‹ Prequel: Kerrosine Kisses

A Whole New Story

25th of December (Christmas day.)

Extremely uneventful to say the least.
Yesterday was better.
So much better.
Daddy’s invited my friends over.
Including Lily.
She says it would be a good idea to ring Gerard up and ask him to come over;
You know seeing as it’s been so long and all since I’ve seen him.

A full day.

Every time I looked out of the window.
I swear I could see him.
Obviously it was only my imagination playing up.

Lily showed us a few songs the band had written.
Not hers.
Not theirs.
The band.

I was happy about that to say the least.
Even more so that I knew some of the songs were about me.

Or at least I think they are.

Two words…
“Demolitions Lovers”.

I think you can guess the rest by yourself.
About what’s in it of course.

I went to take a sip of water from the glass on the table facing me.
It was just that tiny bit too far, when you just can’t…
… reach it.
And as I tried to grab it, Lily got it before me, and handed it over with a big sparkly grin on her face.
I smiled back weakly trying to hide my secret hatred from her.
She was just so perfect.
Perfect long brown hair.
Perfect full lips.
Perfect skin.
Perfect glasses that framed her perfect face.
And so perfectly amazingly nice.

As I said.
Fucking perfect.

They were already handing out presents by the time I’d gotten out of my daydreaming.
We’d put them all on the glass coffee table in the middle, next to the attributed person.
I felt guilty because I hadn’t bought Lily a present.
Not out of hatred.
I’d only met her the week before and wasn’t expecting one from her either.
Again…not out of hatred.
I opened mine from Ginny.

She got me…
Yes, oh god, no possible way.
I shot up from my seat and threw myself onto her lap kissing her cheek until she had to beg me to stop.

‘Guitar Hero III… What the hell’s so special about that?’
I bet is what you’re thinking.
I’ll tell you what’s so fucking special.
That game.
Is my life.
I went to HMV everyday in England to play 1 and 2.
And now I think I’m in love with Ginny.

Okay, by the time I was finishing to open my presents, so was everyone else basically.
I got to this envelope.
From Michael.
Okay then.
I opened it, and it said this:

As your eyes are blind.
All your other senses are heightened.
Open the door to your mind.
Sit in a room forever silenced.
And hear a never ending love. (Sorry couldn’t find anything that rhymed with mind.)


What the hell was thatsupposed to mean?

Mikey put his hands to cover my eyes, and led me to the kitchen.
He put a cloth on my face to blind me.

As your eyes are blind.

I could feel his touch on my skin, and his hot breath in my neck.

All your other senses are heightened.

He led me to the back door.
And opened it to the garden.

Open the door to your mind.

And sat me down in the conservatory.

Sit in a room forever silenced.

Facing someone.
Something I recognised.
It was so familiar.
It was so…

And hear a never ending love.

I was tied down to the chair.
My hand behind my back.
And couldn’t move any part of my body but my head.

I leaned forwards and bumped my forehead against something.
I heard a snicker in front of me and I stopped moving.
“Who’s there? Show yourself…I mean…Aww dammit….”
I sighed inwardly, but was still very aware of what was happening around me.
“Anyone actually there?”

There was a long silence before it was broken by a soft, low voice.

‘Yeah Lizzie, I’m here.”