Status: This is the link to the website I created for this story. Just copy and paste then tell me what you think

When an angel falls

The prince of angels, Kenji is about to become the king. But he has one problem, he needs to find a wife. Refusing to be forced to marry Kenji flees down to earth to hide when suddenly he ends up having a little bit rougher of a landing then he thinks. He soon wakes up only to notice that his wounds are being treated by a girl his age. Even though the girl notices his wings she is not afraid of him and instantly makes friends with him. He tells her that he must lay low for a while and she decides to get him to go to her high school with her.
  1. Heaven on earth
    Kenji gets in an argument with his father and ends up running away to earth. Something that no angel has done in a long time.
  2. Meet Mr. Ducky
    Kenji learns what a shower is, or maybe what Amy wants him to believe what one is. Not only that, but Kenji also finds a place for him to stay on Earth.
  3. Math just doesn't add up to an angel
    Part of Kenji's first day at Trinity High. Math first and gym to come.
  4. Do angels pray?
    Kenji finds out that Trinity High isn't as fun as he thought it would be and Amy brings up a good subject at the end before bed.
  5. What makes me perfect
    Kenji realizes a lot about himself and the other around him.
  6. Mr. Ducky's evil scheme
    It's finally saturday and Kenji builds up the guts to ask Amy on a date.
  7. What is love?
    What is love, baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more. *lol jk* -gets serious again and begins to type-
  8. When a devil rises
    If there are angels then are there demons? Who is this new character and why is he after Kenji?
  9. And so the lion fell in love with the lamb
    The final chapter with a happy ending I promise.