‹ Prequel: Lost Little Girls
Sequel: Call It Princely

Some Little Princesses

princess v i s i t

The television sat blaring some show that had been popular some time in the eighties. Not that anyone in the living room was actually paying attention to it. It was simply background noise. It filled the space around them. Just another odd little tradition that she had discovered that didn't really mean anything.

"Oi Princess. Pass me the right left."

Izzy looked over at Wesley, her brow furrowed with confusion. He was lounging in one of the chairs, a cigarette dangling from long thing fingers and a cloud of smoke obscuring some of his features. "You realize that Andrea's going to kill you don't you?"

He shrugged lazily. It was rare to see him this drunk, but it did happen occasionally. And some how, he always managed to survive the encounters. Izzy had yet to understand it. She didn't understand why Andrea put up with a freeloading, drunk, degenerate idiot. Then again, it could have had something to do with the fact that Kellan seemed to adore the older male.

A knock on the door disturbed whatever was going to slur out of Wesley's mouth next. Kellan's eyes flicked up to her and she gave him a reassuring smile. Well, she hoped it was reassuring. He seemed to take it though. That was enough for her. She stood up and moved out into the hall pausing when she saw the silhouette in the door. "I can see you in there Izzy! Get your ass out here."

Wesley stumbled to the door way staring at Izzy's back. "Who's zat asshole?" he slurred.

Izzy looked back at him, her glare not as forceful as usual. "Go back with Keaton," she ordered him with quick shooing motions. Wesley shook his head in reply and shuffled back into the living room leaving Izzy alone in the hall.

She turned back to the door and Lewis's impatient silhouette. Moving forward as she had for so many nights, she wasn't looking forward to turning the door handle this time. Her brother stood on the other side looking every bit the prince of the city that he pretended to be. His chin was thrust high and there was a look of disdain covering his handsome face. "About goddamn time," he snapped.

"It's nice to see you too Lewis," she greeted shaking her head. "Would you like to come in or would you rather stand there looking like a total ass?"

Eyes narrowed even more. "It doesn't matter. We're leaving." Lewis reached out and grabbed Izzy's arm. He was already dragging her across the yard before her mind caught up with situation itself.

"Lewis! Let go of me!" she screamed pushing against her brother's hand.

A disgusted growl was followed by words. "Shut the fuck up Izzy. I'm taking you home."

Stomp at her brother's foot. Yell back to Wesley. Cry. Tug. Scream. It didn't matter. No one cared. The world simply remained silent as Lewis threw her into the car and drove away with her.