Status: Still writing!

Memoirs of an Emo Romantic

"Get. Off."

[Danny's POV]

Thunder crashed, lightning flashed, rain poured so hard you couldn't see a foot in front of you. It was a dark grayish-brown outside. Scary. Yet somehow relaxing.

This whole Derek and Corey thing is getting to me. I'm so damn worried about her. I'm worried sick.

"Danny?" Corey interrupted my thoughts, walking up to me as I watched nature take its course outside our window.

"Hm?" I asked, breaking my gaze to look at Corey and her tiny, breakable frame. She had changed into black Soffee shorts, and a Breathe Carolina shirt.

"I'm going to do some laundry. Do you have anything that needs to be done?" She asked me.

"Um. Yes. Here." I said, handing her my dirty hamper.

"Alright. I'll be back in a few minutes." She replied, her eyes curious and full of worry.

"Okay. Thank you princess." I said.

"Welcome." She smiled, closing our door behind her.

I sat down on the couch, setting my elbows on my knees, and my head on my hands, closing my eyes and sighing.

What the fuck has gotten into me? Corey's starting to see through me. I've got that damn Serena chick calling me again. And Derek's lurking around every goddamn corner, just waiting to pounce.

I've gone insane. I'm losing my--Wait. Derek. Corey's doing laundry. Alone. Fuck.

Just as I stood to head to our door, I heard a loud bang. I pulled open the door and stepped out into the hallway.

Looking to my right, I saw Derek, pinning Corey against the wall, his eyes smoldering and his face red with agitation.

"You little fuck. Think you could get away with your little dumb ass comeback? Hm? Did you really think I'd let that go?" He asked, voice harsh.

Corey's face was straight. She showed no emotion. "Get. Off."

"Why should I? You know you want me." Derek said, kissing her neck.

"Obviously I don't. If I did I'd be with you, yeah? But since I don't, I'm with Danny. Piss you off? Good. Get the fuck off me jackass." Corey said, squirming, trying to get him off of her.

"Make me." Derek said, not budging.

I walked behind him and said over her shoulder, "She said get off."

Not moving, Derek said to Corey, "Oh. Your little boy toy's here to save you."

She didn't say anything, her nostrils flaring, her lips set in a tight line. Then she lifted her leg, kicking him, causing him to stagger back.

She ran into the dorm room. I followed behind, but Derek had recovered fast from Corey's kick.

Grabbing onto my wrist, Derek twisted me around so I was facing him.

"Tell your little bimbo I'm not done with her."

Then came the right hook to my left eye, causing me to fall back against the wall.

Derek turned and walked away to his room. When he closed his door behind him, I sighed, standing up. I had to place my hand on the wall to steady myself and rid the stars that appeared.

I walked into the room and saw Corey standing there, waiting.

"Oh my God." She whimpered when she saw my already-black-and-blue eye.

"It's fine. Are you okay?" I asked, more worried about her than my throbbing eye.

"I'm fine. It's just..." She stopped, her voice trailing off.

"Just what?" I asked.

"He kissed me. He had his nasty lips on me. And I couldn't do anything about it." She said, sitting on the couch.

"Cor. He's a 6-foot-6, 250 pound dude. You're a 5-foot-5, 100 pound girl. There wasn't much you could do." I explained.

"I'm 5-foot-6 to be exact." She smirked at me.

Smiling back, I winced in pain.

"C'mere. Sit down and I'll get an ice pack." She whispered, standing up and walking to our freezer.

I plopped onto the couch, wincing again as the fall rattled my brain.

"Here. I need a shower. I feel absolutely disgusting. I'll be back soon baby." She said, kissing my forehead before departing to the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

Ugh. My head kills. I popped a couple of pain killers, hoping to rid my headache.

My phone rang. I looked at the screen and hit the ignore button after I read "Serena calling..."

Turning off my phone I thought, "I need to tell Corey about Serena..."

The thing is, I might lose her. And I can't afford to do that.
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I don't own Breathe Carolina or anything about them.