Sequel: Changing hearts

Two brothers and a friend


“Imma ninja you!” Kate said while throwing her arms around like a ‘supposed ninja’.
“Uh yeah, okay then, gay girl.” I said flinging my bag down on the floor and following it not long after.
“I will chubby chest!” She said collapsing down after me. I rolled my eyes in response. It was Monday, this first Monday after the weekend. We hadn’t seen or heard from any of them since the cinema and I was starting to get a little nervous. It was break, we’d just had media.
“Hi” Shannon said as she sat down opposite us, she’d come from sociology.
“Helllooooo!” I replied.
“Howdy” Kate said.
The sun was shining, it was actually a really nice day and I was looking forward to lunch on the field. We sat in the most perfect place for seeing ‘them’, especially when they played football… even if the ball did get scarily close to us sometimes.
“Hello!” Kate said. I looked at her quizzically, why was she saying hi twice…? But then I saw who was walking up the corridor and who the ‘hi’ was actually directed too. All the boys were walking down, a serious look on their faces. I saw Rhys give Kate a look that said ‘what the hell are you doing, I don’t know you’ in a disgusted kind of way and she lowered the hand, which had been waving. They walked straight past us, towards the art room. Not even giving us a second glance. Before they could even get to the end of the corridor I had to look away, scared that I would cry. Somewhere deep inside a small part was saying ‘I told you so’, but it was being punch by the rest of me that actually thought we’d hit the jackpot and found our way into their group.
“I actually can’t believe that.” Kate said, I could tell she was close to tears too.
“I can” I said back to her.
“You arseholes!” Shannon shouted down at them.
“Don’t bother Shannon. We only knew them for less than a day anyway.” I heard the art door close and sneaked a peak up, expecting to find nothing but an empty space; instead I saw Adam, Rhys and Jason broadly smiling at us.
“Just joking!” They said in unison and I felt a rush of relief spread through me, which was quickly replaced with anger. I stood up and walked over to Adam, I watched as his eyes lit up and I made a mental note to go skits over that later.
“Adam…” I smiled as I stopped just in front of him.
“Yeah…?” His face showed his happy confusion.
“You – stupid – prick – don’t – do – that – again!” I hit him between each word, and I saw him flinch back, but I didn’t care I still carried on hitting him until he grabbed both my wrists and looked squarely into my eyes.
“Cayla, calm down” He said slowly, “It was only a joke.”
I pulled my arms from his hands and followed them across my chest, “Yeah well, it wasn’t funny.” I frowned at him.
“It kind of was” Rhys butted in. I sent him evils.
“Why were you so cut up about it anyway?” Adam asked eagerly, his eyes glinted.
“I just don’t like people not liking me” I lied smoothly, shrugging my shoulders. The glint in Adam’s eyes died and I suddenly felt guilty.
“Do you wanna sit with us in the art room?” Jason asked, killing an awkward silence that was building between us.
“Sure!” I jumped; I hadn’t notice Kate stood behind me.
“Awesome!” Jason smiled and led Kate into the room, which she spent a lot of her time in anyway. Shannon and Rhys followed after.
“I’ll just go get my bag.” I told Adam, who had waited behind. I turned around and walked the short distance to where I had left my backpack. I was surprised to see Ryan, Liam and their other friends there though.
“Hi bullet head!” He said brightly.
“Hello… pumpkin head!” I sighed at the lame comeback while he laughed.
“Can we sit with you?” He asked. He heart skipped a beat, and I suddenly remembered the feelings for Ryan that had been pushed aside during and after the cinema. The fact that it was his brother that had pushed them aside made me feel really bad.
“Oh...uh… well, actually we were going to sit in the art room with… uh… your brother actually…” I pointed my thumb over my shoulder and I watched as Ryan’s face dropped. I had an overwhelming urge to hug him.
“Oh…” He said, while looking down at his shovelling feet, I could feel an awkward silence fast approaching.
“I’m sorry” I smiled at him kindly.
“Oh, no. No worries.” He lifted his head up and tried – but failed – to look as though he actually meant what he was saying. “Good, means I don’t have to listen to your whinny voice!” He half-heartedly laughed.
I laughed too; glad we had hit a ground which we both felt comfortable in. “Pfft, whinny? My voice is sexy man!” I joked.
“Yeah whatever” he seemed to be happier now.
“Well… I’ll see you later?” I asked.
“Oh right, yeah…” He looked back down at his feet, and I awkwardly turned around and walked back to Adam who had a smiled fixed on his face.
“Were you just talking to my brother…?” He asked.
“Yeah.” I answered.
“Uh why? He annoying.” Adam stated, as though there was no other way to describe him at all.
“I like him. He seems cool.” I honestly admitted, which earned a ‘what the heck’ look from Adam.
I was just about to walk into the art room when I looked back at Ryan; he was looking at me and Adam, a pained expression on his face. I fought back the rising lump in my throat and walked through the door. Hoping I wouldn’t cry.

* * *

“Dude, do you think it’s too early to be worried about Prom suits?” Justin asked from a computer against one of the walls, which he was looking at red bow ties on.
“I hope not, I’ve already chosen mine.” Rhys replied, from the other side of the table we were sat at. “But dude, a red bow tie? Not cool.”
“Pfft! Very cool!” I protested before realising that it had come out of my mouth.
“Anyway guys, piss up at my place on Friday.” Andy interrupted us before Rhys could argue back, “You’re all invited.” He added looking at Shannon, Kate and myself in turn.
“Awesome” I smiled, and was just about to ask where the hell he actually lived when the bell went.

* * *

I was sat in my room on my bed, thinking about today and how weird it was… in a good way though. I would forever love Harry Potter for bringing us closer to ‘them’. I actually couldn’t wait till the party on Friday; it’s going to be awesome! Suddenly I heard a bing come from my laptop and I looked across to see a new conversation on Skype had popped up.

Adam Connor would like you to be his friend on Skype. Press ‘accept’ if you would like to be friends too.

Oh yeah, I would like to be friends with Adam Collin. I thought to myself as I hit accept. Within about thirty seconds I heard another Bing!

Adam: Hello :)

Cayla: Hi :)

Adam: Hey, you know this party at Andy’s place on Friday?

Cayla: Yeah…

Adam: Well, Andy has decided that it’s gonna be fancy dress… don’t ask me why :S Fancy dress? My mind suddenly went crazy on all the costumes I could wear… Wonder women?

Cayla: Ah wow, that’s totally awesome! I replied to Adam, smiling.

Adam: Well, yeah I guess… But hey I was thinking about it and well… I was just wondering if… My heart was hammering against my chest and I watched as the little pencil scrolled across the bottom of the conversation telling me that Adam was writing again.
That was when my internet cut out.

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Longish wait, and not that good of an update. Sorry :/
The next one should be better though :)
Please let me know what you think, it'll help me to improve my updates.