Chickens Wear Prada

Chickens Dont Fly

theres a boy chicken named sirtevin n a girl chicken named victoria n she has a prob with flyin in her prada kuz it henders her from flyin. sirtevin caint fly kuz he dont no how he asked bristol 2 teach him n she sed no kuz dat wud require me takin off mi prada i u lil perv im not givin u a free peep show sirtevin got mad n kalled victoria a chicken head!!! how dare u insult me in mi prada so she turned da other way n walked off. as she was walkin tellin him 2 leave her alone she dident notice da ground ahead of her she dident notice she was goin down a hill den she steped on a rock triped n rolled down da hill as she reached da bttm she was dazed n confused on wat happin wen she cam 2 she noticed her prada was torn dirty n out of place. sirtevin ran down da hill after her 2 c if she was alright