Status: This is the link to the website I created for this story. Just copy and paste then tell me what you think

When an angel falls

Do angels pray?

*Kenji thought that it was just going to be normal swimming like for fun, but apparently in school it's not the same Swimming time in gym at Trinity high didn't mean dunking people and splashing around. It meant races and diving. The races wasn't a problem for the young prince, when it came to speed in the water he was like a torpedo. An extremely high dive that took 5 minutes just to climb all the way up the ladder, now that had Kenji afraid. He tried to shake his fear as he stood up looking down into the pool and quickly snapped out of his trance when some of the other kids yelled at him from below.*

"Hey hurry up and dive it's our turn already!"

"They're right, I have nothing to be afraid of, I mean seriously I freaking fly. I have easily flown higher than this..."

*He shook all horrible thoughts from his mind as he finally leaped down. He was supposed to do a dive but something compelled him to not listen to the teacher and all he could think about was to scream at the top of his lungs....*

"CANNON BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

*The young angel tucked in his legs and preformed the most perfect and elegant cannon ball the entire school has every seen. But the gym teacher didn't seem to appreciate the classic splash like the students did.*

"Dammit boy you were supposed to dive!!! Now get out of the pool cause you're not swimming for the rest of the class!!!"

*Kenji didn't seem to understand why the teacher was upset unlike the first. Not before he noticed that the teacher was the only one close enough to the pool to be taken victim by Kenji's massive splash.*


*Having to watch all the other swim the rest of the class was irritating but maybe the next one would be more fun he thought to himself. But he was wrong. He had science, history, lunch, reading, and then music. He pretty much just stared out the window the whole time. The only thing he could remember any of the teachers say was something about human cells, cave men, books and that they wouldn't plat instruments till tomorrow. He didn't even get a good lunch. The young prince was glad to finally be back at the house with Amy, Jessica and Tyler.*

"Kenji aren't you going to take a shower before bed?"

*His eyes gleamed with cold eyes as he walked into the bathroom and quickly came back out with Mr. Ducky. He gave him a few evil squeezes before he sat on the couch next to his pillow and blanket. Kenji noticed a strange look on Amy's face and he raised his eyebrow as if to ask her whats wrong.*


"Yes Amy?"

"Do angels pray?"


*Kenji had never thought about it. He knew what it was and that humans prayed to heaven sometimes. He never really saw a point in it let alone for an angel doing it, but for once in his life he really thought about it.*

"Yes we do."

"What about?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well we sometimes pray before we go to sleep or whenever we are having troubles...."

*Kenji had already knew that. Every angel in heaven could hear the prayers of someone if they just listened.*

"Well pretty much for the same reasons as you but a little different. Unlike humans though we don't have as many reasons to pray. If we get hurt or sick we easily heal so there is no point in praying to get well soon. We don't die so there aren't any funerals or last words."

"Well what are some of the reason that an angel would pray if you don't have as many problems like humans?"

"There is at least one thing that everyone can have a problem with no matter who or what they are...."

"What's that?"

"Love. A physically wound is nothing when it comes to healing, but emotional pain is nearly impossible to recover from. We have emotions just like humans, hate, anger, grief, happiness and more. But love is never a simple thing."

*For the first time Amy could see the seriousness in his eyes. She barely just met him a day ago but he always seemed to smile and be carefree. The look in his eyes now was far from what she had previously had seen.*

"Well there is always someone out there."

*He could barely get himself to nod and let out a soft "hm" before she went off to her room.*

"An angel praying huh....."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took me awhile. My friend had said something very weird that got me thinking about people and religious regard such as praying or going to church. I am not a very religious person but for some reason I decided to change this chapter and the next chapter a little bit from what I was going to make it. The next chapter will be kind of an extra on the side deal that will be told by Kenji. It will be short and after that I will resume the regular story. :3 please comment and stuffs~ Copy and paste this link to see the website I created for the story. ---->