Status: Still writing!

Memoirs of an Emo Romantic

"Can I Join You?"

"Hello?" Corey asked, setting my phone on my stomach.

"Hello? Danny? Who is this? Hello?" Serena asked,

My God she's annoying.

"This is Danny's girlfriend, Corey. Who is this?"

"Oh, um, I'm an old friend of Danny's..." Serena said quietly, obviously embarassed.

"Yes. Old friend is the correct term I do believe." Corey said.

"What do you mean?" Serena questioned.

I raised my eyebrow in agreement with Serena's question.

"Has Danny shown any interest in you in the last three years?" Corey asked, clearly annoyed.

"No." Serena replied.

"And has he answered any of your thousand calls to actually hold a conversation?"


"Exactly. Thus making you an OLD friend. So please, if you know whats good for you, don't call, or text, again." Corey said.

"Alright. Tell Danny I'm sorry for everything." Serena mumbled before hanging up.

"You must be a good convincer. She gave up pretty easily." I said.

Corey looked at me.

"What princess?" I asked, grabbing her hand.

"If she calls again, I'm kicking her annoying ass, and changing your phone number." She replied, her face totally serious.

"Alright. Now come lay with me. I miss holding you." I said, readjusting us so my back was pressed against the back of the couch and Corey faced me.

Within minutes we fell asleep.

[Corey's POV]

My alarm went off at 6, waking me from sleep. Danny's arm tightened around me when I tried to get up so I could shut my alarm up.

"Danny," I whispered, "Danny I have to get up."

He groaned and loosened his arm, rolling onto his back once I got up.

After I turned my alarm off I shuffled back to the couch and climbed onto Danny's toned stomach.

His right eye opened slightly before he smiled and pulled me down for a kiss.

"Good morning love." He said as he kissed my forehead.

"Morning baby." I replied, climbing off him.

"Where are you going?" He complained, holding my wrist.

"I need to shower." I giggled as he stood up.

He was in his Batman boxers, his hair was disheveled, and I'm not gonna lie, he looked hot.

"Okayyyy." He whined, kissing my cheek.

After the water was the perfect temperature, I shed my leggins and sweatshirt from the day before and climbed into the shower, closing the curtain behind me.

I let the hot water fall over me, relaxing me. I heard the bathroom door open and close.

"Hi, Danny." I smiled, rinsing the shampoo out of my hair.

"Hi baby." He said. I could hear the smile in his voice. "Can I join?" He asked quietly.

I could imagine the crimson color painted on his cheeks.

"Yes." I giggled.

"Really?" Danny asked surprised.

"Danny. Get in here." I said, biting my bottom lip as I took in his body once he was in front of me.

"Stop staring and kiss me?" He suggested, softly pushing me to the shower wall, leaning down to kiss my lips hard.

--An Hour Later--

I pulled on a white v-neck tee, and my light blue skinny jeans. After sliding on my white studded belt, I slipped on mismatching socks and pulled my plaid Vans on my feet.

I walked into the bathroom and did my hair before applying a light layer of eyeliner and finishing with a couple strokes of mascara.

After I finished in the bathroom, I walked back into the room, almost slamming into Danny's chest as I turned the corner.

He had his dark gray v-neck on, dark denim skinnies, and he was wearing his purple and blue Osiris' on his feet.

"You look gorgeous." He said as he pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head.

"Thanks baby. You look cute too." I replied, smiling into his chest.

We grabbed our bags and headed to class.

The sky was still dark, the sidewalks were wet with an occasional puddle to avoid, and small branches from the trees scattered the lawn. It was slightly misting, and every once in a while you could hear a roll of thunder and see a flash of lightning in the distance.

Today was going to be a long, dreary day...
♠ ♠ ♠
This is kinda a filler.
Havin a tad bit of writers block.

Tell what you guys want to happen. I'd like feedback. :3