Status: This is the link to the website I created for this story. Just copy and paste then tell me what you think

When an angel falls

What is love?

*Kenji was dressed in dark gray cargo pants. They were a little wrinkled but at least they weren't sagging down past his ass. He hated it when his pants didn't fit the way they were supposed to. He had a white shirt with a picture of a ninja wearing orange from an anime he had seen on tv. It was 40 fucking degrees outside so he put his black hoodie on so he wouldn't freeze to death. Amy's wore hair had been straightened and she slightly tight black jeans and a black hoodie with silver designs on it. Kenji had to resist the thought of finding out what she was wearing under the un-revealing jacket but some how he liked the thought that it left him with some imagination.*


*The river water was gleaming a clear blue. It had sparkles on its surface coming from the beautiful stars above. The bright sparkles in the night sky were amazing but they couldn't shine as good as Amy's eyes. It was a long walk before they finally laid down by the river bed and looked up at the stars. They couldn't stop talking. The whole way there they were in a conversation about something. But no matter what is was about Kenji paid full attention and seemed to have the perfect response when it was his turn to talk. For some reason though there was a brief moment of silence as they looked up at the gleaming orbs in the sky above. There eyes met as Amy turned her head. She wasn't say anything but Kenji could tell that there was something she wanted to ask.*


"huh? Yes Kenji?"

"That look in your eyes... what is it you want to say?"

*He seemed to be able to read her like a book. A sigh escaped her before she asked the question she had been waiting for all night.*

"Kenji, what is love to angels?"

*He couldn't help but raise his eyebrow in curiosity.*

"What do you mean exactly. Is there really different meanings for love?"

"Well here on Earth. Most people don't mean it when they say they love someone. There usually mean something else."

-sigh- *Kenji looked up at the sky for a sec as he seemed to get his thought on what he was about to say together. In a swift moment he was on top of Amy and he gently held her down as he set his head on her chest. A smile came across his face as the most beautiful thing came across his ears. ~beat beat~*

"Do you hear that?"

*Amy blushed bright red as he set his head on her and she stuttered slightly as she answered him.*

"M-my h-h-heartbeat?"

-sigh- "No"

*he grabbed her hand and placed it onto of her heart where his head had been*

"Do you feel that?"

"It's not my heartbeat is it."

*A gentle smile crept across the young angel's face as he leaned down and whispered softly in Amy's ear.*

"Do you hear your soul trying to tell you what love is. Can you feel your heart pulse getting faster when I get closer to you. Do you feel the chill run down your spine when I whisper to you. Can you hear your thoughts cry out in your head about all the things you love about me. Can you smell your lavender perfume you put on before we left. Can you taste your tongue as your lips crave to meet mine. Can you see the serious in my eyes as I ask you desperately to hear me when I tell you........I Love You Amy.
Amy, Love is not just one thing or meaning. It is several emotions that words cannot describe and so much more. The thing about love is. I can never tell you what it exactly means. But I can pour my heart and soul into trying to show you what it is. I mean every word I say."

*Tears ran down her eyes and for the first time in her life she felt that she had someone that was truly there for her. He didn't have to say anything, because she knew that he would be there no matter what.*


*Jason had been walking back home when he saw the love of his life with the new boy from school. From now on he had to find a way to win Amy over. He took a picture of them as they shared their first kiss before he ran home.*
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Next chapter up as soon as I can. Please leave comments and stuff. :D