‹ Prequel: Lost Little Girls
Sequel: Call It Princely

Some Little Princesses

princess a p p l e

"You taken a shower?"

The door didn't slam shut, but was closed with care. Andrea had finally come back. She had been alone in the house for hours name. She was actually getting lonely enough that she had been considering leaving. She hadn't though, just like she had never been able to escape the hand that life had dealt her.

Maybe she was just too lazy

Or too self-pitying.

She sat up and looked at the older blonde woman as she stepped into the doorframe. Izzy shook her head. "No, I guess I just didn't think to...though some guy came by. British. Said he couldn't find Keaton, he has his cell on him."

The color drained from Andrea's face making it a pale white mask. "I swear to God I'm going to kill Wesley!" she snapped storming back towards the door. Izzy could hear it open and someone getting shoved aside. The door was closed more hesitantly and the black man, Kellan, peeked his head around the corner, an eyebrow arched one of his pockets bulging awkwardly.

"What the hell did you say to Andrea? I haven't seen her that pissed since one of Wesley's...brokers came looking for him."

A thin, dark eyebrow raised up. Neither of them actually believed he meant the term. For a man who had smiled at her pain earlier, she was surprised to see him acting so cautiously about something in someone else's past. It spoke a lot about the relationships between these people that she was disturbing.

She shook her head. "I didn't do anything," she insisted. "I just told her that this British guy came back saying that he couldn't find Keaton-"

Kellan's head rolled back and he let out a strained sigh. "Keaton is Andrea's son...yeah, I can see why she's pissed. I hope to hell that Wesley finds Keaton before she finds him or he's a seriously dead alcoholic."

He pulled an apple out of the bulging pocket and tossed it at Izzy. "Eat this and then shower. It'll be a while until any of us get anything," he ordered. Izzy caught the apple and eyed it warily. The man laughed. "It's not poisoned, God I'm not that much of an idiotic ass," he said rolling his eyes. "Eat the thing or give it back to me," he said quirking a black eyebrow. Izzy's dark eyes narrowed and she took a big bite of the apple gaining another laugh from Kellan.

"Yeah...that's it princess," he said shaking his head and moving out of the doorway, down the hall.