‹ Prequel: Lost Little Girls
Sequel: Call It Princely

Some Little Princesses

princess l o s t

Water swirled down the drain. She stared at the pills in her hands. To take them or to dump them? That was the question.

She knew she wouldn't take them, but sometimes she liked to pretend that she might. It made her feel as if she had some kind of control over the hell that she called her life. Outside, in her brother's penthouse apartment, she could hear the music pounding against the walls and doors. She wanted it all to be over. She didn't want to go back out into that den of hell.

Her bare feet slapped against the slippery porcelain of bathtub as she moved to the large window that occupied the upper half of the bathroom wall. She looked out the window, small features pressed to the cold glass. Below she could just make out the street lights and the little dots of the headlights.

Too far to jump if she wanted to live.

Izzy scrambled out of the bathtub, clutching to the bathroom sink as her feet slipped on the tub's slick surface. They found traction again on the fuzzy carpet. She forced herself to stand up straight and slip her shoes back on before she forced herself back into the den of iniquity that was her brother's party.

As much as she hated these parties, it was that or staying in the silence of her parent's apartments or her dorm room. She hated both of those places. She hated most things about her life in general. It didn't matter that her mother was a top television executive. It didn't matter that her father was a former male model turned fashion designer. It didn't matter that her brother was one of the top socialites in New York. It didn't even matter that she was considered one of the most beautiful girls in her generation.

She hated it all.