Status: still searching for inspiration..

Peccato Il Mio Piccolo Dolce (My Sweet Little Sin)



"NOOOO! God damn it! NO!” I yelped an thrashed around as my male best friend, Alec, pried me away from my computer. A common occurrence in the morning here in the town of Volterra, Italy.

“You need to get to school, Lyric!” Alec said and pulled harder at my waist. It was hard enough to get me out of my room but not hard enough to break me in half. That would piss my parents off.

“I don't want to go to school! School is for chomps!” I said and held on to my door frame for dear life.

“Since when has school been for chomps?” Alec asked with a smug smirk on his adorable face. Yes, adorable. He's handsome. I'm a girl, he's a boy. Do the math.

“Since Spongebob read it off from his desk chair.” I answered and tried to hug my door frame.

“That's it! No more Mr. Nice Volturi.” Alec said and threw me on his shoulder. I felt all the butterflies erupt in my stomach as he ran up the stairs. I sighed in defeat as I waited for the 'ride' to be over. Once it was over, he set me down on the ground and steadied me as gravity set in.

“I fucking hate you, Alec. I fucking hate you right now.” I grumbled as the world started spinning for a moment.

“Well, I fucking hate you, too, Lyric.” He answered with a grin and I had the strong urge to slap the stupid out of his brain, but decided against it.

“Ahhh! You are so... UGH!” I said irritatedly and heard a car honking outside. I glared at Alec and grabbed my bag from beside the door and opened it. Alec smiled at me and I rolled my eyes at his arrogance.

“Have a nice day at school, Lyric.” He said with a smile and I intensified my glare.

“I hope you fall down the stairs face first. You need to be punished for prying me away from Facebook.” I said seriously and stared him down. He only grinned which irritated me futher. There is no other person in this universe who knows how to push my buttons other than Alec. It's kind of like his job to ruin my life. But I still love him to death.

“I love you, too, Lyric.” Alec answered and planted a quick kiss on my cheek which made me blush beet red. He grinned as he noticed my reaction and I tried to hide my blush by fanning my face that felt as hot as a branding iron.

“I'm going to school now. Tell Jane to kick your ass for me.” I said and slung my Chanel backpack then walked off to the sleek silver Porsche Carrera GT that belonged to Lux. My girl best friend.

“Alec problem again?” Lux asked quietly as I hopped in her car and shut the door. I huffed and shot one last glare at Alec before Lux giggled and drove off.

“Why are you two always bickering like kids? Alec clearly likes you and you are totally head over heels for him. So, why don't you two just get along and make with the love.” She asked in a really quiet manner. Lux used to be a rebel. A really bad example for girls everywhere; but I didn't judge her for being a rebel. That was the past and who was I to judge. We all make mistakes. So, she wants to become a nun because God called her when she attended church on her birthday. (A/N: Lux is Cam in real life. I'm basically basing other characters off of my friends and enemies. And, yes, my best friend wants to become a nun.) I was a bit shocked at her decision at first and I was totally infuriated at her for choosing to become a nun and not telling me, but Alec talked some sense into me and now here I am; totally understanding what my best friend wants to be.

“Because... Alec... he's Alec!” I said this as if it was the most obvious reason in the world. I fixed my clothes and checked my iPhone and saw a message. I opened it and saw a message that made me smile.

“I know that smile.” Lux teased. I looked at her and smiled widely as I repeated the message over and over in my sadistic mind.

“Alec texted me to have a blast at school and that if I try anything stupid, he will personally come out and get me.” I said and blushed as realization set in. Alec really cared for me.

“He totally likes you.” Lux said smugly. I rolled my eyes.

“Alec will be Alec. And never in a million years would he like someone like me.” I muttered and then stared out of the windows as I basked in my thoughts.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooooh! How wrong you are my dear Lyric! LOL

Sooo... I'm just trying this out for a bit... I'm having a mind block on my Logan story.

comments re greatly appreciated, people.


(YES! Jen Bright.. just like Cameron Bright.. LOL)