Sequel: Changing hearts

Two brothers and a friend

Shock hazard

Shannon had noticed too and was now damn near shouting at Kate, “Don’t die Katie! Breathe! In out, in out, in out!”
“Shannon shut it, I’m fine… and I’m not having a baby.” Kate muttered under her breath looking directly at the floor and nothing else.
Shannon hadn’t heard her and so went on to practically scream, “Whatever you do, don’t follow the light!”
“SHANNON! I’m fine okay? Stop screaming, the whole cinema is starring at us!” I looked up from our little scene to see that it wasn’t it the slightest bit private. It was true, everybody was looking at us, all with different expressions. Some were scared, some were excited, some were pissed of, some were laughing and some were… god damn sexy! I adverted my eyes back to Kate, who was brilliant red. Damn, I feel sorry for her…
“You were choking, what did you expect me to do?” Shannon said defensively.
“I wasn’t choking; I just had a massive shock!”
“What the hell could shock you that much? I mean really?!” She shook her head disbelieving.
“Um, Shannon. Look at the stairs.” I pretended to be texting while saying this.
“Oh…” I heard her say a little later, “That would make sense.” She had clearly just seen who was standing there. I risked a look up again to see ‘them’ stood there. Andy, Justin and Logan clearly just wanted to sit down, though Rhys and Jason were still starring at Kate. Where was Adam?
“What’s the hold up?” I heard the voice and my stomach did a somersault. Adam was just walking down the couple of steps to join the others, I instantly looked away.
“Oh, some chick was dyeing.” I recognised Justin’s voice and looked at Kate. She was mouthed ‘some chick’ and then a lot of abusive at him.
“Okay then…” Adam trailed off. “We’re sat in that row by the way.”
“Shit!” I heard Kate swear under her breath and I didn’t need to look up to know that they would be sitting in the empty row in front. I put my phone away and sat back in my seat, looking anywhere but ahead.
“Ryan? What the fuck are you doing here?” I glanced sideways at Ryan who was wearing a pissed off expression.
“Watching Harry Potter.” He stated
“No shit Sherlock! But aren’t you meant to be around Deacon’s place?” Ryan didn’t bother answering, instead he just pointing at Liam. I watched Adam’s eyes as they trailed from Liam, to Shannon, to Kate, and then finally me. We both looked away pretty quickly. He then made an ‘O’ shape with his mouth to show understanding, before turning around clearly not wanting to press the matter much further. Unfortunately though (or should I say fortunately?) every other person in the group had also turned around, looking at us in turn.
“It’s Cayla!” I instantly looked up at the source from which my name had come. Logan was staring at me with a blank expression apparently unaffected by the fact that I was looking at him.
“Hi” He waved at me.
“And it’s Kate!” I looked across at Jason who had his eyes wide and a panicked expression on his face for about a second and then relaxed; pink was creeping up his cheeks. From the corner of my eye I could tell that Kate too was turning red.
“Ugh… hi…” she croaked out and then quickly cleared her throat “Ugh… how do you know my name?” Jason’s eyes widened again.
“I don’t know… I must have heard it from Adam…” He trailed off. Adam gave him a massive ‘what the fuck?’ kind of look and then said,
“Yeah whatever, mate.” laughing slightly. Jason’s cheeks turned a blazing red and he gave Adam huge evils. I chunkled slightly under my breath. They reminded me of Kate and me.
“Hi, I’m Shannon by the way.” I could tell from Shannon’s voice that she was slightly pissed off at being left out. Only Andy actually bothered to look up at her. Everyone else just said ‘hey’, but Andy smiled too.
“So – er – what are you guys doing after…?” At that moment Adam was cut off from speaking by the ushers loud “Shhhhhhh!” clearly aimed in our direction. I looked up at the screen to see that the film had actually already started.
“Eeee! Ronny time!” Kate whispered a squeal and wiggled excitedly in her seat. The boys in front of us raised their eyebrows and then turned around. How the bloody hell could she be excited about seeing Ron Weasley on a screen when all of ‘them’ lot had just had a conversation with us?!
weird kid!

* * *

“Yes get over it! If you had actually read the books read the book you’d have known it already!” Kate was having a debate with Jason about how sad Dobby’s death was – or in her opinion wasn’t.
“I don’t read. It tends to bore me to be honest.” Jason shrugged.
“How can book bore you?! You are lame!” She dragged out the e.
“Says the girl that screamed at a snake on a screen!” Rhys joined in. Everybody laughed at this, just like we did when she had screamed. She gave Rhys evils and then said defensively,
“It was aiming for my face! What was I suppose to do?!”
“Realise you were just in a cinema and it’s not even a real snake?” Suggested Logan, she didn’t bother replying to that she simply roll her eyes at him and then went back to original point of the argument,
“Anyway, it was way sadder when Ron left.” She looked down at the floor gloomily.
“You would say that though.” I rolled my eyes at her and she threw a massive grin at me.
“Shouldn’t you be ringing your mum anyway?” I jumped slightly at the sound of Ryan’s voice which was right behind me.
“Oh yeah.” She sighed and then moved away from the crowd, her phone pressed to her ear.
I didn’t actually want her to, but I knew we would have to leave soon enough. As soon as the film had ended they had all turned around started talking to us like we’d always been their friends or something. I wasn’t complaining, no way!

* * *

“You okay?” I looked up into the eyes of Adam and nodded. We hadn’t actually properly spoken yet and I was slightly scared how my voice would come out. Though knowing me, it would just be fine.
We were all stood in the car park where Kate’s mum had dropped us off. Shannon had managed to persuade the boys to wait with us and was now having piggy back races on Andy, with Kate on Logan. I was stood slightly aside watching them, amongst Jason, Rhys, Adam and Justin who were mainly laughing their heads off. Liam and Ryan were stood to the side of us, not really talking much. I felt slightly sorry for them, but at the same time couldn’t bring myself to talk to them when I knew we would be picked up in about three minutes. I had to try and make these moments with the year elevens last.
“Not joining in?” Adam asked, nodding his head in the direction of Shannon who was yelling at Andy to ‘hurry the hell up!’
“Ugh, no!” He laughed.
“So – er – how long till your picked up?” I looked down at my Hello Kitty watch and then at the entrance to the car park, Kate’s mum was just pulling in.
“Now” I said and we both sighed.
“Onward noble steed, for my new mode of transport is fast approaching!” Kate yelled at Logan who bounded forward to the now stopped car. I could see Kate’s mum had a quizzical look on her face.
“I suppose I best be going then…” I made to leave Adam but he caught hold of my arm and pulled me around.
“See ya” He said and then lent down and kissed me softly on the cheek.
“Bye” I smiled and left for the car. Looking nowhere but the floor, because I just knew my face would be bright red. He kissed me!
♠ ♠ ♠
He kissed her!

Thank you for the comments and subscriptions, you so totally rock dudes! XD
Let me know what you think so far! :)