Sequel: Changing hearts

Two brothers and a friend


It’s about ten past six and everyone is waiting for the prom goers to arrive at school in fancy gear and fancy cars. Of course some year elevens are already here but do I particularly care about them? Nope. I want six very sexy guys to arrive in a limo, that’s all I want. I’d love to say that Ethan, Kate and I have got a promo spot but we haven’t. Somebody (Kate) spent to long choosing what to wear and so we only arrived about five minutes ago or in other words at least five minutes after everyone else. So if they were to arrive now I wouldn’t see them, thanks to the orange haired pumpkin head in front of me. I mean really, who actually has their hair like that?!
“I can’t see, I can’t see, I can’t see!” Kate whined.
“Well maybe if you didn’t take so long getting ready we would have been here earlier.” I shot at her.
“Oh yeah! It was so my fault that Liam got me wet before we left!” She defended. We had spent the afternoon after school around Kate’s place. For a while we all, that is Kate, Ethan and myself, had chilled in the pool, but after that we’d gotten ready and waited for six to come. I felt sorry for Ethan, it was like there was the whole bigger picture that he wasn’t part of and couldn’t be now because they’d gone.
“In all fairness, you deserved it” He said.
“Fine, lesson learnt. I’ll never again call my brother a retard.” She rolled her eyes.
“No, just never call your brother a retard when we’ve got somewhere to go” He laughed.
Suddenly my phone vibrated in my pocket and I whipped it out.

One new message: Andy
Don’t ask why, but just meet us at my house? Like now? Xxx

“Kate, Ethan, we’re going on an adventure!” I said moving between them and grabbing a hand each.
“No, we’re staying here and waiting for the year elevens to arrive. They’ll be here in a bit.” Kate says pulling back her hand.
“No Kate. Andy just text me asking us to meet them, like now.” I say and show her the text because I know she won’t believe me otherwise.
“Oh right okay! Let’s go!” We set off towards the direction of Andy’s place. We get some seriously weird looks from people heading in the opposite direction. Apparently when our prom is on people aren’t allowed to walk away from the school.
“Are you sure they’re going to want me to be there?” Ethan asked nervously as I was about to knock on the front door.
“Nope” I admitted and knock.
“Don’t worry. They’re nice and they’ll probably be on to much of a high to acknowledge you anyway.” Kate said as we waited, waited, waited, waited. I knock on the door again. Still no answer.
“Is this some kind of a practical joke or something?” Kate asks.
“Better not be or I’ll bonkai them.” I say whilst pelting the door with all my force.
“Come on, let’s just go back to school and meet them there.” We turn around and begin to walk back up the close.
“Er Cayla… your butts singing” Says Ethan. I pull out my phone and see Andy’s name appear.
“Where the hell are you? We’re like all waiting for you!” He moans.
“Where are we? Where are we? More like where are you?! I just nearly kicked down your door and still got no answer! If this is some kind of a joke than I swear to god I’ll –”
“We’re in the back garden. Come in from the side gate.” He laughs.
“Fine” I say and push down on the hang up button. Moodily I turn around and march back up the close to the gate next to Andy’s door. Kate and Ethan follow behind, to smart to make a comment. As soon as we get through the gate and down a small alley between a shed and the side of the house I’m pulled into a bone breaking hug.
“Okay… can’t… breath!” I stutter and pull myself away from Rhys.
“Prom!” He shouts and all the boys cheer, making everyone else chuckle. I look around the familiar back garden and see all my friends, their parents and families. I sigh with happiness, any frustration now utterly gone.
“Can we go now?” Justin says close to me, I didn’t even notice him walk over to stand next to Rhys.
“Yup! Onwards to school and Prom!” Rhys answers and then walks past me and out the gate. People begin to follow while I stand here a little confused.
“What was the point in us coming again?” Ethan says from a little behind, making me jump.
“And where’s their limo?” Kate asks. I turn and face them. Kate, my bestest of friends and Ethan who I’d grown to really like over the last six days. They both looked confused too.
“It broke down, their sending a replacement for us but it’s meeting us at school” I smile at the familiar voice and turn around again. Andy. “And the reason their here” He points at Kate and I “Is because the only way we could manage to persuade Justin to walk down to school was if you guys were with us. I don’t know about you though.” He adds onto the end.
“Oh Andy, this is Ethan. He’s a mate.” introduces Kate.
“Oh,” says Andy, “Alright?”
“Alright.” Replies Ethan. Guys are weird.
“Sorry about the limo, so much for a grand entrance” Says Kate.
“I know right.” He agrees.
“Well at least this way you’ll have me with you so you guys will look sexy.” I chip in.
“Sexier” He attempts to correct me.
“No, compared to me you guys are like… things that are very unsexy.” Fail, I know.
“Wow, you must be really sexy then!” says Logan on his way towards the gate.
“Obviously” Says Andy and we turn to join everyone else.
I didn’t really describe how the boys looked did I? Well I think the words god, damn, and stunning comes to mind! Suits suit them, I mean seriously they do! They all wore ties apart from Justin who had a red bow tie. Adam had a normal red tie, Jason a dark purple one, so did Andy, Rhys a shiny grey one, and Logan a black tie. Personally I think they should permanently wear suits, just saying.
I rode (literally) back into the school grounds on Andy’s back. It was fun! Back in school though everyone wanted photos with the boys so we kind of got a bit separated. Kate, Ethan and I watched from the side lines for a while. But then Kate and I got pushed into group photos. Once again, I felt sorry for Ethan.
“It’s here!” Everyone within about five metres of Adam turned to see the biggest white limbo drive into the school car park. Wow! It pulled into a spot and the boys pilled into the closest door. You could distantly hear a “Woahhh!” from inside before Jason popped a head out a said,
“Kate! Cayla! Get those fine arses in here!” Not needing much more of an excuse I yanked Kate (who yanked Ethan) towards the limbo. It felt good shoving past jealous girls in their year, really it did!
“Cayla!” They all shouted as I climbed very un-lady-like into the limbo. I took the seat next the Logan and looked around. Wow! It was huge. Seats along all the walls and different coloured lights on the ceiling, the floor was made of mirror and I was suddenly really glad I wore jeans, unlike Kate who’s worn a skirt today. Good move because Jason could barely even tear his eyes away from her legs, bad move because, well, if she wasn’t careful… you get the drift.
“Er… who’s the boy?” Logan whispered to me as Ethan lingered just outside the door looking a bored.
“Ethan, he’s a mate of ours.” I explained. Logan made an ‘O’ shape with his mouth and then gave Ethan a nod who returned one. Guys.
“Nice Limo!” Kate said, her head resting on Jason shoulder.
“It’s big isn’t it?” Rhys said, wiggling his eyebrows.
“That’s what she said!” I butted in and everyone laughed.
“Come on guys, some us still have photos to take!” one of there mums poked their hands around the door and we all piled out. As soon as I was out the Adam’s and Ryan’s mum grabbed me and practically pushed me next to Adam. I mean whoa! Little bit of warning next time please!
“Smile you two!” She said and I did but she frowned. “Come on, you can do better than that!”
“Sorry, mum’s a bit over enthusiastic” Adam whispered as he wrapped an arm around my waist and I leaned into him a bit.
“Perfect!” His mum smiled and took a couple of snaps.
“You haven’t got a date?” I asked Adam.
“No, I wanted to ask someone but I couldn’t…” He sighed.
“Oh really, how come?” I asked politely, though what I really wanted to do was go hit something.
“She’s not in my year. Cayla it’s -” But at that moment his mum grabbed him and placed him next to Ryan. You know those long dramatic ‘nooo!’ they always do in the movies? Well I just did that in my head. I didn’t get a chance to talk to him after that either. It seemed like everyone one of the boys mums wanted me to get a picture with their son. Don’t get me wrong, it was great being in everyone’s photo but now I’m just really distracted. It’s what? Who? Me? Kate? Shit, he likes Kate!
By seven though everyone was one driving off to the actual prom, that’s the thing about our school, we don’t have prom in the building we have it in a hotel or something. Everyone just comes to school to get photos. Kate, Ethan and I stood in a line just past everyone else but where the limos would have to past us. I knew which one was theirs as it was by far the biggest of the lot. Not to mention that Rhys, Andy and Logan were out of the little sun roof while Justin, Adam and Jason had their heads poking out the window of the door like dogs. The site was one of the funniest I have ever seen. Especially as they couldn’t really fit and you could tell they were lying in awkward positions.
“See you at twelve!” Justin shouted at us.
“We’re going to get pissed man!” Rhys shouted after as the limo drove further away from us. We were all waving while laughing (even Ethan). But part of me died as I realised that they were going through one of their very last experiences at our school. Soon they really would have left.
“This time next year, that’ll be us” Ethan said. Kate and I turned to look at each other.
“Does anyone else not really care right now?” I asked.
“Yup.” said Kate.
“You really are going to miss them aren’t you?” said Ethan.
“Oh yeah.” Said Kate and she linked an arm around his. I followed suit with a nod and we headed off to Kate’s place to once again wait around for the year elevens.
“Wanna watch Bleach?” I ask as we crash down on Kate’s mega sized pink bed; everything in her room is pink or white basically. Her room is one of those proper grown up ones.
“Yes!” Kate and Ethan say and I get up to pop it into the DVD player.
♠ ♠ ♠
Off to prom they go!

What do you think? Only one chapter left, how do you think it's going to end?