Sequel: Changing hearts

Two brothers and a friend


“You can’t though!!” Kate exclaimed
“It’s not like I planned it, dumb ass!” I said collapsing onto my side of the kingside bed in the spare room we’d taken over. It had just gone two in the morning and so far it felt like the only thing we’d actually done was talk about Ryan. Sure, we’d attempted to watch Moulin Rouge but Kate goes mental if anyone talks during Ewan McGregor singing. So after I blurted out, “what am I gonna do?” during ‘your song’ she turned it off.
“Well, do you want to like him?” Shannon asked from the other side of Kate.
“Yes! No! I don’t know!” I pushed my head into the pillow and screamed.
“I got an idea! Let’s do pros and cons!” Kate jumped up and sat opposite Shannon and I with her legs crossed. “I’ll start with the cons. He’s the same age as my brother, which is just like… kinda eww. Not to mention the fact that he’s smaller than you.” She wrinkled her face up in disgust and I threw the pillow at her.
“You’d get a lot of shit from people at school.” Shannon said thoughtfully.
“I like his brother.”
“Well, if that’s not a good enough reason not too I don’t know what is” Kate said, “Now for pros…” I could see the clear look of thought in her face and it took a while before she said “He’s funny, I guess.”
“He’s really funny!” I butted in.
Shannon struggled to get out, “He is… umm… very… confident.”
“Hell yeah he is!” I blurted out, “and not to mention fun and cute and…” I cut off because of the looks on Shannon and Kate’s faces. “You two aren’t helping!”
“We’re very sorry Cayla.” Shannon said sheepishly.
“You should be!” I said, sinking lower into the very welcoming duvet.

* * *

“Let’s go ice skating!” Shannon squealed!
“NO.” Kate and I protested together.
“I know, let’s go paintballing” Liam said.
“No.” This time Shannon joined in our protest.
“Why don’t you all just go to the cinema?” Kate’s mum suggested as she put our breakfast plates into the dishwasher, “I think they’re still playing Harry Potter in town.”
We all looked at each other and nodded. Harry Potter it was then.
“Oh, hell yeah mum!” Kate said.
“Be in the car in fifteen minutes then.” And with that we all left the kitchen to get ready. We were already dressed but Shannon refused to leave without putting a tad more makeup on, and Kate had decided she wanted to wear some too.
“I’ve got to look nice for Ron!” She justified.
“He’s on a screen, you idiot.” I said, falling onto the bed.
Fourteen minutes later we had all squeezed into one of their many cars. Kate, Shannon and I we’re in the back, while Ryan and Liam sat in the boot on one of those backwards facing chairs. The ride didn’t take long and we filled up the time talking about Harry Potter.
“Ring me when it’s finished, okay?” Kate’s mum said for the eighth time.
“Yes mum, see you later.” Kate closed the door, before her mum could say anything else, but a window slid down and we could hear her mum shout as they left “Look after your brother and Ryan!”
“Oh I’m sure Cayla would just love to look after Ryan!” Kate wiggled her eyebrows at me and I hit her hard in the stomach, though I knew Ryan was already outside the cinema door, no way in hell did I need him to have heard that. Thankfully he didn’t.
“Here’s the drill guys,” Kate said once were all outside the cinema. “We have to look after you so don’t do anything stupid. I’m buying the tickets while everyone else gets food okay?” We all nodded, slightly scared of Kate in her military mood.
Before long we were all heading up the stairs to the screen. For some reason I was still holding Kate’s drink and popcorn along with my own food, and so nearly dropped it all when Kate screamed and ran towards a giant life sized poster of Ron.
“My husband!” She squealed. I laughed, and looked around for one of George, my personal favourite and husband from Harry Potter. There wasn’t one though.
“Ha! He’s ginger!” Ryan laughed and then ducked out the way as Kate charged for him. Before she could do any damage though, the ticket man politely asked to see her ticket and she give it too him, slightly embarrassed.
He showed us to our seats, quietly and we all shuffled along the line. I was first – even though I hate sitting next to strangers – then went Kate, Shannon, Liam and finally Ryan.
“Kate? Can I swap places with you when we get to our seats?” I whispered.
“No need to, I put us on the end of the row.” She whispered back.
“Oh.” I said, now sitting down in our allocated seats. We were right on the back row and beside me was nothing but wall. I passed Kate back her food and then took to watching the now showing adverts.
“Do you want some of my drink?” Kate asked me, I hadn’t brought one as she said I could share her jumbo one.
“Nah, I’m good for the moment.” I cracked open my bag of galaxy counters and was about to offer everyone else one when suddenly Kate sprayed the drink in her mouth out across the empty seats in front and sank back into her chair, her face bright red.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kinda rushed and fillerish :/
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