Status: Still writing!

Memoirs of an Emo Romantic


I put my key in the door and turned it, listening to the gears unlock.

I pushed the door open to see him. My roommate. My absolutely gorgeous, tan, somewhat built roommate. Did I mention he was shirtless?


"Holy shit! You''re a chick!" He said, eyes looking as if they were going to fall out of his eye sockets.

"Really? I didn't know that." I said, pushing past him and placing my bags on the black leather couch. I'm determined to not fall for him. He's my roommate. That's it. Maybe he could be a friend. But nothing more.

"Hey now. No need to be rude..." He said, running his fingers through his brown hair.

"Practice what you preach." I mumbled loud enough for him to comprehend.

"Sorry. Just surprised. It's been a while since I've seen a teenage chick I didn't know..." He said, looking hurt.

Oh. My. God. He's fucking gorgeous. His green eyes pierced straight through me. I told myself no falling in love...Shit.

"No. I'm sorry. It was a long flight and I'm grumpy and I really don't want to be here and I just want to go home and," I looked up to see him smirking, "I'll just shut up now."

He chuckled, "You're good. Where you from?"

"Los Angeles, California. You?" I asked. Not falling in love is going to be difficult...great.

"Sacramento, actually. I'm Danny by the way." He said, turning his mouth into a smile, making his lip ring shift on his lower lip.

"Corey." I blushed. Now I'm blushing? Since when do I blush? God!

"Cute. You can have the bottom bunk. If you want it that is." He said, looking at the beds.

"A-are you sure?" I asked.

"Positive. It's all yours." He replied.

"Thanks. So, um, you're the first person I've met here other than Clarice." I said, attempting to make conversation.

"Really? I'm honored." He said, smiling.

"Hah. No need to be. I'm nothing special." I stated.

"Well you obviously are." He said, placing my bags on the floor so he could sit on the three person couch.

"Hah. How so?" I asked. He patted the seat next to him so I sat, obeying his motion.

"He leaned back, reaxing into the couch. "What's your favorite band?"

"Black Veil Brides." I replied, leaning my headd on his shoulder. God I'm tired...

"Favorite color, food, drink, and animal?" He asked, picking at a string on my denim skinny jeans.

"Black, pizza, iced tea, and zebra."

"Told you you're special." He said, resting his hand on my mid-thigh.

"That doesn't explain how." I stats, poking his side, causing him to flinch. "Ohmigod! You're ticklish!"

"N-no I'm not!" Danny lied, smiling.

"It's okay. I won't tickle you if you don't tickle me." I giggled.

"Deal." He replied, looking at me.

"You still didn't explain how I'm special." I whispered, gazing into his intense green eyes.

"You're absolutely beautiful. We share favorite bands, food, drink, and animal. You're clearly not a preppy egotistical bitch, which I hate. And it's taking a hell of a lot of effort to not attack you right now. You're pretty much driving me crazy." He said, never breaking our gaze.

"Well if I'm driving you that crazy," I stood up, "I can try to switch rooms."

"No, no, no." Danny said, grabbing my wrist, making my cuts scream. "Not that kind of crazy."

"Oh? What kind?" I asked, looking down at him.

"I can't explain it." He replied after thinking for a minute, standing up.

"Can you show it?" I asked, blushing slightly.

"Maybe." He smirked, clearly aware of what I was up to.

"Or maybe if you can't, I can." I giggled.

"Oh, really now?" He asked. I nodded in response, blushing when his stare shifted from my eyes to my lips.

"Show me." He whispered.

"Nope." I replied, being stubborn.

"Damnit Corey. Get over here and let me kiss you. Please." He whined, making me giggle as he placed his hand on my cheek and pressed his lips to mine.

You know how people explain kissing your soulmate? How they say there's fireworks and sparks fly? And like there's no one else in the world? The kiss was exactly that. It was the flipping Fourth of July the second our lips met.

He pulled away slightly, "You feel that, too?"

"Mhm." I mumbled, just wanting his lips back on mine.

He chuckled, placing his left hand on my lower back, pulling me closer to him, and his right hand on my cheek, pulling my head closer to his, as if he was reading my mind.

He kissed me again, our mouths in sync. I opened my lips slightly, deepening the kiss. Our tongues danced as he pulled me into his body and my fingers twisted in his hair.

Danny sighed when his phone went off. He pulled away. "It's my mom." He said after he looked at the screen.

"Take it." I smiled, sitting on the couch.

He cleared his throat before answering, "Hello?..Hi, mom...I'm good, you?'ve got to go now...yeah, love you." He hung up, sitting next to me.

"She called to see if I ate her pizza that was in the fridge..." He said, running his fingers through his hair again.

"Did you?" I asked sarcastically, grabbing his hand and lacing my fingers with his.

"No. Ih aven't been home since the summer before sophomore year..." Danny mumbled.

"Oh. Wow. May I ask why?" I asked, worried.

"Well, that summer two years ago, things got bad."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! Here's Chapter 2 as promised!

Sorry for the language. But it's staying because it's a part of me.
Also, there's some "action" in here. But beware, this is a love story after all and things will go down later on.

Let me know whatcha think! :D