‹ Prequel: Lost Little Girls
Sequel: Call It Princely

Some Little Princesses

princess g u i l t

To answer the phone or not.

Considering this was the third time her brother had called her...probably.

The phone slid open with a flick of her thumb. The screen was cold as it pressed against her ear. "It's about fucking time you answered!" Lewis snapped.

She flinched. Even over the phone, her brother had a strong influence over her and she hated him for that almost as much as she loved him for pretending to care. "Yeah well, I've been busy," she shot back. Today she had been learning how to do her own laundry. For some reason, Andrea thought it was a necessary skill for people to have. Izzy had yet to understand why that would be the case, but she hadn't been willing to argue with the woman so she had gone along with it in the end.

Her brother snorted. "Yeah, right. You wouldn't know busy if it pulled it's pant\s down and fucked you to death."

"God do you have to be so crude?" she demanded her cheeks turning a bright shade of red. She looked around, her eyes slightly furtive until she relaxed a little glad to see that she was alone in the room.

"Stop being such a priss Izzy. You and I both know that you're even more crude. Don't pretend that you aren't. Now where the hell are you? Our parents may not give a shit where you go or what you do, but I'm not them." Lies, lies lies. Why was he lying to her? Lewis didn't give a damn about her and she knew it. Lewis cared about two things in his life.

She gave a heavy sigh and hated what she was going to have to ask. No, don't hate it, a part of her said. He deserves it. "Shut the hell up Lewis," she snapped. "So what is it really?" she demanded. "That you want to get fucked and the interest has a price or that you need me for a scheme?"

She could hear the smirk in his voice when he spoke again. "That's the Izzy that I know. Now why don't you answer my question?"

"Why don't you go to hell Lewis?" she snapped back. Pulling back, she slid her phone shut and simply stared at it. She wanted to say that she felt guilty. She even tried to make herself feel guilty, but she couldn't. She didn't feel anything at all.