Sequel: Changing hearts

Two brothers and a friend

Mr Banana!

I was sat on Kate’s bed waiting for her and Shannon to come in so we could see each other’s costumes. We hadn’t told each other what we would be wearing and I inwardly prayed that we hadn’t picked the same costume. I had decided to go with Wonder women although know I was beginning to regret the decision; I walked across to Kate’s wardrobe which had a mirror attached to it. I was a really nice costume I just wasn’t sure about the length or the no straps… Still, it was the only Wonder women costume I could get in my size. I heard a knock on the door and turned to face it.
“Can I come in?” I heard Shannon say from the other side of the door.
“Yeah sure” I smoothed out my dress a bit and then the door opened. Shannon was stood there, dressed as Mother Nature?
“Wow, Shannon!” She did look really cool. She had a short green and white dress on, which had a gold belt and flowers from one shoulder to the belt “You look epic!”
“So do you!” She said rushing forward and examining my wonder women dress. “Loving the cape!” She laughed. I had to agree, the cape was awesome.
“You sure it’s alright? Like it’s not too much boobage or anything?”
Shannon stopped examining me and gave me one of her looks, “Cayla, you know there no such thing as too much boobage when it comes to a fancy dress party around Andy’s place.”
“True…” Shannon was beginning to make me fell better.
“Woaw, boobage!” Kate, or should I say a female version of Robin Hood, had frozen in the door.
“Shut it Kate!” Shannon shouted at, “You look awesome.” She added to me in a softer tone.
“She’s right, you do! But wow, you do and half no how to flaunt what you’ve got!” She laughed, as she strolled into the room and eyed herself in the mirror, with a smug look on her face.
“Someone likes their costume then!” I laughed at her, as she swayed side to side. She was wearing a very short dark green dress, which had ruffles at the bottom. The top was ‘V’ neck and showed of her boobs. A wide brown belt went around her waist. I also noticed how she had grown, I looked down at her feet, she had shiny heeled black boots on that went just below her knee. She looked sexy!
“Ugh, yeah!” she stated and they went to apply some heavy black eyeliner which made her eyes stand out from about a mile away.
“Photos!” I squealed and we all huddled together as I stretched out my arm and snapped and photo.

* * *

“Hello there Mr Banana” Kate laughed as Rhys opened the door to Andy’s house. Yes, it is correct; Rhys was wearing a banana suit! The legend!
“Hello there.” He replied and then stood and examined us.
“Urh… can we come in…?” Shannon asked.
“Oh, right yeah.” He opened the door wider and we all stepped in after each other. Andy’s house was nice. “Everyone’s in the living room.” We followed Rhys down the hall and through a door which I guessed led into the living room.
I was right. Andy had a large living room which joined onto this dining room, or should I say bar? Every drink he must have owned was on the table, along with crisps, chocolate bars and cups.
“Woah! Wonder women!” I heard Justin’s voice and looked over towards an armchair which sat a giant glass of beer.
“Beer man!” I laughed and he winked at me. I went to look around the rest of the room. One the floor next to Justin was Logan who was wearing a pirate’s outfit. Jason who now had Kate sat on his lap (Apparently, being Robin Hood gave her a massive amount of confidence!) was dressed as danger mouse! Andy who was on the same sofa as Kate and Jason, was wearing a fire man outfit and finally Adam, who was sat on the floor in front of the sofa was wearing a Mario suit. I’ve got to say, we all rocked at fancy dress!
I took a seat next Adam who smiled at me. “You look really nice” I never did find out what he was going to say to me before my internet had cut out. He had refused to tell me each time I brought it up.
“Thank you!” I could feel my cheeks blushing, “You do too. Although your accents need a bit of practice!”
“What are you talking about?” He said, putting on a strong Italian accent, making us all laugh.
“Dude, what kind of a party is this without music?” Shannon whined, and then Andy got up and made his way towards a huge, very expensive looking stereo which I can genuinely say I would have no idea how to play.
“It’s music time!” Adam said, again in his Italian accent, sounding a lot like Mario when he says ‘it’s Mario time!’. The sound of ‘I got a feeling’ came blearing out from speaker, space around the room and we all got up to dance. Raving like an idiot I couldn’t help but think tonight was going to be a good night.
After that ‘Firework’ by Katy Perry came on and we started dancing properly. About halfway through the song I decided it was defiantly time to get my camera out to get some pictures, and not just because watching Rhys and Justin trying to dance in Banana and Beer suits was honestly one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. Snapping anyway, I felt a little bit overcome with emotion. I just couldn’t believe how much my life had changed in under a week! It was weird.
“Want a drink?” I jumped and looked around. Andy was stood behind me and had just whispered into my ear.
“Yeah sure” I shouted over the music. He grabbed my hand a lead me over the drinks table.
He stood there for a moment, a confused look on his face before he said, “What would you like?”
It was now my turn to be confused, I hadn’t really drunk properly like this before and so I genuinely had no idea what was acceptable to drink in this kind of situation. “Er… a vodka and lime?” I asked, knowing that that was one of Kate’s favourites. Andy smiled and then made my drink.
“Thanks” I said, taking it from him and having a sip. How strong?! I looked at Andy with my eyebrows raised, he laughed at me and then said,
“I did tell you it was a piss up!”

* * *

Two hours and quite a few drinking games later none of us were sober. Although some were drunker than others, mainly Kate who was once again on Jason’s lap but was now making out with him. We were all sat down now, joking, and talking and taking more photos. I was resting against the sofa, my head on Adam’s shoulder.
“Let’s play truth or dare!” Rhys slurred from my right on the floor.
“Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!” Kate squealed and wiggled around a bit too much making her fall off of Jason’s lap and onto the floor. Jason (who was no where near as drunk as he was making himself look) let out a long and epic “Nooooooo!” stretching his arms out in front of him towards Kate. She had recovered quickly from her fall and was now squirming around waiting to play truth or dare, which was weird because I knew for a fact that she hates that game with a passion!
“Me first, me first!” She said, “Rhys truth or dare?” She asked, trying to give him a piercing look.
“Er – thruth?” He replied, lazily.
“Who do you like?”
“No one.” He replied very quickly, a little too quickly. I glanced across at him to see that he was looking anywhere but at anyone. How suspicious…
“I don’t believe you!” Shannon shouted.
“Does it really matter? Kate, truth or dare?” Logan changed the subject quickly and I saw Rhys give him a look of thanks, which Logan very quickly acknowledged.
“Truth!” She said, happily.
“What colour underwear are you wearing?!” Justin blurted out after a couple of moments of silence in which nobody could think of a truth for her. I raised my eyebrows at him. But Kate simply answered “red” and then winked at him.
“Cayla!” Kate turned on the floor to get a better of me.
“Yes?” I hiccupped.
“Truth or dare?”
“Dare” My drunken self answered it before my sober self could think otherwise.
“I dare you…” She eyes flicked between me and Adam again. “To…” I shook my head slightly guessing where she would be heading with this. I don’t think I like drunken Kate as much as sober Kate. “Kiss Adam!”
I knew Kate had only said this because she was drunk, she wouldn’t have otherwise. I shrugged my shoulders and turned slightly to get a better view of him. He was giving me a look which half said ‘Pfft, I don’t care’ and half ‘Hell yeah!’. Screw it, I thought to myself and grabbed his face between my hands and pulled him towards me. Within seconds our lips had locked and I put every passion I had into it. I was doing something I had wanted to do for about three years now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Woahh! She kissed him! Like proper kissed him!

By the way, these are the girls dresses if you want to see them;

What do you think? Your comments mean a lot to me, thank you to those who already have! I love you!