Status: Still writing!

Memoirs of an Emo Romantic

"You're Stuck Now."

[Corey's POV]

I woke up in a strange bed. Alone.

I rubbed my eyes, frowning when I saw that my eyeliner and mascara had smeared slightly onto my hands.

But I smiled when I realized I was back in California.

"Good mornin' princess." Danny said, walking out of the large bathroom, his towel wrapped low on his hips.

"Hi." I replied, trying not to stare at the wide-eyed beauty in front of me.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked, blushing slightly as he noticed my gaze.

"Pretty good considering I slept in a hotel bed." I replied, sitting up to lean against the headboard. I didn't have any clothes on, so I pulled the duvet up around my chest.

"How about you? Did you sleep good?" I asked.

"Very well thank you." Danny smiled. "You wanna go get food?"

"Mhm." I replied, "Where at?"

"It's a surprise." He smirked.

"Danny." I said.

"Hm?" He replied, trying not to laugh.

"I hate surprises. You know this." I stated.

"I know. But it's a good one. I promise." He chuckled.

"I hate you." I mumbled, smirking.

"I love you too. And it'll be worth it." I said, pulling on boxers.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I chuckled, climbing out of bed and putting on a pair of pink boyshorts and a neon yellow bra.

"What do you want to do after breakfast?" He asked me, pulling on white skinny jeans
and sliding his yellow studded belt through the belt loops.

"I don't care. Surprise me." I replied, not thinking before speaking. I pulled on black leggings with holes in them and slid on white jean shirts over the leggings.

"Surprise you, eh? I thought you hate surprises." He said, his tone slightly mocking.

"I'm willing to let you surprise me in Sacramento, but only because I have a couple surprises for you once we get to L.A." I smiled, pulling on my favorite striped shirt.

"Alright. You're stuck now." He chuckled, pulling his black v-neck over his wet hair.

"I know." I said, standing on my toes to kiss him, before heading to the bathroom.

I finished doing my hair as Danny dried his. Once he started straightening the waves out, I put on my makeup. I created a smokey eye, put on black eyeliner, and finished it off with mascara.

We both finished in the bathroom and slid on our shoes. I had my checked Vans slip-ons and he had his yellow Vans.

"Ready?" He asked as I slid my credit card and my cell phone into my back pocket.

"Yessir. Let's go." I sighed, grabbing his hand.

"Well then we're off to explore the exciting and surprising scene of Sacramento." He chuckled after he emphasized 'surprising'. He shut our hotel door behind us before saying, "You ready for a day full of surprises?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." I sighed, squeezing his hand softly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Remember to check out my Polyvore account to see all the outfits!!!

Next Chapter should be up soon. This is just a filler to transition from the hotel to the city.
when I say give you say feedback.