Status: This is the link to the website I created for this story. Just copy and paste then tell me what you think

When an angel falls

Meet Mr. Ducky

-Kenji's eyes were full of curiosity as he looked around the bathroom and Amy walked in with some clothes. She set the clothes on the clothes rack then told Kenji to sit on the counter next to the sink. He raised an eyebrow at her but then looked next to him on the counter and saw something that caught his attention. The young prince picked up the yellow duck and looked at it in the eyes.-

"What are you looking at you pathetic little duck? Don't give me that look!!! I'll kill you!"

-Amy turned around and giggled as he perked up from the rubber duck's squeak once he started to choke it. His eyes widened as he stopped choking the duck and asked it nicely to make the squeaky sound again. After waiting several agonizing seconds of nothing but the sound of Amy laughing, the young prince grew impatient with the duck and started to choke it once more only to stop at the duck finally squeaking once again-

"Do that sound again. *...........* DAMMIT I COMMAND YOU TO SQUEAK!!!!!!!!"

-Kenji grew irritated as Amy took the duck away from him then started squeezing it. She could only laugh at the death glare Kenji was giving the duck-

"Oh so you squeak for her huh?. You traitor! You shall burn in hell."

"Hahahaha. Kenji!!!"


"You just have to squeeze it."

-She squeezed it once more to show him how then gave him the rubber ducky before she turned around and started the water. His eye grew with intensity as he slowly began to squeeze it. The duck responded with a slow and dull squeak-

-The young angel let out of laugh that sounded a little too evil for him...-

"Muwahahahaha. Squeak you pathetic sack of shit!!!!!!" *He continued to squeeze the rubbery ducky over and over again getting a little squeak of terror out of the duck each time*

-Amy turned around and pulled a washrag out of the cabinet then tied it over Kenji's eyes like a blindfold-

"Hey whats this for?"

"Ummmm. It's part of the shower. No matter what you hear you can't look or say anything."

"So I just sit here?"


"This shower sounds boring. Can we do something else?"

"No you have to stay in here and be quiet till I figure out how to explain this to my friends. If you sit there and be good then I'll give you a gift after the shower."

-The young prince was disappointed for having to sit there and do nothing but be blind, But the promised gift seemed to keep him tame as he waited patiently. Amy let out a sigh of relief before she took off her clothes and hopped in the shower.-


-Kenji quickly grew bored of the shower. He thought to himself *No gift is worth this boredom* He took of the wash rag blind fold. The shower water was running and he could hear Amy humming behind it. He was gonna pull the curtain open and tell her that he was going to do something else than take a shower but she seemed to be enjoying herself so he didn't bother her. He opened the door and walked back into her bedroom and found Tyler and Jessica talking about their school or something before they noticed him...-


-The young angel was curious to how they said the exact same thing in unison, But his curiosity of the new people told him to answer them. He gave them a big smile first.-

"I am Kenji, Angel prince of heaven. I have come down to Earth to live a new life and have some fun. Are you Tyler and Jessica that Amy told me about?"

-The two shocked friends could only nod their heads before they heard a scream come from the shower. Amy flew open the door. She saw Kenji talking to her two friends and suddenly the words seemed to disappear from her mouth as she became speechless.-

"How is me and Jessica suppose to believe that you are an angel?"

-Kenji thought about it for a moment then ran to the bathroom and came out with a small rubbery ducky. His wings grew out from his back as he looked at them and then the duck and said in a proud voice."

"Tell them about me being an angel minion."

-The three people were startled at first by his wings but couldn't help but laugh as he called the small rubbery ducky his minion. Not even a small squeak came out from the duck as a sad face came across Kenji and he turned to them.-

"Don't mind him he's shy and only talks for her."

-Kenji squinted his eyes as he pointed at Amy when he said "her". Amy turned to Tyler and Jessica as she got a bright idea.-

"He is going back to school with us tomorrow." -Tyler answered first before Jessica could say anything-

"This is gonna be awesome. Our team can't loose if we have a guy that can fly!!!"
-Tyler's excitement was dimmed away as Jessica smacked him like the idiot he was.-

"Dumb ass! He can't just walk into Trinity High being an angel. He needs to keep his wings hidden and act normal or the whole town will go crazy"

-Kenji raised an eyebrow as he made his wings disappear in a flash of light. He smiled brightly.-

"High school sounds fun." -Amy turned to him-

"You have to promise not to tell anyone that you are an angel."

"I promise"

-Tyler got a strange look on his face-

"If he is going to live with us then where is he going to sleep?"

-Kenji's face filled with excitement as he jumped onto Amy's bed and stripped down to his boxers in the blink of an eye. A glass of water appeared magically on the shelf next to the bed as Kenji covered up a little with the blanket-


"Oh no you don't" -Jessica said as she dragged him out of the bed while Amy started to blush-

"You are sleeping on the couch in the living room."


"NO BUTS!!!"

-Jessica and Tyler dragged him to the living room and set him on the couch with a pillow and blanket.-


-The tired prince fell asleep almost instantly. Several hours later he was woken up by a ringing sound coming from Tyler's, Jessica's and Amy's bedrooms. He held his hands to his ears as the annoying sounds echoed through the house-

"Turn that damn sound off!!!!!"
-The three walked into the living room and Jessica was the first to say something to him.-

"Stop screaming and get ready for school today."

-Tyler walked into the kitchen and started cooking breakfast as Jessica and Amy got ready. Kenji perked up instantly and screamed in excitement.-

"WOO HOO. HIGH SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

-He got dressed and ran into the kitchen and ate 3 bananas for breakfast then stood next to the door jumping up and down. He waited for the rest to finish getting ready.-

-Of course needless to say Kenji was the first out the door as they walked to school.-
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Next chapter is Kenji's first day of high school. Leave comments and stuffs :D Copy and paste this link to see the website I created for the story.