out then?” He asked.
“Because I’m too cool for everyone, they felt intimidated.” I fake sigh.
“That’s why I left Compton.” He joke sighs with me, “its not easy being more awesome than everyone else.”
“I know right… of course Kate wouldn’t understand. She’s just lame.” I pat her sympathetically on the shoulder. In return she sticks two fingers up at me and we all laugh.
“Oi losers!” People that live on this estate are so nice. One bad thing about where we sit on the field, its right by the fence which is the only thing dividing us from the main road. I ignore the comment and turn instead to my lunch. Jam sandwiches nom, nom, nom! Unfortunately I don’t get to actually eat them this lunch though because as ones about to meet my lips Kate lets out a sudden squeal and goes running to the fence, causing me to jump. I turn around to look at who she ran for and see three people. People that I have missed even though they only left yesterday. Rhys, Justin and Andy. Yay! Did I just say it was bad how were only divided by a fence? I take it back.
“I’ll be back in a moment” I say and then run over to join Kate on our side of the fence. Does anyone else hate the fact that there’s something physically dividing us? Or is that just me?
“Back already? Damn you guys must have missed my sexiness.” I say as I approach.
“To right, I mean damn Cayla I missed that booty-licious bum of yours!” Andy says and I do a little shake of the booty.
“Replaced us already?” Rhys says looking in the direction of our bags and at Ethan sitting there alone. Kind of feel a little bit guilty leaving him…
“Yeah, you know what they say – out with the old, in with the new.” I joke and then am amazed when I see all of them size Ethan up from where he’s sat. Paranoid much?
“No guys, he’s new. He doesn’t really know anyone.” Kate says and they loosen up. Wow.
“Oh, cool” They lose interest fast.
“So is it just you three?” Kate asks nonchalantly but I know she’s basically saying ‘where’s Jason?’
“Yeah huh” Says Justin, “Logan’s got some swimming thing, Adam’s stuck in Weston Zoyland and Jason can’t be arsed to get out of bed.”
“Don’t blame him I suppose, that’s where I’ll be like this time next year” She laughs weakly.
“What? With Jason in his bed?” I joke and then get a hard hit in the ribs, but it’s too late. The boys have already gone “Wayyy!” or nearly all of them anyway.
“Smith’s coming; you guys will have to go now.” Andy frowns, and he’s right within seconds we’re being told to get off the field. With sighs we say our goodbyes. We share an awkward group hug through the railing and then make our way over to out bags and Ethane.
“Some of the year Elevens?” Ethan guesses.
“Yeah” Kate says.
“Sorry about leaving you” I say but he shakes his head.
“It’s alright, completely understand, you’ll just have to introduce me sometime.”
“Oh so your planning on staying with us then?” Kate asks.
“Well I’m not going to find other people with the same coolness level am I?” He says giving me a wink. “And as for you Kate… I suppose I can live with lame.” He jokes and I laugh, however she gives him evils and fake moodily storms ahead of us, leaving me alone with Ethan. Generally, I like the new kid. I link my arm through his and we walk back up the field.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, what do you think of Ethan? How important do you think he'll be?

Not really sure what I think of this update, it's a bit slow and boring :/

Insanely Important News!
Only two updates left! :O
It's okay though, I have plans for a sequel! ;D

Thank you for reading my lovely readers :)