Sequel: Changing hearts

Two brothers and a friend


“Ugh… hey.” I said, looking down at my table, not quite believing who was here talking to me.
“Are you any good at R.S? Just I have this piece of crappy coursework to hand in like… well today and it’s about some dude, called Buda or something, I don’t know. All I know is that everyone thought he was meant to be really fat but he’s not because he’s not the right kind of Buda. Whatever, it’s all a load of shit anyway right?” I laughed at his little rant and nodded. I had actually chosen to go into R.S when I moved out of music at the beginning of the year. It shocked me that he of all people would choose to do R.S also.
“I guess I’m alright at it…” I mumbled, getting my phone out again so I could immediately text Kate back with my own news.
“Well you should be seeing as you do it for an option right?” He shook his head as if completely bamboozled at the idea of anyone having picked R.S as an option.
“How do you even know that?” I asked.
“I’m in Miss Jones’ tutor and she talks…” He left the sentence hanging and I suddenly remembered every slightly embarrassing thing I’ve ever done in that lesson… there was a lot. Oh god...
Before he could say anything else though I said the only thing non-mental related that was swimming in my head, “Obviously you chose R.S too, otherwise you wouldn’t even be doing R.S coursework.”
“Apart from our year had to do R.S as a short course; they changed it for you lot. Lucky sods.”
I made an ‘O’ shape with my mouth instead of answering. I honestly didn’t know that. There was a small awkward silence before Mr Fry came back and began helping with the piece of coursework again. I took a small mental note to tell Kate that if she was in the year above she’d have to do R.S lessons – knowing that would make her happy – before inwardly screaming at the whole situation… the whole day really. I just couldn’t believe it. First everything that had happening at break, then figuring out the plan of action and now this?! Surely I had done something absolutely amazing to receive this kind of good karma.
“So Cayla, do you still want to talk?” I looked up and Sir who had moved back to his desk. He took one small look towards the year eleven, who was hunched over writing and not paying any attention, and then winked at me. He knew full well that I wouldn’t be able to say what I was going to say with one of Adam’s best mates here.
“You know what; I actually completely forgot what I was going to say.” I lied.
“Ohhh” Sir played along, “How unfortunate.” He chuckled slightly and then got up to talk to someone who was calling him from the opposite side of the room.
“So then… you and Adam, ‘ey? How’s that going?”
“How’s what going?” I said, irritably. Clearly he had been waiting to for Sir to leave so that he could bring this up. He clicked his pen and dropped it on his piece of paper, before looking at me. I had to look away from him before I became faint… he had such amazing eyes…
“You two!” He made it sound like I was being completely dumb and Adam and I were some kind of an item. How does that even work? I mean don’t get me wrong, I seriously wish we were, but saying that was just ridiculous.
“There is no us two…” I could feel myself going into defensive mode. The feeling you get when someone you don’t want to know is close to find out who you like and you get overly defensive about it.
“Yeah but, he likes you, and you like him so why not? You could do loads worse believe me.”
“What the hell? Who even said I like him?” Now I was getting annoyed. I hate people making assumptions about me, even if there are right.
“You will… in a minute.” He winked at me and I felt my cheeks warming.
“The only people that know are Kate and Shannon.” SHIT! I'd slipped up. I looked down at my lap hoping more than anything that I had not just said that! Maybe he hadn’t noticed it… or taken it another way, like Shannon and Kate were the only people that ever knew if I ever fancied anyone. It seemed like whole hours of torcher had gone past before he said,
“I told you so.” I felt myself physically flinch. HE WASN’T MEANT TO KNOW! What was I going to do now, deny it even though he already knew? I had a strong feeling I was going to be sick. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell him if you don’t want me too.” I somehow managed to coax my head in his direction. He did look genuine enough… No! I had to deny it, even though it was too late.
“Say what ever the hell you want to him. I don’t like him.” I lent a bit further back in my chair, trying to be convincing.
“Oh yeah sure.” He dragged it out, making the already sarcastic comment even more so. I raised my eyebrows at him and he winked back, so I rolled me eyes and turned my attention back to my phone. “I love how you don’t even bother to deny it know.” Before I could punch him hard in the face to hopefully make him forget everything that had just happened Fry returned to his desk.
I went to my messages and wrote out,

To: Shannon
To: Kate
Message: We have a serious problem. Rhys knows I like Adam.

I hit send and closed my eyes. Hoping The Doctor will suddenly appear so I could go back in time in his Tardis and put duct tape on my face to stop me talking to Rhys.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oops, poor Cayla :(
What do you think so far?