Sequel: Changing hearts

Two brothers and a friend


“Caylaaaaaa!” Kate squealed, “Come sit here!” She patted the ground between herself and Jason and I wiggled my bum in between them.
“You okay?” I scrunched my eyebrows at her. Any other day if I’d divided her from Jason she would probably punch me… hard.
“Oh god, you saved me. Thanks!” She whispered in my ear. I knew what she meant. She meant Jason. It’s the Monday after the party and as far as I knew no-one had seen each other since Saturday morning, when we all made our way home. I knew as soon as Kate had said “I didn’t do anything stupid last night right?” that she couldn’t remember anything. I didn’t have the heart to go, “Er yeah, you made out with Jason!” so she still doesn’t know. Unfortunately, Jason does.
“How was your head on Saturday, Cayla?” I looked for the source from which my name had come and found Andy, Rhys and Justin looking at me.
“Fine, didn’t hurt a bit.” I laughed as all of them opened their mouths in shock.
“Dude, this girl is banging!” I was going to reply when Jason leaned over me and blocked my view.
“So… you don’t remember any of it then?” He directed at Kate.
“Jason, no. Okay?” Kate rolled her eyes at him, you could tell in her tone that she was getting pissed off. Not that I blame her, he had asked her about a million times today. “Why is it so important that I remember anyway?” She turned on him.
“Er… it’s not. Hey Logan!” Jason turned and started a new conversation, leaving both Logan and Kate confused. She gave me a huge ‘what the fuck?’ look and I suppressed a giggle. Looking around for a new conversation to start I noticed Rhys looking at the ground with a smug smile on his face. Okay then…
“Do you remember much from the night Cayla?” I glanced across at Adam. If he meant me kissing him then yeah, I remember pretty well, but is he going to know that? Hell no!
“Not a lot.” I said. I watched as the smile on his face momentarily falters and I want to leap on him and hug him… but I don’t.
“Time to get off the field” I turn around and see Mr Elliot standing behind us, a stern expression on his face. Reluctantly and slowly we get ready to leave for third lesson. “Get going now!”
“Jeez, calm it.” I mutter and Kate giggles.
“Not going to lie, twenty seven days can’t come much sooner.” Rhys says, slowly his pace to walk beside Kate.
“Why? What happens in twenty seven days?” I ask.
“I get to leave.” He lifts his arms into the air triumphantly as both Kate and I stop.
“Wait, what?” I splutter.
“Why?” Kate whines.
“Because we’re year elevens… and that’s what we do… anyway, there’s not a lot of point coming in after I’ve had my exams is there?” He questions.
“No… none at all…” I look at Kate. Her eyes have glazed over and I know she’s just remembered as well. I mean how could we have forgotten? It just wasn’t fair though… we’ve only just started to get to know them. I link my arm with Kate and we give each other looks that say “Let’s not ruin the time we have”.
“Move, now!” Mr Elliot shouts from behind us.
“Oh shut up you bald asshole!” Kate mutters, earning a laugh from everyone.

* * *

You know you’ve hit your GCSE years when you leave school at 5.00 o’clock instead of 2.45pm. Damn English Revision. Why do we even have to sit literature exam this year anyway? I know I’m going to have to wait for about half and hour by the time I got to the train station but I couldn’t stand to be in that English room any longer. I could spend hours with that teacher and still not learn a single thing.
I turned on my iPod and was greeted with the sound of New York – one of my favourite songs at the moment. That’s what I needed, to walk out my thoughts to music. But was that what I got? Nope.
“Hello!” I looked beside me to see Justin smiling. I took my ear phones out.
“Er – hi” I said.
“You okay?” He asks brightly.
“Yup. You?”
“Yeah I guess…” Justin not happy? This was new; I’d never seen him not happy before. Not that I’d really known him that long.
“What’s wrong?”
“Oh” He genuinely looks shocked that I asked him, “Well, exam stress I suppose.” He shrugs.
“Er… well, I’m sure you’ll do fine.” I don’t know wither this comforts him of not – I don’t even know what his opinions are. He smiles though.
“So… are you walking home?” I ask him.
“Nope, my mums picking me up any minute. What about you?” He stops as we reach the road outside school and I do too.
“No, I’ve got to go catch a train.”
“Oh shit! Am I holding you up?” He looks flustered at his watch, which is ridiculous as he doesn’t even know the time of my train.
“It’s alright; I’ve got loads of time.” I laugh as his face relaxes into a smile. A really nice smile… damn, I love his smile. I’m going to make him smile more often!
“So then… looking forward to college?” I ask, breaking a small silence that was building between us. I don’t really want to know the answer. Anything that takes them away I don’t like. Well… until I go there I don’t like it, but then by the time I get there they’ll all have forgotten us… No! I shake myself away from these negative thoughts.
“I guess. It’ll be like school, only bigger. Right?” I don’t know. How am I meant to know? I’ve never been.
“Er – yeah, probably… depending on what you do.” We both smile at each other and a silence descends between us. Suddenly I realise just how much I’ve never really talked to Justin. Looks like I won’t have much time to get to know him now either… shut it, Cayla.
“Oh, this is my mum now.” I look up and see a black shiny car pulling up in front of us. I have no idea what kind of car it is, Kate would and she’d rolls her eyes at me for saying it looks like a bubble but it does. It’s a bubble car.
“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then?” I begin to turn as he opens the passenger door.
“Yeah bye” He waves and I take a couple of steps forward before hearing his voice again, and for some reason my stomach does a somersault at the sound. “Do you want a lift?”
“Er… no, it’s okay” I reply.
“Really, my mum doesn’t mind.” He waves his hand between me and the car. One look through the wind screen and I know I might as well get in the car now, his mum is giving me the biggest beaming look ever.
“Okay, sure.” and I just have to smile as he gives me that breath taking grin again. He closes the front door and opens one of the back ones for me as I approach.
“Here you are madam” he dives into a deep bow and flourishes of his hand.
“Why thank you gentle sir.” I laugh and slip into the car. For a moment, it’s just me and his mum as Justin goes around getting in the other back door. Awkward…
“So where are you headed Cayla?” his mum askes. She knows my name?
“Oh, the train station, please.” She smiles at me through the mirror thing and then puts the car into motion. If I thought it was awkward before it’s nothing to now. Things blur past my window but I don’t really know where to look or what to say. I turn to my right and find Justin looking at me. My stomach does another somersault. He has really nice eyes… sort of green, brown and swirly.
“Here, we are love.” Justin’s voice makes me jump and suddenly I realise she’s stopped outside the station. Wow, that went fast.
“Oh, thank you!” I say cheerfully and begin to get out of the car. Justin does the same beside me.
“Anytime dearie, bye now!”
“Bye!” I slam the door shut and walk straight into a very solid Justin. Ripped much? He grabs my bag off my arm and puts it on his own back, then leads the way onto the platform.
“You don’t have to do this you know.” I say as we sit down on my favourite bench. He gives me one of those ‘Don’t be stupid looks’ before saying.
“Yeah, I do”
“Thanks.” I smile, damn Justin’s nice. We sit in silence for a moment, and I watch to magpies dancing around a tree happily. Two magpies, that means joy right? A fast train goes flying past us and once it’s gone I look for the birds again, but they’ve disappeared.
“I wish we’d gotten to know you sooner.” I look up at Justin shocked. If it wasn’t for the fact that I know his voice and he’s looking at me serenely I wouldn’t have believe that that just came out of his mouth. Do boys actually say stuff like this? Apparently so.
“Really?” I asked.
“Yeah, I mean there’s only so much boys can talk about.” He says. “You make it more fun… I mean you guys make it more fun!” He laughs nervously.
“Thanks” I mutter.
“Is this you train?” I look toward the direction it normally it comes and nod. Do I want this train to come or not? I get up and grab my bag, putting it on my back.
“Thanks Justin.” I say moving forward, to wait for the train to stop.
“That’s alright… Cayla?”
“Yeah?” I manage to get out before Justin spins me around and places his lips onto mine. It takes me a minute to realise I shouldn’t actually be doing this. In my defence, he is a really good kisser. I can feel myself begin to kiss him back when the image of Adam just pops into my head. I pull back and stare at Justin. “What the – ” I begin but he cuts me off.
“Er, let’s not tell anyone that just happened.” He stares down at his feet.
“I won’t.” My voice comes out quiet and distance.
“I’m sorry” He whispers and then walks straight past me towards the exit without another word.
“Justin… Justin!” I try to shout after him but he doesn’t turn. I need to talk to him, sort things out.
“Are you getting on miss?” I turn and see I’m the only person left on the station. The conductor is stood on the only open door giving me a sympathetic smile.
“Yeah, sorry” I mutter and climb on.
♠ ♠ ♠
So what do you think of Justin?

Which team are you? Adam, Justin, or Ryan?

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