‹ Prequel: Lost Little Girls
Sequel: Call It Princely

Some Little Princesses

princess e s c a p e

Her mother and father sat next to her and her brother sat on the other side of her with his newest date. Ironically, it was a man, not a woman, that graced her brother's arm today. A clear show of just how much even high society was changing with the times.

She was alone. In a sea of people, she was all alone. The cliché situation she found herself in was not lost on her mind. She didn't focus on it though. She was more concerned about the situation that she was in. She was being the selfish, spoiled girl that they all called her in the local tabloids. Not that anyone would notice the difference. That was what made it all the more pathetic.

No one really cared.

A break in the monotonous program in question gave her the chance she needed. Izzy stood up and pushed past her brother and effeminate young artist holding his hand and whispering dirty things in his ear. She didn't doubt that they would be doing some things that night that weren't even thought of in pornographies.

She almost fell out into the aisle, only someone on the other side saving her balance. She ignored the voices that called out to her demanding recognition. None of them deserved it anymore than she would if she actually wanted it from them.

It was a good thing she didn't.

The lobby was virtually empty except for a few souls, lost like herself and in desperate need of anything that might save what excuse they had of sanity. She didn't care about her sanity anymore. She just wanted to be as lost in her mind as she was in reality.

"Give me absinthe," she ordered one of the barkeeps forced to stand watch over the stoned and drugged patrons around him. The question of her age was brought up, but she brushed it aside as she showed the fake ID one of her brother's exes had made her a few months before.

Another day, another lie.

The low level, yet legal absinthe was poured and slid her way. She needed this. She reminded herself as she downed the first glass in a single swallow. A haze and touches of pain began to cloud her. Yes, she needed this.