Status: Still writing!

Memoirs of an Emo Romantic

Speak Of The Devil.

I layed back on the couch and closed my eyes, Bring Me The Horizon playing through my black headphones.

Someone sat on my lower stomach, straddling me. I opened my eyes and smiled as I took in Corey, dressed in black leggings and a Blood On The Dance Floor sweatshirt, cut so it hung off her shoulder.

I pulled out my headphones and paused my iPod.

"Hello princess." I said, setting me iPod and headphones on the floor.

"What's wrong?" She asked, blunt.

"What do you mean?" I replied, confused.

"You don't talk to me anymore. You don't snuggle me. You barely look at me. And when we do kiss is seems forced. Like you can't stand to touch me." She said quietly.

"Baby. I love you. and I guess now is the time to tell you." I said, hesitant.

Corey's eyes showed worry. "Tell me what?" She whispered.

"My ex, Serena, has been calling me nonstop. I've told her to stop and I've ignored her calls. But she won't stop." I said quietly.

"Oh. You don't want to talk to her?" She asked.

"No. I want nothing to do weith her. We've been broken up for three years. She cheated on me and I was done. Now she won't leave me the fuck alone." I explained.


"Good?" I asked, utterly confused.

"I thought I did something." She said, giving a small smile.

"No way. I was worried if I told you she was calling you'd think that I wanted to get back with her and I thought I'd lose you." I explained.

"Don't worry. You won't lose me unless you do something terrible." She said, running her fingers lightly up and down my stomach.

"I wouldn't do anything to hurt you." I said looking into her eyes.

Then my phone rang.

I groaned when I saw who was calling.

"Is it her?" Corey whispered, taking my phone out of my hand after I nodded. Her face mischeivious.

"Speak of the devil." She said before answering the phone, and turning it on speaker, so I could hear every word of their conversation.
♠ ♠ ♠
I do NOT own:
-Bring Me The Horizon
-Blood On The Dance Floor

Tell me what you think??