Sequel: Changing hearts

Two brothers and a friend

As in Brown?

I swear science has never gone that fast before. It felt like within seconds of getting my BTEC stuff out it was time to put it all away again. My concentration for anything academic had sunk to an all time low. The only thing I could really concentrate on, was what had happened at break and Kate and mine conversation in media, where we basically ran through the whole thing again, telling each other our own point of views on it. Half of me was ecstatic that he might actually like me, but the other half was begging me to not get my hopes up. Unfortunately I had the funny feeling that the sensible part was going to win.
“I hate Lang so much that I die every time I go into his lesson.” I could hear Kate’s voice as soon as I walked out of the science block. Her and Shannon stood waiting for me.
“Well, I hate Lang so much that every time I see him I die.” Oh god, apparently they were having another who-hates-who-more competition. Kate and Shannon were both in same science class and always came out of it slagging off their teachers. Today it was Lang.
“Well, I hate Lang so much that every time I think of him I die.”
“Eww, why do you ever think of Lang?” I came to a stop in front of them and laughed. Shannon had won this one.
“Urg, shut up!” Kate said irritably.
“Kate fancies Langer!” Shannon started singing. Kate glared at her and stormed off to our corridor.
I plonked myself down opposite Kate and next to Shannon. It was the same place I had taken at break, and was now officially my favourite!
“They’re already in there.” Kate told me and as I looked towards the playground, to the doors closest to the canteen (this was nearly always where they came from at lunch). “The art room door closed just as you and Shannon came around the corner. Adam was… OI LIAM!”
“Adam was what? Adam was what?!” I kicked Kate hard in the leg so she would answer.
“Ouch! Adam was looking for you.”
“Oh baby!” I lent back against the wall and lifted the top of my jumper like a gangster. Shannon laughed and Kate went back to calling her brother over. He began walking up from the end of the corridor, his mates trailing behind. Liam was awesome for a younger brother.
“What?” He asked her
“I told mum to pick us up at four tonight.”
“What, why?”
“Because I have…” Their voices trailed out and I took to examining the other boys with Liam. Some of them I recognised from times around Kate’s house, others I didn’t. I glanced across at one of them to see he was already looking at me. I smiled at him and he turned bright red, smiled back and then looked away. Bless, I thought. He did look strangely familiar though… He had blonde hair, green eyes and a tall nose. He was about the same size as every other year eight there but there was something about him… I looked away, thinking suddenly that I might look a bit weird staring at him, but within seconds I could feel eyes on me again. I glanced up and it was him again! What the hell?! I tried to concentrate on something else but I kept feeling him look at me. I was about to ask if he was imagining me naked when I heard something that did distract me.
“All you do is go on your Xbox anyway!” It was Kate and Liam arguing.
“Yeah so? Now I’m going to have to go on when I get back”
“What’s the problem then?!”
“I have to wait an extra hour before killing Ryan on COD” most people, including me, laughed at this. Kate however rolled her eyes.
“Your lame. COD is shit!”
“NO IT’S NOT! You are!” And with that he turned around and walked off. His mates did the same, and I looked up just in time to see the guy get one last look at me before turning away.
“Ugh, Kate…?”
“Yeah?” She said with a mouth full of sandwich.
“One of those boys was starring at me.” she swallowed her food and then laughed.
“Did he have like flat blonde hair?”
“Yeah… what do you know that I don’t?”
“Just that he fancies you.”
“WHAT?! And you didn’t even think to tell me?”
“It never came up, I guess” She shrugged, going for another bite of her sandwich.
I was about to attack Kate when Shannon butted in with, “Who is he anyway?”
“Ryan Brown.”
“Hang on, what?!” I spluttered. Kate looked up at me quizzically, and then it clicked for her too. We all sat there in understanding, thinking it over.
“Holly shit!” Shannon was the first to speak.
“He’s Adam’s brother. I never even knew he had a brother!”
“I can’t believe I didn’t realise sooner. The amount of times he’s been around my house… now I feel really dumb.” Kate sighed.
“He’s been around your house?”
“Well yeah. How else was I meant to know he fancied you?” She gave me a look that made me feel about an inch tall, so I supressed the urge to punch her in the face and instead said,
“Can I come over next time he’s around?”
“Actually I think he’s staying over Friday night. I can ask if you both can sleep too?” Shannon and I nodded. I couldn’t believe my luck! This could finally be the break we’d been waiting for and all we had to do was get to know his brother? A plan was fast growing in my mind and I let myself wander back into the day dreams of earlier. Before long the bell went signalling tutor. Kate and I said bye to Shannon and made for the stairs. Kate’s tutor was on the top floor, mine was only on the first.
“Sir! You will not believe my day so far!” I sat right at the front of the classroom, behind the teacher’s desk. Mr Fry and I had always got on since I moved into his form and I literally told him EVERYTHING when it came to Adam.
“I bet… fill me in in a bit though I just got to talk to someone first.” He got up from his seat and made for the door.
“Okay” I sighed and lent back in my chair. I heard the door close and I guessed he’d left, but then I heard his voice.
“There’s a seat on the front table for you. I’ll be over to help in a minute.” I didn’t bother to look up at who was going to be sitting next to me. Loads of people from Sir’s GCSE P.E groups ended up sitting next to me in tutor to do coursework. The seat creaked as the person sat down, just as my phone vibrated.

One new message: Kate
JASON AND ADAM ARE IN MY TUTOR GETTING MATH HELP!!!! EEEEEEKKKKKKK!!!!! Jason looks fit as fuck!!! ;) xxxx

I smiled and replied;

To: Kate
Message: Go snog his face off then… ;D xxxx

One new message: Kate
Don’t tempt me! ;D xxxx

I put my phone away and sighed again, wishing more than anything I could be in Kate’s tutor for today.
“Hey” The person next to me was talking. This had never happened before… I looked up shocked and instantly became even more shocked. I’d forgotten Mr Fry taught R.S too…
♠ ♠ ♠
Ohhhhhh, who'd you think it is?
Sorry, this updates a bit slow... :/
Let me know what you think though :)