Status: This is the link to the website I created for this story. Just copy and paste then tell me what you think

When an angel falls

Mr. Ducky's evil scheme

*Saturday....It had finally come. The weekend took forever to come but after 4 more boring days of school Kenji had finally got home and laid on the couch full of exhaustion. Tyler and Jessica went to the skating ring as soon as school let. He was starting to think that it was a tradition or something to go skating on weekends for them. But tonight was not about them. Kenji had to find a way to ask Amy out. Several schemes went through his mind but one after another they seemed to be crumbled up like paper and thrown into the trash. Finally it hit him. It was perfect.*

"Oi! Minion."

*A evil smirk came across the young angel's face as he grabbed hold of the gleaming rubbery duck. Mr. Ducky had finally gotten a moment of peace before Kenji showed up in the bathroom. Though he was merely an object it still seemed that "God dammit not this creep again" ran through Mr. Ducky's mind as Kenji opened the bathroom door and picked him up in one swift movement.*

"Hehehehehehe. You're going to help me with my problem weather you like it or not."

*A wicked giggle hit Kenji as the rubber ducky squeaked when he squeezed it.*


*Amy had been in the kitchen sitting on the velvet stool drawing at the counter when Kenji sneaked to the other counter where he was unseen by her. She began to giggle as she looked up and saw Kenji's hand holding up Mr. Ducky on the counter. Like a puppet he made the rubber duck do the talking for him.*

~Mr. Ducky speaking~

"Quack. Hey Amy what would you say if Kenji asked you out on a date?"

*The quack sounded almost too real as a soft smile came across Amy's face.*

"Well I would love to go on a date with Kenji. But where would we go?"

*There was a silent pause before Kenji pulled the duck back behind the counter out of site.*

"Where should we go?" *The young angel scratched his head while thinking*


"That's perfect!!!"

*The young prince set the duck back up on the counter and it responded to Amy's question.*

"You shall go to a walk by the river and watch the stars."

"Then I shall go get ready now."

*Kenji leaped up in joy and suddenly realized that he had made himself visible.*

"Shit!!!" *he thought* -sigh- "I'll go get ready"
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Muwahahaha I know I said that they would go out on a date this chapter but I will leave it for chapter 7 but don't worry it will be up a half hour after I post this one up. Can I get a yay for no waiting? :P