Status: Still writing!

Memoirs of an Emo Romantic

I mustered a smile and continued on.

The taxi pulled into Brighton Academy's gigantic parking lot, stopping under the awning in front of the main entrance. The taxi driver, who's name I learned was Santiago, a retired war veteran, opened my door and placed my bags on the curb as I climbed out of the car and took in the sight of the enormous building.

"Thanks. Nice to meet you." I said, handing him a couple of Euros.

"Pleasure's all mine m'lady." He replied, shaking my handing and climbing back into the drivers seat of the taxi cab.

I sighed, picking up my black suitcase and my purple duffle bag, as Santiago peeled out of the parking lot. There goes the only person in the whole entire country I know...

Before I go any further, let me introduce myself. I'm Corey Adams. I'm a senior in high school, but my parents transferred me to Brightion because I my "grades were slipping" and I "needed to get off my ass." My parents are CEO's of a major law firm in California and they're rarely home. I'm your typical 17 year old, shy, closed off, emo girl. So anyone want to explain to me how I got into an all guys academy in Paris? Because I honesly have no idea.

I sighed again before opening the door, exposing an old fashioned foyer. Everything was made from wood. Bookshelves filled with thick, headache inducing books lined the far wall. A single desk with a 30-something year old woman sat, shuffling papers.

When I cleared my throst, her head snapped up.

"Oh! Why ello dear! You must be Miss Corey Adams?" She asked, standing and walking around her desk to extend her hand, her British accent shining through.

"Um. Yea." I replied, shaking her hand firmly.

"I'm Clarice. I have your schedule here, but classes don't start here for another two weeks. Most kids aren't here yet and won't arrive for a week or so, but I do believe your roommate is here." She said.

"Uhh. R-roommate?" I stuttered, shocked.

I'm the only female student here, and I'm rooming with a guy? Do my parents realize what they're offering me?

"Yes. We don't have any available single rooms. I'm terribly sorry." Clarice responded. "I can call him down?"

"N-no. That's fine. I'll, um, just get my schedule?" I said.

"Sure thing darling." Clarice said, pulling a piece of paper off her desk and handing it to me.

"If you'll follow me I'll get you your uniform shirt." Clarice said, motioning me to follow her.

Walking down the hallway I took in the showcases filled with plaques, trophies, and other awards for education and a multitude of sports.

"Um, Clarice?" I asked, adjusting my bags on my shoulder.

"Yes, dear?"

"Do you, uh, do you know how I got in? To Brighton?" I asked. After all, I'm curious.

"Well, your parents are extremely generous when it comes to helping to keep our school running. They explained your situation with your grades and being alone a lot so Dean Cooper said you were more then welcome to attend. Here. This is a weeks worth of shirts. Every floor has three washers and dryers so you may do your laundry whenever. We don't do bed checks, but we require each student to be in by eleven on school nights, and three on weekends. Breakfast is served from seven to nine, lunch starts at one, and dinner is served at seven. Here's your room key. Your room is on the fifth floor of the Edmund Building, which is two buildings down on your right. I have some more work to do so if you don't mind, I'll be tending to that." Clarice explained, speaking a mile a minute.

"That's fine. Thank you so much." I said, turning to walk outside.

"You're welcome. I'm here if you need me...ever."

"Thanks." I mustered a smile and continued on my way.

The walk to Edmund Building lasted about five minutes. I pushed the five button once I was in the elevator. When the doors opened I took a deep breath and let it out with a sigh.

I adjusted my bags as I walked out the elevators...
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is my first story on here!
I'm excited!
Let me know what you think!!

Chapter 2 will be uploaded tonight(: