Status: Still writing!

Memoirs of an Emo Romantic

Purple Suit.

[Danny's POV]

Kat put the finishing touches on my tattoo.

Seeing Corey get my initials made me want to get hers. So Kat made a couple of flames around the dragon and inside the flames she placed Corey's initials.

I was looking at my side again when Oliver walked out of the office.

"That's awesome, mate. And keep that girl of yours close. She's pretty awesome. See ya later. Thanks again Kat." He smirked, waving goodbye.

"No problem Ols. See ya tonight?" She hugged him.

"Definitely." He walked out.

Corey came out of Kat's office and looked at me. "You got flames. Sexy."

"I got more than flames." I smirked, pointing out the initials.

"Oh my God. Danny, I fucking love you." She grinned, pecking my lips.

"I fucking love you too."

"Hey Kat?" Corey asked.

"Yea dude?"

"Oli invited us to some underground rave thing tonight. Are you goin'?"

My jaw dropped as I stared at Corey in disbelief.

I'm going to a rave with Oliver Fucking Sykes? Fuck yes!

"For sure babes. I'll see you there right?" Kat replied, looking up from her laptop.

"Most definitely. Oh, I'm 'borrowing' some stuff. That okay?" Corey asked, using air quotes.

"For sure girl," Kat smiled, "I'm taking lunch. I'll see you dudes tonight."

"I'll leave the money for our tat's in the cash bag."

"Alright. Love you chica! Bye Danny-boy." Kat smiled, walking into her office and shutting the large door.

Corey put the money in the bag as I pulled my shirt over my head.

"Where do you wanna go?" I asked Corey after we walked out of High Voltage.

"I was thinking we go try on ridiculous clothes and make fun of each other?" Corey suggested.

"Sounds good." I smiled, closing her hand in mine.


We walked into some vintage thrift shop and Corey stopped.

"You pick out clothes for me, and I'll get some for you. Kay?" She asked.

I smirked and replied, "Deal."

Ten minutes later we both had our arms full of different, outrageous, normal, and just plain weird clothes.

We both went into separate, small dressing rooms with each other's hand selected clothes.

The first outfit I saw was a purple suit.

"Really Cor? A PURPLE suit?" I laughed.

"That's really the only bad one. I promise. At least you didn't get a fucking poodle skirt." She giggled through the stall across from mine.

"That's what it's called?" I chuckled.

"Tell me when you're ready." She replied. I could hear the smiled in her voice.

" Done." I snorted at my reflection in the full-length mirror.

"Kay..." Corey said as we both stepped out of our stalls.

We both cracked up laughing once we took in each other's appeareance.

After regaining out composure we headed back into the stalls.

After a couple outfits we got to the last set.

I smiled as I noticed what my last outfit was.

A jedi costume. Fuck yes.

"Ready?" Corey called out.

"Yea." I replied, pulling back the curtain.

My jaw dropped when I saw her.

The short, black dress fit her perfectly.

She chuckled at my reaction. "Y'like?"

"I knew it'd look stunning, but I didn't expect THAT." I stammered.

"I think I'll get it for tonight?" She spun around.

I nodded, fast.

Her phone vibrated in her pocket of her discarded skinny jeans. She fished out her phone, her dress sliding higher on her toned legs.

"Wh-who is it?" I cleared my throat, trying to move my gaze while thinking of hurting puppies and Marilyn Manson. Anything to get rid of the growing problem in my pants.

"Oli. He texted me the time and address of that rave thing. Still wanna go?" She replied, blushing when she noticed my problem.

"Yea. No promises I'll be able to contain my, um, feelings tonight though..." I stated, looking down.

"I never said you had to." She winked, concealing herself with the curtain.

"We should head out so we can get ready." She said as I shut my curtain.

"Sounds good." I replied, pulling my shirt over my head.
♠ ♠ ♠
Outiftsssss :D

I lied, the NEXT chapter will be the rave...not this one.
And the chapter after that I have planned.
Butttttttttttttt, I really like hearing from you guys about how you feel about the story...
Sooooo, yea...

I love youuuu(: