Status: still searching for inspiration..

Peccato Il Mio Piccolo Dolce (My Sweet Little Sin)



“Go, Lyric!!!” Lux cheered loudly from the bleachers as I locked my gaze on the volleyball in my left hand. I tossed it up in the air and hit it with my palm. It made a whoosh sound as it zoomed over the net and landed in the middle of our opponent’s court. In case you were wondering, I’m the captain of the volleyball team and right now we’re having a game with another school whose name I don’t know.

The crowd went wild and I smiled a tiny bit before I averted my gaze to the screaming people on the bleachers. Then, I creased my forehead and squinted my eyes when I saw four people as white as snow. Realization hit me like a ton of bricks and I managed to only raise my hand and wave at Alec, Jane, Felix and Demetri who were watching the game intently from the most secluded area of the bleachers.

“Nice job, captain!” Tamara said and clapped my shoulder. I felt something burn badly after she clapped my shoulder. My injury was acting up again. See, I took a nasty fall last year after I managed to save the ball from landing on our court and I dislocated my shoulder. That’s how much I love volleyball.

“Thanks, Tam!” I said and touched my shoulder lightly in the subtlest manner possible. No one paid attention to me as I pretended to wipe some sweat away from my shoulder.

“Tam, Sandy, get ready.” I addressed the two players at the corners of the court. I crouched down in the middle of the court and looked at Mandy who served the ball flawlessly. The girl in the middle of the court tossed the ball upwards and another one jumped to spike it across. I ran as fast as I could to the net after shoving Mary lightly to the side. I jumped up and blocked the ball with my hands. It bounced back and fell on the other team’s court. I smiled as I landed on the ground. I lowered my arms and felt the most unbearable pain shoot through my right shoulder. I winced and and clutched my throbbing shoulder as tears welled up in my eyes.

“Time out!” Coach Gibbs said and ran over to me. She touched my hand and I removed it then she put some ice on my shoulder that was most probably dislocated again.

“I’ll take you to the hospital.”Coach Gibbs said and examined my shoulder that was looking more deformed by the minute.

“No, no, you need to be here. Tam, you’re in charge while I’m gone.” I said and was escorted off the court. People were whispering to each other and I felt a surge of irritation at their gazes.

“Well, who will take you to the hospital, then?” Coach Gibbs asked.

“I’ll take her.” A velvety voice answered. I’d know that voice ANYWHERE. That voice belonged to Alec.

“Who might you be?” Mary asked irritatedly. Alec looked at her through his blue contacts and then fixed his gaze on me.

“I’m her best friend.” He said almost smugly and I smiled a bit as I walked towards him. He wrapped an arm around my waist and got nods of approval from my team mates. He led me out of the gym with Jane, Felix and Demetri in our flanks.

“Are you okay?” Demetri asked as he climbed in the backseat of Alec’s Mercedes-Benz. I saw Lux run out of the gym and head towards me.

“I’ll meet you at the hospital. God! I am gonna murder that Maria Sierra! She’s gonna die tonight!” She yelled some profanities and I just snorted and giggled.

“Does she really want to become a nun?” Jane asked as Alec drove to the hospital.

“She says she’s not so sure now. I don’t know.. something about me making her feel so guilty about leaving.” I said and looked out of the window.

“It would be a shame if she became a nun.” Demetri spoke up. I nodded in agreement and then remembered something very important that I received that morning during Religion class.

“I got 4.0 in the GCSE.” I said happily and noticed all of their dumbfounded expressions.

“What’s the ‘NCAE’?” Felix asked. I scowled when I remembered that they never attended school in a normal high school.

“. It basically tells you if you’re smart enough for the course you want or not. The highest possible score is 4.0. It’ll be the end of the world before I studied for something so... irrational and unneeded.” I said smugly and looked out the window.

“Master Aro and Lady Sulpicia will be so proud of you.” Jane said as enthusiastically as she could. Out of all the people in Volterra, I was the one that Jane was nicest to. I don’t have a fucking clue on why, but I think that it’s because I make Alec happy. Not in a sick and twisted manner, but in a... laugh-all-day-about-nothing kind of manner.

“Dad’s happy all the time.” I said with a snort and heard them all chuckle.

“You don’t see him when he’s stressed out. That’s one scary experience. I remember that day very clearly. The next day was supposed to be your 7th birthday and Master Aro was fussing with the details, the invites, and everything else. He kept on walking and talking to himself in Italian while scowling and then smiling every few minutes.” Demetri mused and I laughed aloud at the vision of my dad doing that. Then, I winced when I accidentally moved my shoulder by the fraction of an inch.

“We’re almost there.” Alec said calmly. Nobody saw through his calm facade but me. He looked so calm and collected on the inside, but on the inside he was panicking. I just had that connection with Alec that Jane didn’t have.


Alec parked the car and then they rushed me to the emergency room. I scowled when the nurses fussed over me and my dislocated shoulder. Their hands were warm and I wasn’t used to warm hands touching me. I liked cold hands touching me because I’ve grown up around vampires and their cold hands. It just felt right to be touched by the undead. That sounded so wrong...

“I want to go home...” I whined when Alec sat down beside me on my hospital bed. They had me confined into this god-forsaken place which I wasn’t happy about. Not one bit. Jane, Felix and Demetri went out to grab some of my things back home and get me some food that the cook back home made. I didn’t like cafeteria food.

“You can’t go home. Not until the doctor lets you go home.” Alec said and examined my tightly bandaged shoulder.

“Hospitals are for chomps... And I’m not a chomp. You could’ve just snapped my shoulder back into place and had dad check up on it every single day.” I stated irritatedly and scowled at the small TV that was across me.

“Master Aro wouldn’t have wanted to do that. He and Lady Sulpicia don’t want to see you in any pain imaginable.” He answered and I was about to hit him when I realized that I would just probably break my arm or my fist. “And I don’t want to snap your shoulder back in place. Because...” He cut himself off.

“Because? Because what, Alec?” I asked curiously.

“Nothing. Never mind.” He said and I rolled my eyes.

“I have to move on to less dangerous and hazardous sports, don’t I?” I asked quietly. He nodded.

“Maybe I should try gymnastics. Ohhh! I’ve heard about this martial art. It’s really cool! It’s kinda like fencing, but you use two sticks instead of swords. It’s called Arnis. (A/N: Arnis is a cool martial art. I’ve studied it and joined a club that’s dedicated to it but I eventually quit because of a nuisance. A very airy nuisance. :P) And then, when you’re good enough, you get to use a machete instead of the sticks!!!” I exclaimed happily.

“A MACHETE!?” Alec asked in disbelief.

“Yeah. A machete. Or some different varieties of swords. But, I really like the idea of me being able to handle a machete!” I said enthusiastically and heard the door open. Lux bounded into the room and I grinned at her.

“Hey, Lux.” I said and smiled at her. She mirrored my smile and also smiled at Alec who returned it with a small smile and a nod.

“I brought some things over!” She said and handed me a Jansport backpack that was filled with random stuff. What caught my eye was the iPod that I left at her house last week. I got it from the bag and grinned at her.

“Oh. My. God! You brought The Notebook over!” I said and held up the book. She grinned and then fished her pocket for her phone.

“Hello? Hey, mom. I’m at the hospital. No. No. Lyric is at the hospital. She dislocated her shoulder again. Yeah, she’s fine now. Do I really have to? Fine. Fine. Ciao.” She said and dropped the call before looking at me apologetically.

“My mom says to get well soon and that she’ll see you tomorrow. I need to go pick up my dad from the airport. So, I’ll see you tomorrow, too. Take good care of her, Alec or I will strangle you to death.” Lux threatened Alec and he smiled at her. I rolled my eyes and then gave her a one-armed hug before she reluctantly left.

“Would you like me to read that to you?” Alec asked and motioned to The Notebook that was in my hands.

“Sure.” I said and gave him the book. He opened it and read it to me. I clung hard to every word that came out of his mouth and cried silently at the parts that were so touching. Alec closed the book and then turned to me when I wouldn’t stop crying. He smiled at me and wiped my tears with his thumb.

“Don’t cry.” He soothed me and I just cried harder.

“Allie left Noah even when she loved him so much. I’d never ever leave y—my loved one no matter what my mom says. I don’t care if y—he’s different. I love him and he loves me. That’s all that matters.” I said through silent tears and caught myself from saying ‘you’. Alec smiled at me and stroked my cheek affectionately. Then, he leaned down and I thought he was going to kiss me... well, he did kiss me but on my cheek. On my god damned cheek.

“If I were Noah.. And If you were Allie... I’d still cling on to every memory that we ever made. I’d cling on to it so hard that if I so much as loosened a finger, it would hurt like hell. I’d never lose hope and you’d come back to me eventually. I would love you until my last dying breath.” He whispered against the skin of my cheek and I felt my heart palpitating. Alec smiled for a fraction of a second and skimmed his nose over my cheek before hovering his lips above my own. His eyes were closed and he looked so peaceful that I willed my own eyes to close. Then, the unthinkable happened. He pressed his lips to mine and I felt sparks and saw fireworks. My head buzzed and I felt everything around us slowly fade in the background. And as soon as it started, it was over. I gasped for air when he broke off and I felt my cheeks growing hot.

“I’m sorry.” He said softly and then walked out of the room. Jane, Felix and Demetri walked in with confused looks on their faces which I knew the answer to.

“We kissed.” I murmured quietly and just laid my head on the pillow then sighed exasperatedly.

“That’s good, right? But, why did Alec leave?” Felix asked.

“I guess... he regretted it..” I said and felt more tears coming to my eyes. Jane sat down beside me and stroked my hair affectionately.
♠ ♠ ♠
I haven't updated in sooo long... well, because only one person read this story... I should try to describe the story more in the short summary, right???
